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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CERES LIBER LIBERAQUE, AEDES (search)
v. 15); and a painting of Bacchus (and Ariadne ?) that was brought from Corinth by Mummius (Plin. NH xxxv. 24, 99; Strabo viii. 381; cf. Merlin 162). Twice it was struck by lightning (Liv. xxviii. 11. 4; App. BC i. 78), and twice it is mentioned in connection with prodigies (Liv. xl. 2. 2; xli. 28. 2). It was burned down in 31 B.C., restored by Augustus, and dedicated by Tiberius in 17 A.D. (Cass. Dio 1. 10; Tac. Ann. ii. 49; Merlin, 366- 367; CIL vi. 9969), and was standing in the fourth century (Not. Reg. XI). The site of the temple was near the west end of the circus on the Aventine side, but how far up the slope is not certain-perhaps near the junction of the modern Vicolo di S. Sabina and Via S. Maria in Cosmedin (Dionys. vi. 94; Liv. xl. 2. 1; DAP 2. vi. 238-239; Merlin 93-95, and literature cited there; BC 1914, 115), but no traces of it have been found. The worship of Ceres was essentially plebeian, and the political importance of this temple was very great. It was
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CIRCUS GAI ET NERONIS: (search)
CIRCUS GAI ET NERONIS: built by Caligula as a private course for chariot racing in the HORTI AGRIPPINAE (q.v.). It was called circus Gai et Neronis (Plin. NH xxxvi. 74) and circus Vaticanus (ib. xvi. 200), and was a favourite place for the sports and orgies of Claudius and Nero (cf. Suet. Claud. 21; Tac. Ann. xiv. 14 (?); Suet. Nero 53 (?)). On the spina Caligula erected an obelisk (OBELISCUS VATICANUS (q.v.) ) from Heliopolis (Plin. NH xvi. 201; xxxvi. 74; CIL vi. 882 =3 1911). In the fourth century the north side of the circus was destroyed to make room for the first basilica of St. Peter, and the south wall and the two southernmost rows of columns of the church were built on the three parallel north walls of the circus (see plan in Lanciani, Pagan and Christian Rome 129). In the fifth century two mausolea were erected on part of the spina, one of them being the tomb of the wife of the Emperor Honorius (see Lanciani, op. cit. 198-205; Mel. 1902,388). One of these was destroyed abo
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CIRCUS MAXIMUS (search)
t of various divinities who were worshipped in the circus -- CASTOR AND POLLUX, SOL, MAGNA MATER, NEPTUNE, VENUS MURCIA (qq.v.), and some minor deities. Their shrines were either on the spina or in the cavea (HJ 140). The seating capacity of the circus has given rise to much discussion. Dionysius' statement (iii. 68) that the Augustan building held 150,000 spectators, and Pliny's (xxxvi. 102) that in his time it held 250,000, have both been questioned; and that of the Notitia that in the fourth century it had 385,000 loca has been interpreted to mean that number of running feet of seats, which would accommodate about 200,000 spectators. This seems reasonable, but there is no doubt that the capacity of the building was greatly increased after the time of Augustus and on this basis Dionysius' figure would seem too high. Estimates of the final capacity vary from a maximum of 385,000 to a minimum of 140,000, but no certainty has been reached (BC 1894, 321-324; Richter 178; HJ 137; RE ii
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CLAUDIUS, DIVUS, TEMPLUM (search)
cated on the Caelian in connection with the temple of Claudius (FUR p. 33; cf. however, Mnemosyne, 1906, 83-84). The reading desipientis (=insanae) is here proposed. Three fragments of the Marble Plan (45, 77, 96) probably belong together and represent parts of this temple and the buildings of the aqueduct, but they contain no indication of a porticus (Mitt. 1903, 20). Nevertheless, it is probable that the porticus Claudia surrounded the temple. The last mention of the temple is in the fourth century (Not. Reg. II), though a bull of Honorius III of 1217 speaks of the formae et alia aedificia positae intra clausuram Clodei. Nothing is known of the history of its destruction. It was (if the combination suggested above of the fragments of the forma Urbis is correct) prostyle hexastyle, fronting towards the north, and stood on a lofty and extensive podium, some of the substructures of which have been excavated and are now visible (LS i. 71; iii. 76; Ann. d. Inst. 1882, 205; NS 1880, 463;
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, COLUMNA MAENIA (search)
COLUMNA MAENIA a column erected in 338 B.C. in honour of C. Maenius, the victor in the naval battle at Antium (Plin. NH xxxiv. 20), which stood near the basilica Porcia and the Carcer (Plin. NH vii. 212; Cic. div. in Caec. 50; pro Sest. 18 and schol. Bob. ad loc.; Plut. Cato min. 5). Another tradition, probably false, attributed the column to a later Maenius who, when he sold his house to Cato the Censor to make room for the basilica Porcia, reserved one column that he might use it as a support for the platform from which to view the games in the forum (Asc. in Cic. div. in Caec. 50, p. 120, Or.; Porphyr. ad Hor. Sat. i. 3. 21; BC 1914, 106). This column was standing in the fourth century (Sym. Ep. v. 54. 3; Jord. i. 2. 345; Mitt. 1893, 84, 92; O'Connor, Bull. Univ. Wisconsin iii. 188-192; Gilb. iii. 212-213; DR 469, 470).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, COLUMNA PHOCAE (search)
