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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 16: return to Richmond.-President of Washington College.--death and Burial. (search)
te of Virginia than any one else. General Lee was also pre-sented with a magnificently illustrated Bible from Mr. Hope and his wife, Lady Mildred, a sister of the present Lord Salisbury, together with other members of the family and friends. The dedication reads thus: General Robert E. Lee, Commanding the Confederate Army, from the Undersigned Englishmen and Englishwomen, recognizing the Genius of the General, admiring the Humanity of the Man, respecting the Virtues of the Christian. October 18, 1864. wrote from Bedgebery Park, Cranbrook, England, November 25, 1872, to Mrs. Lee, thanking her for photographs of General Lee, and added, They embody to us heroic virtue and purest patriotism, the most exalted military genius, the highest and purest domestic excellence, while the impress of your pencil and your autograph doubles their value. From Aldenham Bridge, North Shropshire, England, a lady sent Mrs. Lee a copy of a lecture delivered by her husband, and wrote, January 24, 1866,
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 39: again in front of Richmond. (search)
but, unfortunately, as our resources became more circumscribed, the officers, instead of putting forth stronger efforts in their business, seemed to lose the energy of their former service, and General Lee found himself called upon to feed as well as fight his army. Although anxious to assist in his severe trials, and relieve him of part of his work, I feared that he might think a cripple an additional incumbrance, and wrote the chief of staff,-- Randolph's House, Near Richmond, Va., October 18, 1864. Colonel W. H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant-General: Sir,-- I have not reported formally for duty, because I doubted the propriety of being assigned, in my crippled condition, to position now filled by officers of vigorous health. If I can be of service in any position, I prefer to go to duty. If there is nothing to which I can be assigned on this side of the Mississippi River, without displacing an efficient officer, I will cheerfully accept service in the Trans-Mississippi Departme
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
Early, meanwhile, taking counsel of prudence, after his bitter experience at the Monocacy, moved cautiously toward Washington, along the great highway from Frederick to Georgetown, while the remnant of the National troops, under Wallace, took position at Ellicott's Mills. The latter passed into the temporary command of General Ord, and Wallace resumed the special and most difficult and delicate duties of the Middle Department at that time. Slavery in Maryland was abolished on the 18th of October, 1864, when the people of Maryland, by a majority of 379, ratified a new Constitution for that State, making provision for the freedom of all. Evil-disposed slave-holders tried to evade the law, and General Wallace found it necessary to issue a general order on the 9th of November, establishing a freedman's bureau — the first ever organized-and placing all persons within the limits of the Middle Department, heretofore slaves, but now free by the operation of the new Constituttion, under spe
: 213 killed, 1,154 wounded, 311 missing; total, 1,678. On September 29th, Birney crossed again with his corps, and fought at Chaffin's Farm, his command consisting of Terry's and Ames' divisions, together with a brigade of colored troops, under General William Birney. Loss: 74 killed, 587 wounded, 302 missing; total, 963. In the unsuccessful attack on Fort Gilmer, and at Newmarket heights, these colored troops displayed great gallantry. General David B. Birney died at Philadelphia, October 18, 1864, and was succeeded by General Terry, who was in command of the corps during the fighting on the Darbytown Road, and at the battle of Fair Oaks, October 27, 1864. On December 3, 1864, the corps was discontinued, and its regiments were assigned to the newly formed Twenty-fourth Corps, which was composed of the white troops from the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps. But immediately after this transfer, Ames' Division, together with Abbott's Brigade of this new corps, were detached and ordere
Va. 16 Antietam, Md. 8 Petersburg, Va. (assault, 1864) 18 Fredericksburg, Va. 39 Petersburg Trenches, Va. 9 Chancellorsville, Va. 1 Deep Bottom, Va. 4 Gettysburg, Pa. 11 Ream's Station, Va. 1 Bristoe Station, Va. 1 Picket, Va., Oct. 18, 1864 1 Wilderness, Va. 2 White Oak Road, Va. 20 Spotsylvania, Va. 41 Farmville, Va. 2 Present, also, at Yorktown; Gaines's Mill; Peach Orchard; Savage Station; White Oak Swamp; Malvern Hill; Mine Run; Po River; North Anna; Strawberry P Manassas, Va. 2 Cold Harbor, Va. 5 South Mountain, Md. 1 Petersburg Va., assault, 1864 11 Antietam, Md. 21 Siege of Petersburg, Va. 5 Chancellorsville, Va. 3 Weldon Railroad, Va., June 22, 1864 3 Gettysburg, Pa. 9 Picket, Va., Oct. 18, 1864 1 Brandy Station, Va. 1 Boydton Road, Va. 5 Mine Run, Va. 1 Place unknown 1 Wilderness, Va. 26     Present, also, at Falmouth; Fredericksburg; Wapping Heights; Auburn; Kelly's Ford; Po River; Hatcher's Run. notes.--Berdan's
