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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 32 32 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 31 31 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 22 22 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 20 20 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 15 15 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 11 11 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 11 11 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 5 5 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 7: Prisons and Hospitals. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 4 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 3 3 Browse Search
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heir hearts failed them from brooding over the needs of their helpless families, the women choked back their tears, tried to forget their bare feet, their meagre fare, their thousand alarms by night, and all the grinding want that pressed them out of youth and life, and wrote of the cheer our victories gave them, of their prayers for success, and their power to endure unto the end. One noteworthy example of the self-sacrifice of our soldiers is remembered by me with especial pride. On June 15 and 17, 1864, the women and children of Richmond had been suffering for food, and the Thirtieth Virginia sent them one day's rations of flour, pork, bacon, and veal, not from their abundance, but by going without the day's rations themselves. Yet, said a journal of that time, despatches from General Lee show that nearly every regiment in his army has re-enlisted for the war. On April 30th, when we were threatened on every side, and encompassed so perfectly that we could only hope by a m
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 12: operations against Richmond. (search)
h and his command immediately across the Appomattox, and in conjunction with Gillmore and Kautz, make another attempt upon Petersburg. He was so well satisfied that such attempt, if vigorously made, would be successful, that he looked for the possession of that City by the Army of the Potomac, within the space of three days, as a certainty. Smith arrived at Bermuda hundred on the night of the 14th. His troops, having rested on the transports, were fresh; and early the next morning, June 15, 1864. they crossed the Appomattox on a pontoon bridge, and before noon were in front of the defenses of Petersburg, northeastward of the City. The troops had marched in three columns. Kautz had kept well to the left, and threatened the defenses of the Petersburg and Norfolk railway. Brooks led the center, and Martindale the right. On the way General Hinks, with his negro brigade, had carried advanced rifle-pits and captured two. Guns; and the whole column was inspirited with the expectati
ed; and in January, 1864, a general circular was sent to the officers of the army, setting forth the plan and asking subscriptions. The response to this appeal was so universal, prompt, and earnest that the committee who had the enterprise in charge felt authorized to make choice of a site for the proposed monument and have it consecrated by appropriate religious ceremonies. Trophy Point, on the northern brow of the plain on which West Point stands, was accordingly selected, and the 15th of June, 1864, was named as the day for its dedication. General McClellan was requested to deliver the oration. On the appointed day the site for the proposed monument was consecrated by appropriate religious services. The oration by General McClellan was heard with great interest and deep attention by a very large audience, and, after its delivery, was immediately published in many of the Democratic newspapers of the country. It was much commended by all who had the opportunity to read it and
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
Appendix. Oration at West Point. Oration delivered by General Mcclellan at West Point, June 15, 1864, at the dedication of the site of a monument proposed to be erected in memory of the officers of the regular army who shall have fallen in battle during the present war. All nations have days sacred to the remembrance of joy and of grief. They have thanksgivings for success, fasting and prayers in the hour of humiliation and defeat, triumphs and paeans to greet the living and laurel-crowned victor. They have obsequies and eulogies for the warrior slain on the field of battle. Such is the duty we are to perform to-day. The poetry, the histories, the orations of antiquity, all resound with the clang of arms; they dwell rather upon rough deeds of war than the gentle arts of peace. They have preserved to us the names of heroes, and the memory of their deeds, even to this distant day. Our own Old Testament teems with the narrations of the brave actions and heroic deaths of Je
ly entitled to it, they received from the United States the full pay they had persistently claimed. And Rev. Samuel Harrison, the Black chaplain of the 54th, being refused by the U. S. paymaster the regular pay of a chaplain because cause of his color, or because of that of his regiment, appealed to Gov. Andrew; on whose representation and advocacy, backed likewise by Judge Bates's opinion as Attorney-General, he was ultimately paid in full. And, finally, it was by Congress enacted: June 15, 1864. That all persons of color who were free on the 19th day of April, 1861, and who have been enlisted and mustered into the military service of the United States, shall, from the time of their enlistment, be entitled to receive the pay, bounty, and clothing, allowed to such persons by the laws existing at the time of their enlistment. When the 54th Massachusetts were ready, in May, 1863, to proceed to the seat of war in South Carolina, application was made in their behalf to the C