fluted Corinthian column of white marble, 1.39 metres in diameter and 13.60 high, on which was placed the statue of Phocas in gilt bronze. This column stood on a marble base, which in turn rests on a square brick pedestal which was entirely surrounded by flights of nine steps made of tufa blocks taken from other structures. The steps on the north and east sides were removed in 1903. The whole monument cannot have been erected by Smaragdus, for the brick pedestal belongs probably to the fourth century, while the column, from its style and execution, must be earlier still. The pedestal was probably built at the same time as those in front of the basilica Iulia, and the column set upon it. Smaragdus simply set the statue of Phocas on the column and constructed the pyramid of tufa steps around the pedestal (as Nichols in Archaeologia lii. i. (1889) 183-194 had already supposed). Cf. Jord. i. 2. 246; Mitt. 1891, 88-90; 1902, 58-59; 1905, 68; Atti 577-580; HC 96-97; RE Suppl. iv. 501, 502
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, COMITIUM (search)
fragmentary condition as far as the black marble pavement. It consists of roughly laid slabs of travertine, and is about 20 centimetres higher than the marble pavement just described. Resting partly on each of the two pavements is the circular marble basin of a fountain, with an octagonal space for the foot of a large bowl-perhaps that which now stands on the Quirinal (BC 1900, 13-25). Good though the workmanship is, it is generally assigned to the fourth or fifth century A.D. In the fourth century A.D. several pedestals with dedicatory inscriptions were set up in the comitium-a dedication by Maxentius to Mars Invictus and the founders of the city (see SEPULCRUM ROMULI), a dedication to Constantius by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus and a third with scanty traces of a dedication to Iulianus. At various points in the comitium are twenty-one small, shallow pits made of slabs of tufa set vertically, of various shapes; they are generally covered with stone slabs, and are similar to those foun
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, DIANA, AEDES (search)
edem Dianae dedicaverit in Aventino cuius tutelae sint cervi). This temple was rebuilt by L. Cornificius during the reign of Augustus (Suct. Aug. 29). In this form it may be shown on coins (BM Rep. ii. 15. 4355=Aug. 643); and it is probably represented under the name aedes Dianae Cornificianae on a fragment (2) of the Marble Plan (BC 1891, 210-216; CIL vi. 4305: aedituus Dianae Cornif.), where it is drawn as octostyle and dipteral, surrounded by a double colonnade. It was standing in the fourth century (Not. Reg. XIII), but no trace of it has been found. According to Censorinus (loc. cit.) one of the oldest sun-dials in Rome was on this temple, and it contained a wooden statue resembling that of Diana at Ephesus (Strabo iv. I. 5) brought to Rome from Marseilles, and another of marble (Plin. NH xxxvi. 32 : in magna admiratione est.... Hecate Ephesi in templo Dianae post aedem). In the Augustan period it contained a bronze stele on which was engraved the compact between Rome and the Lat
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, DIS PATER, AEDES (search)
DIS PATER, AEDES a temple in Region XI which is mentioned only in Not. (not in Cur.). It is probably the AEDES SUMMANI (q.v.), as Summanus was explained in the third and fourth century as Summus Manium, and so identified with Dis Pater (WR 135; HJ 119; Gilb. iii. 436; Rosch. iv. 1601). Cf. also ELAGABALUS, TEMPLUM.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, DIVORUM TEMPLUM (search)
his does not agree with the orientation of the porticus as shown on the Forma Urbis, and also makes it too small. It is therefore probable that these remains belong to some of the private buildings between the porticus and the Saepta which were orientated with the latter (Mitt. 1903, 23). and contained a grove and altar besides the temples. Stuart Jones (Quarterly Review, Oct. 1925, 393) believes that the relief of the Suovetaurilia in the Louvre (Companion pl. 50) belongs to the 'high altar' of this temple. After the fourth century there is no mention of the structure, but its name is preserved in the Diburi or Diburo of several mediaeval documents in connection with the monastery of S. Ciriaco in Camiliano (HJ 564-567; HCh 243, 589). Many architectural remains have been found on the site of the building, but not such as to permit of a reconstruction. It should be noted that Bufalini in his plan marks 'Colonato antiqui' (sic) on the south side of the church of S. Stefano del Cacco.