ness In April, 1864, General Meade's headquarters lay north of the Rapidan. The Signal Corps was kept busy transmitting the orders preliminary to the Wilderness campaign, which was to begin May 5th. The headquarters are below the brow of the hill. A most important part of the Signal Corps' duty was the interception and translation of messages interchanged between the Confederate signal-men. A veteran of Sheridan's army tells of his impressions as follows: On the evening of the 18th of October, 1864, the soldiers of Sheridan's army lay in their lines at Cedar Creek. Our attention was suddenly directed to the ridge of Massanutten, or Three Top Mountain, the slope of which covered the left wing of the army—the Eighth Corps. A lively series of signals was being flashed out from the peak, and it was evident that messages were being sent both eastward and westward of the ridge. I can recall now the feeling with which we looked up at those flashes going over our heads, knowing that
as killed. As major-general of volunteers, he had a division at Fredcricksburg and Chancellorsville and commanded the Third Corps at Gettysburg after Major-General Sickles was wounded, holding it from time to time until February, 1864. In tle new organization of the Army of the Potomac (March, 1864), he had a division in the Second Corps until July, when he was given command of the Tenth Corps, Army of the James. While in this position he contracted a fever, and died in Philadelphia, October 18, 1864. Eleventh Army Corps When the Army of Virginia was discontinued, September 12, 1862, its First Corps, which had been the troops of the Mountain Department under Rosecrans and Fremont, and had been led by Sigel in the Pope campaign, was merged in the Army of the Potomac as the Eleventh Corps. It remained on the line of Manassas during the Antietam campaign, did not reach Fredericksburg in time for the battle, and at Chancellorsville was badly routed by Stonewall Jackson, because i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. (search)
Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. June 1st It was our intention to-day to make a strong movement by our right — Hoke towards old Cold Harbor, and Kershaw towards Beulah church from the position to which he had gone last night — and orders were given to that effect. Hoke did not become engaged, but took a line on the right. Kershaw puts in his own brigade supported by another. Keitt's big regiment gives way, and in the effort to rally it Keitt is mortally wounded. Pickett is closed into the right on Kershaw, and the latter on Hoke. Field closes in on Pickett. In the afternoon a furious attack is made on the left of Hoke and right of Kershaw, enemy penetrating an interval between them. Clingman's brigade gives way. Wofford's, on his left, being flanked, does the same. The Fifty-third Georgia, on Wofford's left, ditto. Kershaw brings up the Second and Third South Carolina regiments a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1864 (search)
egislature; and practised law in Huntsville. Returning to Kentucky in 1834, he emancipated his slaves, and proposed to print there an anti-slavery paper. He could not find a printer to undertake it; so he went to Ohio and established one, at great personal risk, the opposition to abolitionists then being very vehement everywhere. About 1836 he was in New York as secretary of the American Anti-Slavery Society, and tried to build up a political party upon that sole issue. He went to England in 1840, and took part in the anti-slavery movements there. In 1844 he was the candidate of the liberty party (q. v.) for the Presidency, the result of which was not only his own defeat, but that of Henry Clay, the candidate of the Whig party for the same office. Mr. Birney was the father of the meritorious (Gen. David Bell Birney, who did excellent service for the Union in the Civil War, and died in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 18. 1864. James (G. Birney died in Perth Amboy, N. J., Nov. 25, 1857.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shenandoah Valley, chronology of the operations in the (search)
g. 7, 1864 Sheridan attacks and defeats Early, strongly fortified at Opequan Creek, near WinchesterSept. 19, 1864 Early falls back to Fisher's Hill, south of Winchester, where Sheridan routs him, taking 1,100 prisoners and sixteen gunsSept. 23, 1864 Sheridan pushes Early to the mountains; returns to Cedar Creek, and, leaving his command, visits WashingtonOct. 15, 1864 Early, reinforced, returns to Fisher's Hill, and, learning of Sheridan's absence, sets out to attack on the evening ofOct. 18, 1864 Surprises the Federals under Wright, driving them back with a loss of twenty-four guns and 1,200 prisoners, morning ofOct. 19, 1864 Sheridan at Winchester on the night of the 18th. On his way to the front news of the rout of his army reaches him. His arrival on the field stops the retreat. Early is crushed and the campaign in the valley ended, Oct. 19, 1864. See Cedar Creek. Sheridan, with 10,000 cavalry, drives the Confederates from Waynesboro, Feb. 27, and, advancing, joins Grant