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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4, Chapter 10: death of Mrs. Garrison.—final visit to England.—1876, 1877. (search)
ave made in America, throughout your life, for the principle of the absolute equality of all human beings; and, more lately, in our own land, for the application of that principle as between men and women, in presence of the moral law. Thanks to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Butler and her noble host of supporters, and to the splendid leadership in the House of Commons of the Right Hon. James Stansfeld, Jr., the revolting features of the Contagious Diseases Acts were finally repealed in April, 1886. Another farewell reception was given at the house of William Crosfield, Jr., on the evening of the 24th of August, and on the following day Mr. Garrison and his son began their homeward voyage in the Bothnia, landing in New York ten days later. The tedium of the days at sea was beguiled not a little by the perusal of Edmund Quincy's letters of many years to Richard D. Webb, which the latter's son had entrusted to Mr. Garrison, and from which we have extracted somewhat freely in th
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), The Charities of Cambridge. (search)
o alleviate poverty will go far towards supporting schools for higher education in this important branch of learning. Two kinds of sufferers appeal preeminently and eternally to our sympathies — the sick, and the children deprived of natural protectors. Cambridge has made good provision for meeting both the needs here suggested. The Cambridge Hospital, with which the name of Miss Emily E. Parsons, its first instigator, must always be honorably associated, was opened for patients in April, 1886. It is unusually comfortable and cheerful in aspect even for a hospital. The sun seems to shed its most genial glow over it in winter, and the breeze which sweeps through it in summer always strikes one as freshet than that obtainable in any other spot in the city. How much of this is due to the effect of that spirit of mutual forbearance and cheerful resignation, which reigns supreme here as in hospital wards everywhere, and how much to the wisdom of the original plan and the efficien
fense of Richmond and Petersburg he was one of the trusted brigadiers of Pickett's division, and finally, on March 31, 1865, just before the abandonment of the Confederate capital, he fell severely wounded near Dinwiddie Court House, leading his men in the successful fight of Pickett's division, which preceded the disaster at Five Forks. After the close of the war he served eight years in the Virginia senate, held the office of superintendent of the State penitentiary two terms, and from April, 1886, to 1893, was superintendent of the Soldiers' Home at Richmond. This office he was forced to surrender by failing health, which continued until his death, March 28, 1897, at his home in Chesterfield county. He was married in young manhood to Miss Pemberton, of Powhatan, who, with two sons and three daughters, survived him. Brigadier-General Henry Harrison Walker Brigadier-General Henry Harrison Walker, a native of Virginia, was appointed from that State to the United States milita
he yielded to the council's substitution. Before Mr. Soule‘s letter could be copied, Lieutenant Kautz and Midshipman Read came on shore with a peremptory written demand for the unqualified surrender of the city and the hoisting of the emblem of the sovereignty of the United States over the city hall, the custom house and the mint. The day was Saturday, April 26th, and the hour was by meridian of that day. Farragut's Demand for the Surrender of New Orleans.— Baker, in Century Magazine, April, 1886. Baker delivered the mayor's reply to Captain Farragut. With Mr. Soule‘s letter, now properly copied, went one paragraph added by the mayor himself, promising a reply to the official demand. Meanwhile a question had been creeping up, destined to assume a tragic prominence a few days later. The private secretary felt its sinister presence when he first saw Captain Farragut. As a matter of fact, Mr. Baker says, the United States flag had already been raised on the mint, and I called <
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The monument. (search)
ttee or Association, were filed on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1885, the incorporators being E. A. O'Neal, W. S. Reese, W. L. Bragg, Josiah Morris, William B. Jones, W. W. Screws, William W. Allen, Jacob Griel, John W. A. Sanford, H. A. Herbert, J. B. Gaston, Thomas G. Jones, H. C. Tompkins, J. H. Higgins and D. S. Rice. W. S. Reese was elected chairman and T. J. Rutledge secretary of the board of incorporators. It was under the auspices of this organization that Mr. Davis came to Montgomery in April, 1886, and laid the corner stone of the present noble and everlasting monument to the Confederate soldiers of Alabama. The men who started the work of building the monument, and all who aided them, have cause to feel grateful for the glorious result. It took only a short while to develop the fact that no matter how earnest or industrious they might be, they would not be able to carry out their plans. In this emergency, the Ladies' Memorial Association, established to keep alive and per
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Occasional Poems (search)
nks are closed and whole. Hail and farewell! We go our way; Where shadows end, we trust in light; The star that ushers in the night Is herald also of the day! Norumbega Hall. Norumbega Hall at Wellesley College, named in honor of Eben Norton Horsford, who has been one of the most munificent patrons of that noble institution, and who had just published an essay claiming the discovery of the site of the somewhat mythical city of Norumbega, was opened with appropriate ceremonies, in April, 1886. The following sonnet was written for the occasion, and was read by President Alice E. Freeman, to whom it was addressed. not on Penobscot's wooded bank the spires Of the sought City rose, nor yet beside The winding Charles, nor where the daily tide Of Naumkeag's haven rises and retires, The vision tarried; but somewhere we knew The beautiful gates must open to our quest, Somewhere that marvellous City of the West Would lift its towers and palace domes in view, And, lo! at last its my
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., The first Methodist Episcopal Church of Medford. (search)
the sum of $4,000 toward the church debt. He was succeeded by Revs. James W. Fenn, and Lyman D. Bragg. Mr. Bragg's three years pastorate proved to be a very eventful one. The church was repaired and painted at a cost of about $1,000. Two revivals occurred, in which some notable conversions took place, and the young people were organized into a society called the Oxford League, which later developed into the Epworth League. At the beginning of the second year of Mr. Bragg's ministry, April, 1886, he asked to be allowed to raise the whole debt of the church, $13,000. After much earnest and prayerful deliberation the Official Board accepted the offer, and this tireless man went to work. He published a four-page monthly called The Enterprise, which proved very helpful in many ways. The Ladies' Social Circle held fairs, suppers and entertainments, the various societies of the church put their shoulders under the load and with a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together, th
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 13., The Congregational Church of West Medford. (search)
d Parker a Debt-raising Committee, with liberty to add to their number. They added Mr. Hood, and sent him to the Old South Society, Boston, from whom he secured two thousand dollars. The balance and one thousand two hundred dollars for repairs was secured on pledges, to be paid in two years. The pledge books were deposited in the bank as collateral for a loan with which the mortgage was purchased and the interest on it stopped. The pledges were paid in and the society was free from debt April, 1886. About the same time a bell was placed in the tower at a cost of five hundred dollars, contributed by citizens. A Hutchings pipe organ, costing one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars, was first used in public worship February 6, 1887. With the debt lifted, there came a different atmosphere. The young people's prayer meeting and the Willing Hands were reorganized into the Christian Helpers, whose members were enthusiastic in both branches of the work. The Sabbath-school