ned. The Alabama had already come to grief. After a long and prosperous cruise in the South Atlantic and Indian oceans, she had returned to European waters, taking refuge in the French port of Cherbourg; when the U. S. gunboat Kearsarge, So named after a mountain in New Hampshire. which was lying in the Dutch harbor of Flushing, being notified by telegraph, came around at once to look after her. Semmes, however, seems to have been quite ready for the encounter; as he dispatched June 15, 1864. to Capt. Winslow a request that he would not leave, as he (Semmes) purposed to fight him. Winslow was glad to find their views so accordant, and was careful to heed Semmes's reasonable, courteous request. The two vessels were very fairly matched: their dimensions and armaments being respectively as follows:  Alabama.Kearsarge. Length over all220 feet.214 1/4 feet. Length on water-line210 feet.198 1/2 feet. Beam32 feet.33 feet. Depth17 feet.16 feet. Horse-power, two engines of
n in 1864, colored troops were a common feature of the armies before Richmond. Ferrero's Division of the Ninth Corps, and Hinks' Division of the Eighteenth Corps, were composed entirely of black regiments. In the first attack on Petersburg, June 15, 1864, Hinks' Division achieved a brilliant success, capturing the line of works in its front, and seven pieces of artillery. Had the Army of the Potomac arrived in time to follow up the success of the colored troops, Petersburg would have been tad Infantry 21 87   108 38th U. S. Colored Infantry 17 94   111 The Sixth had only 367 officers and men engaged, its loss being over 57 per cent. The troops in Paine's Division were the same ones which carried the works at Petersburg, June 15, 1864. In the action on the Darbytown Road, Va., October 27, 1864, the Twenty-ninth Connecticut (colored) distinguished itself by the efficiency with which it held a skirmish line for several hours, under a strong pressure. Loss, 11 killed and
erm of service of the regiment expired on the 15th of June, 1864, when it was ordered home for muster-out, and 865 2 Boonsboro, July 9, 1863 2 Malvern Hill, June 15, 1864 2 Appomattox, April 8, 1865 1 Culpeper, Sept.ed, and 4 missing. In the assault on Petersburg, June 15, 1864, it sustained a further loss of 13 killed, and 3ortally wounded. In the actions around Petersburg, June 15-23, 1864, the regiment lost 42 killed, 261 wounded, Suffolk, Va., April 13, 1863 1 Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 1 Deep Creek, Va., April 3, 1863 1 Suffolk, VEdisto Island, S. C. 2 Petersburg, Va. (assault, June 15, 1864) 46 Pocotaligo, S. C. 6 Petersburg Trenches, d, and 29 missing. In the assault on Petersburg, June 15, 1864, the regiment lost 24 killed, 124 wounded, and 84 3 Lookout Mountain, Tenn. 3 Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864 4 Resaca, Ga. 5 Culp's Farm, Ga., June 17, 18Va. Oct. 13, 1864 10 Siege of Petersburg, Va. June 15, 1864-April 2, 1865 3 Present, also, at Hatcher'
Cavalry Torbert's Cavalry A. P. 8 38 5 51 2d U. S. Cavalry Torbert's Cavalry A. P. 8 32 5 45 9th New York Cavalry Torbert's Cavalry A. P. 4 41 5 50 4th New York Cavalry Torbert's Cavalry A. P. 6 32 6 44 Pine Knob, Ga.             June 15-16, 1864.             33d New Jersey Butterfield's Twentieth 14 44 1 59 Petersburg, Va.             June 15, 1864. Assault by General W. F. Smith's troops, before the arrival of the Army of the Potomac.             55th PennsylvanJune 15, 1864. Assault by General W. F. Smith's troops, before the arrival of the Army of the Potomac.             55th Pennsylvania Martindale's Eighteenth 24 124 8 156 1st U. S. Colored Hinks's Eighteenth 17 114 25 156 22d U. S. Colored Hinks's Eighteenth 14 116 8 138 4th U. S. Colored Hinks's Eighteenth 15 110 10 135 2d Penn. H. A. Martindale's Eighteenth 16 94 16 126 148th New York Martindale's Eighteenth 16 74 26 116 89th New York Martindale's Eighteenth 10 82 2 94 25th Massachusetts Martindale's Eighteenth 11 44 -- 55 5th U. S. Colored Hinks's Eighteenth 8 48 20 76 1
osses in battle, and together with the 54th Massachusetts, 55th Massachusetts, and 29th Connecticut, represent over three-fourths of the entire loss in action of this class of troops. The regiments of Ferrero's Division sustained almost all their losses at the Mine Explosion and in the trenches before Petersburg. This division was also engaged at the Boydton Road, but with slight loss. The casualties in Paine's (formerly Hinks's) Division occurred in the first assault on Petersburg, June 15, 1864, at Chaffin's Farm, and at the Darbytown Road (Fair Oaks, 1864). The principal loss in Hawley's Division occurred at Deep Bottom, and Chaffin's Farm (Fort Gilmer). The most of those killed in the 73d fell in the assault on Port Hudson; and the killed in the 2d Infantry, at Natural Bridge, Va. Eleven officers of the latter regiment, including the Colonel and Chaplain, died of disease at Key West, Fla., in the summer of 1864. There is no satisfactory explanation for the surprising m