Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May, 2 AD or search for May, 2 AD in all documents.

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Charleston, Feb. 3--Arrived, schr. Chief, Norfolk. Baltimore, Feb. 5.--Cleared, schr. Butterfly, Norfolk. Sailed, bark Columbia, for City Point, to finish loading for Bremen. New York, Feb. 4.--Cleared, schrs. Margaret, Petersburg; Gallege, Richmond. Norfolk, Feb. 5.--Arrived, schr. Ben Vandiver, Richmond. [by Telegraph.] Hampton Roads, Feb. 6.--Arrived, ships Messenger, Sachem and Mary Bangs, 103 days from Callao. Schr. Gen. Marion, Matanzas. Charleston, Feb. 3--Arrived, schr. Chief, Norfolk. Baltimore, Feb. 5.--Cleared, schr. Butterfly, Norfolk. Sailed, bark Columbia, for City Point, to finish loading for Bremen. New York, Feb. 4.--Cleared, schrs. Margaret, Petersburg; Gallege, Richmond. Norfolk, Feb. 5.--Arrived, schr. Ben Vandiver, Richmond. [by Telegraph.] Hampton Roads, Feb. 6.--Arrived, ships Messenger, Sachem and Mary Bangs, 103 days from Callao. Schr. Gen. Marion, Matanzas.
Texas gone out! Galveston,Feb. 5,--The Ordinance of Secession was passed on the 1st inst., by 166 to 7. The Governor, Legislature, Supreme Judges and Commissioners were present. The result is to be voted on, on the 23d of February. If adopted, it will go into effect on the 2d of March. Gov. Houston recognizes the legality of the Convention. He says the people have declared for a Southern Confederacy, and if they can have none Texas will form an Independent Republic herself. The news from Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana, had created great excitement in Northern Texas.
The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], The name of the Southern Confederacy. (search)
The Southern Confederacy Convention. Montgomery,Feb. 5.--The Convention met again this morning and proceeded to business. During a discussion on the adoption of rules, Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, said "the rules were made on the Principle that we are a Congress of sovereign and independent States, and we must vote as States." Pending a discussion on the adoption of resolutions providing for the appointment of a committee to report a form of Provisional Government, the Convention went into secret session. A bill appropriating $500,000 to the cause of Southern independence passed both Houses of the Alabama Legislature to-day. The Governor has signed the bill legalizing bank suspensions. The stay law was defeated in the Senate, but an effort will be made to-morrow to reconsider it, which, it is thought, will be successful. [Second Dispatch.] Montgomery, Ala.,Feb. 6. --The North Carolina Commissioners presented their credentials and were tendered seats
The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Boston courtesy to a Southern merchant. (search)
Later from California--arrival of the PonyExpress. Fort Kearney,Feb. 5.--The Pony Express passed here at 2 A. M., with San Francisco advices of Jan. 19, 3:40 P. M. The election of Speaker of the Assembly on the 14th, was effected by a coalition between the Republicans and Douglas Democrats. A similar coalition will be attempted to elect a Douglas ' candidate of Northern bias U. S. Senator. A portion of the Breckinridge and Douglas members are negotiating to combine on some Southern Douglas Democrat. The Governor's message was delivered on the 18th. The principal feature was the strong ground taken in favor of preserving the Union, and opposition to a Pacific Republic under any circumstances. He urges a petitioning of Congress to alter the Eastern boundary of California so as to take in the Washoe silver region. The receipts of the State Treasury during the past year exceeds the expenditures by $86,000. A Union meeting is proposed at Sacramento, when all t
Death of Rev. Nicholas Murray. Newark,Feb. 5.--The Rev. Nicholas Murray, D. D., the well known "Kirwan," died last evening, at his residence in Elizabeth, of a disease of the heart. He was a prominent man in the Old School Presbyterian Church, and pastor of the First Church, in Elizabeth, for many years.
Union meeting in Boston. Boston,Feb. 5.--The Union meeting in Faneuil Hall to-day is very fully attended.--Mayor Wightman called the meeting to order, and J. Thomas Stevenson was chosen President.
From Albany. Albany,Feb. 5.--The Senate has passed a bill appropriating $100,000 for the Kansas sufferers. Judge Ira Harris was to-day elected by the Legislature to the United States Senate.
Aid for Kansas. Albant,Feb. 5.--The State Assembly have passed a bill appropriating $100,000 for the relief of the Kansas sufferers.
Northern Markets. New York,Feb. 6.--Cotton declined ic. --Uplands Middling 11 ½ cents Flour lower — Southern $5.50@5.60. Wheat steady — Red $1.30@1.34; White $1.40@1.50. Corn lower — Mixed 66 ½ @68 cents; White Southern 76 cents. Pork dull — Mess $17.75; Prime $13. Sugar-- Orleans 4 ½@5 ½ cents. Coffee steady, at 10 ½@12 ½ cents. Other articles unchanged. Sales in New York, Feb. 5, of $2000 Va. 6's at 72 ½. Baltimore,Feb. 6.--Flour active and firm — Howard and Ohio $5.25. Wheat steady — red $1.33; white $1.45. Corn firm-- White 68@73; yellow 61@67. Provisions active — mess pork $18. Lard 10 ½. Coffee active at 12 ½@13.