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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
y, which we have carefully made, that the Ms. corrects several verbal errors in the printed copy (notably the one to which General Early calls attention, the printing of Newton instead of Pughtown), and supplies several paragraphs which the printed copy omits. These omissions refer to the conduct of our officers and men, and to our captures at Gettysburg. With this explanation we give the report entire as follows: Pennsylvania campaign.headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, January, 1864. General S. Cooper, A. & I. General C. S. A., Richmond, Va.: General — I have the honor to submit a detailed report of the operations of this army from the time it left the vicinity of Fredericksburg early in June to its occupation of the line of the Rapidan in August. Upon the retreat of the Federal army commanded by Major-General Hooker from Chancellorsville, it reoccupied the ground north of the Rappahannock, opposite Fredericksburg, where it could not be attacked except at a di
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in February, 1865. (search)
be fatal, if permitted; but which can always be stopped by that side, when the necessity to check it becomes stronger than the stimulus to the atrocity. The worst feature of the condition here is the deficiency of bread stuff, which is due to the failure of the War Department to enforce firmly a suggestion often made by me, for two years past, to stop all travel and private freight, and continue that expedient until our supplies were forwarded. This was promised by the Secretary in January, 1864, but not tried until March, when it was eminently successful. Had this been fully carried out, an accumulation of corn in Georgia, ready for shipment, could have been stored here. Repeatedly has this been urged in vain, until now, the connection being broke by Sherman, places that supply beyond our reach. From the beginning of the war this bureau has had a policy in reference to the main principles necessary to effect the objects for which it was created. 1st. It has limited the n
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Prison experience. (search)
Prison experience. By James T. Wells, Sergeant Company A, Second South Carolina Infantry. No. 2. About this time (January, 1864) General B. F. Butler was made Commissary of Prisoners, and in the discharge of his duty he paid us a visit. He was welcomed in such a manner as a parcel of defiant Rebels could welcome him, with hisses, curses and groans; notwithstanding which, he made us some good promises. Among others, that we should be better treated, have more wood, more food and plenty of clothes. As we knew this to be so many idle words, it produced no effect upon us. He did not seem to have formed a favorable impression of the Confederate authorities. One of his first acts towards better treatment was to relieve one of the white regiments as a guard, and place in its stead the Thirty-sixth North Carolina colored regiment. This was a severe blow to us. On the 25th of February they arrived, accoutred in their military glory. They were quite a curiosity to many, as they h
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's Meridian expedition and Sooy Smith's raid to West point. (search)
,500) effectives. Forrest was south of Tallahatchie river in northwest Mississippi, picketing towards Memphis and the Memphis and Charleston rairoad; his command being principally at Panola, Abbeville, Oxford and Grenada — his aggregate force for duty being about thirty-five hundred (3,500) in the four brigades of Jeff. Forrest, Bell, McCullough and Richardson. The entire Confederate force in Mississippi not exceeding sixteen thousand (16,000). This was the condition of affairs in January, 1864. About January 23d the spies in Vicksburg reported that Sherman would soon leave Vicksburg for the interior with an army of at least four divisions of infantry. This information was at once reported to Lieutenant-General Polk, commanding the Department, who discredited such a movement — saying it was impossible, as such an expedition had no objective point which could hurt the Confederacy, excepting Mobile or Selma, and a march over the country could not benefit or advance the cause of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The prison question again--Prof. Rufus B. Richardson on Andersonville. (search)
of infantry lines, but their enforced, long-continued hardship made it possible for mere superiority of numbers to decide the struggle, and for the Confederacy to crumble without its Waterloo, and to terminate its existence by the surrender of those less than eight thousand muskets at Appomattox. Now all this is exceedingly candid and fair, but we beg to remind the Professor of some additional points which are needed to complete the proper understanding of the whole question. (a). In January, 1864, Judge Ould, our commissioner of exchange, proposed to General Hitchcock, the Federal agent, that surgeons from both sides should be allowed to attend their own prisoners, and that these surgeons should be allowed to receive from their governments or friends, and distribute for the comfort of prisoners, contributions of money, food, clothing, and medicines. To this humane proposal no reply was ever made. (b.) The Federal Government having declared medicines contraband, our authoritie
