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Theodo'rus 37. Of GADARA (*Qeo/dwros *Gadareu/s), an eminent rhetorician of the age of Augustus. His surname indicates his birth-place, Gadara, in the country east of the Jordan. (See also Strabo, Geogr. lib. xvi. p. 759, Casaub.) He is said to have been originally a slave (Suidas). He appears to have settled at Rhodes, where Tiberius, afterwards emperor, during his retirement (from B. C. 6 to A. D. 2) to that island, was one of his hearers. (Quintil. Instit. Orat. lib. iii. c. 1. ยงยง 17, 18; comp. Seneca, Suasoria, iii. sub fin.) According to Suidas he was also settled at Rome, where he was the rival of Polemon and Antipater, the rhetoricians (Suidas, s.v. *Qeo/dwros *Gadareus). Whether his settlement at Rome preceded that at Rhodes is uncertain : it is likely that it did, and that Tiberius received instruction from him in rhetoric in his boyhood, as well as in maturer years, during his retreat at Rhodes. By this supposition we may reconcile the statement given above from Quintilian
who predicted that he would be emperor. (Tac. Ann. 6.21.) Augustus had not been very ready to allow Tiberius to retire to Rhodes, and he was not willing to let him come back; but, at the instance of Caius Caesar, Tiberius was allowed to return, A. D. 2. He was relieved from one trouble during his absence, for his wife Julia was banished to the island of Pandataria (B. C. 2), and he never saw her again. (D. C. 55.10.) Suetonius says that Tiberius, by letter, entreated the emperor to let Julia keep whatever he had given her. Tiberius was employed in public affairs until the death of L. Caesar (A. D. 2). which was followed by the death of C. Caesar (A. D. 4). Augustus, now being without a successor of his own blood, adopted Tiberius, the son of his wife Livia, with the view of leaving to him the power that he had himself acquired; and at the same time he required Tiberius to adopt Germanicus, the son of his brother Drusus, though Tiberius had a son Drusus by his wife Vipsania. (Sueto
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
o be the lawyer, and says that he was a native of Cremona, where he carried on the trade of a barber or a botcher of shoes (for there are both readings, sutor and tonsor) ; that he came to Rome, where he became a pupil of Servius Sulpicius, attained the dignity of the consulship, and was honoured with a public funeral. Pomponius also states that Varus attained the consular dignity; but this will not prove the rest of the scholiast's story to be true. The P. Alfenius Varus, who was consul in A. D. 2, can hardly be the jurist who was the pupil of Servius ; and it is conjectured that he may have been the jurist's son. It is impossible to determine what credit is due to the scholiast on Horace : he must have found the story somewhere, or have invented it. Indeed he and other scholiasts do sometimes favour us with a commentary which tells us nothing more than the text. On this question, a note of Wieland (No. 12) to his translation of the Satires of Horace may be consulted. The fact of an
Vini'cius 3. M. Vinicius, P. F., consul suffectus B. C. 19, commanded in Germany in B. C. 25, and in consequence of his successes received the triumphal ornaments; but as he declined these, an arch was erected to his honour in the Alps. (D. C. 53.27.) He again commanded in Germany in A. D. 2, and again received the triumphal ornaments and an inscription to his honour, perhaps on his statue in the forum. (Vell. 2.104.)
Vini'cius 4. P. VINICIUS M. F. P. N., the son of No. 3, was consul A. D. 2 with P. Alfenius Varus, when Tiberius returned to Rome from Rhodes. (Vell. 2.103.) Seneca mentions this P. Vinicius and his brother Lucius as two celebrated orators. (M. Senec. Controv. 2, 3, 4, 20, 21, &c.; comp. L. Senec. Ep. 40.)