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations of the cavalry in Mississippi, from January to March, 1864.-report of General S. D. Lee. (search)
Operations of the cavalry in Mississippi, from January to March, 1864.-report of General S. D. Lee. Headquarters Lee's cavalry, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, April 18th, 1864. Colonel,--The following is submitted as my report of the operations of the cavalry under my command during the recent campaign in Mississippi. During the latter part of January the enemy commenced to concentrate a large force at Vicksburg, bringing large reinforcements from Memphis and above, and evacuating the Mississippi and Central railroad. To oppose this force, Jackson's division was in position as follows: Ross's Texas brigade was guarding the Yazoo river and Mississippi Central railroad, posted at Benton. Starke's Mississippi brigade was at Brownsville, watching the crossings of the Big Black, opposite Vicksburg. Adams's brigade was moved from the vicinity of Natchez to Raymond. About the 28th of January the enemy commenced their demonstrations up Yazoo river with their boats, and moved their c
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 11: (search)
ine of the railroad, and especially before he destroyed Hood's army. A campaign to the sea to cut the Confederacy in two, was decided upon by General Grant during the previous January, when he was in command at Nashville, and eight months before the time when General Sherman claims to have had such a move in his mind's eye. General Thomas, General Halleck, and General Sherman were each notified at that time of this plan of General Grant. The first idea of the latter, as expressed in January, 1864, was to march through to Mobile, holding Atlanta and Montgomery as intermediate points, but the Union forces having occupied Mobile Bay on the 23d of August, just before the capture of Atlanta, General Grant, immediately after the fall of the latter place, telegraphed General Sherman that, as our forces had now secured the control of Mobile, he thought Sherman had better move on Augusta as soon as his men were rested, while Canby acted on Savannah. The following letters and telegrams ar
, and killing the officers of the government repelled by government clerks Papers on Dahlgren's body repulse of Butler's raid from Bermuda hundred advance of Sheridan repulsed at Richmond Stuart Resists Sheridan Stuart's death remarks on Grant's plan of campaign movement of General Butler Drewry's Bluff battle there campaign of Grant in Virginia. Both the Army of Northern Virginia and the army under General Meade remained in a state of comparative inaction during the months of January and February, 1864. On February 26, 1864, while General Lee's headquarters were at Orange Court House, two corps of the army of the enemy left their camp for Madison Court House. The object was, by a formidable feint, to engage the attention of General Lee, and conceal from him their plans for a surprise and, if possible, capture of the city of Richmond. This was to be a concerted movement in which General Butler, in command of the forces on the Peninsula, was to move up and make a dem
in heart as he was sound in judgment, was the classmate of Winder; their lives had been passed in the army in frequent intercourse; General Cooper, in a letter of July 9, 1871, wrote that General Winder, who had the control of the Northern prisoners, was an honest, upright, and humane gentleman, and as such I had known him for many years. He had the reputation, in the Confederacy, of treating the prisoners confined to his general supervision with great kindness and consideration. In January, 1864, and even earlier, it became manifest that, in consequence of the complication in relation to exchanges, the large mass of prisoners on both sides would remain in captivity for many long and weary months, if not for the duration of the war. In order to alleviate the hardships of confinement on both sides, our commissioner, on January 24, 1863, addressed a communication to General E. A. Hitchcock, United States commissioner of exchange, in which he proposed that all prisoners on each side
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 (search)
Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 Military officer; born in New York, Dec. 29, 1831; served on the staff of General Sherman early in the Civil War; was severely wounded at Port Hudson; joined General Grant, and became his military secretary, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, in January, 1864; and was made aide-de-camp to the general of the army, with the title of colonel, in March, 1865; and retired in 1869, holding the rank of captain, U. S. C., and brevet brigadier-general, U. S. V. He was consul-general in London in 1870-81; accompanied General Grant on his journey around the world in 1877-78; and was consul-general in Havana in 1882-84. After General Grant's death Badeau lost a suit against the heirs for compensation for alleged services in the preparation of General Grant's Memoirs. He published Military history of Ulysscs S. Grant; Grant in peace, and several romances. He died in Ridgewood, N. J., March 19, 1895.