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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 384 384 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 30 30 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 19 19 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 15 15 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Name Index of Commands 14 14 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 8 8 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 8 8 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 7 7 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 6 6 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 2: Two Years of Grim War. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 4 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
oceedings of the Court of Inquiry relative to the fall of New Orleans, February 18th, 1863.--Pamphlet, Evidences taken before the Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed to inquire into the treatment of prisoners at Castle thunder, April 1863. Colonel C. T. Crittenden.--Lot of Confederate newspaper slips.--Battle flag of the Thirteenth Virginia Infantry.--Richmond Examiner's account of the presentation ceremonies. General D. H. Maury, Richmond, Virginia.--Private Diary, RecollDecember 7th, 1863.--The Tribune Almanac for 1862, 1863 and 1865.--General McClellan's Official Report.--Old Franklin Almanac for 1864.--Speeches of Honorable Henry May, of Maryland, in Federal Congress.--Three Months in the Southern States, from April to June, 1863, by Colonel Fremantle, of the British Army.--Lot of newspaper clippings from papers of 1864 and 1865.--Lot of newspapers published during the war.--Seventeen Scrap Books, containing newspaper clippings extending over the whole perio
April, 1863. April, 1 Adjutant Wilson received a letter to-day, written in a hand that bespoke the writer to be feminine. He looked at the name, but could not recollect having heard it before. The writer assured him, however, that she was an old friend, and said many tender and complimentary things of him. He tried to think; called the roll of his lady friends, but the advantage, as people say, which the writer had of him was entirely too great. If he had ever heard the name, he founxiously over the matter until my orderly returned, with the envelope marked W. S. R., the army mode of acknowledging receipt of letter or order. Fifteen minutes later this reply came: Headquarters Department of the Cumberland, Murfreesboro, April, 1863. my dear General-I have just received the inclosed note, marked Private, but addressed to me as commanding the Department of the Cumberland. It compromises you in so many ways that I return it to you. I am your friend, and regretted that t
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Recollections of General Reynolds. (search)
the way of official duty, we met General Reynolds in his tent at corps headquarters. Our duty was to report to him for orders and instructions, and on these occasions the interviews were brief and the words few. He impressed us as being mild and gentlemanly in manner, and an officer of not a very numerous class of old army officers who knew how to treat volunteers in such a way as to secure their respect and confidence. The next we saw of Reynolds was at the great review of his corps in April, 1863, at Belle Plain, by President Lincoln. This was his last review, and but a short time before the battle of Chancellorsville. In this movement, for the first three days, his corps was making demonstrations against Fredericksburg. Here we saw the general cross the Rappahannock, on the pontoon bridge, in gallant style, under a heavy fire of shell. Three days after this he visited our division, then on the right of the army at Chancellorsville, his corps having arrived upon this battle-g
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
April, 1863. 1st, 1863. Anchored at 8.30 P. M., three miles from the mouth of the Rio Grande, or Rio Bravo del Norte, which is, I believe, its more correct name, in the midst of about seventy merchant vessels. 2d April, 1863. The Texan and I left the Immortalite, in her cutter, at 10 A. M., and crossed the bar in fine style. The cutter was steered by Mr. Johnston, the master, and having a fair wind, we passed in like a flash of lightning, and landed at the miserable village of Bagdad, on the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande. The bar was luckily in capital order-3 1/2 feet of water, and smooth. It is often impassable for ten or twelve days together: the depth of water varying from 2 to 5 feet. It is very dangerous, from the heavy surf and under-current; sharks also abound. Boats are frequently capsized in crossing it, and the Orlando lost a man on it about a month ago. Seventy vessels are constantly at anchor outside the bar; their cotton cargoes being brought to
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXV. April, 1863 (search)
XXV. April, 1863 Symptoms of bread riots. Lee forming depots of provisions near the Rappahannock. Beauregard ready to defend Charleston. he has rebuffed the enemy severely. French and British advancing money on cotton. the Yankees can beat us in bargaining. Gen. Lee anxious for new supplies. the President appeals to the people to raise food for man and beast. Federal and Confederate troops serenading each other on the Rappahannock. cobbler's wages $3000 per annum. wrangling in the Indian country. only 700 conscripts per month from Virginia. Longstreet at Suffolk. the President's well eye said to be failing. a reconnoissance! we are planting much grain. picking up pins. beautiful season. Gen. Johnston in Tennessee. Longstreet's successes in that State. Lee complains that his army is not fed. we fear for Vicksburg now. enemy giving up plunder in Mississippi. Beauregard is busy at Charleston. Gen. Marshall, of Kentucky, fails to get stock and hogs.
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 12: between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville (search)
which had lain torpid in the winter's cold, until suddenly the one or the other monster glided, hissing from its den, and delivered its stroke. To our friends, the enemy, the only relation between the swelling of the sassafras buds and the spring-burst of battle was chronological; but with us the sassafras amounted almost to a sub-commissariat-we chewed it, we drank it, we smelled it, and it was ever at hand without the trouble or expense of transport. All through the latter part of April, 1863, even more than the normal premonitory spring shudderings were noted throughout the great winter camps and quarters of the Federal army corps across the river, and very soon the marvelous army telegraph was in full operation. Every surviving veteran of either side will understand what I mean. It was really little less than miraculous the way in which information-often astonishingly correct — as to what had happened or was about to happen, was transmitted along the lines of the army. Pa
Chapter 37: Chancellorsville. In the latter part of April, 1863, General Hooker crossed the Rappahannock, above Lee's position at Fredericksburg, with the intention of flanking and forcing him toward Richmond. His army numbered, by his own report, 132,000 men, and upon reaching Chancellorsville he proceeded to throw up intrenchments. Lee's army, in the absence of Longstreet's corps, numbered 57,000 of all arms. General Jackson had not entirely recovered from an attack of diphtheria and was too weak to have been in the field, but he felt the importance of being present at the impending engagement. The Federals under General Hooker made a stand near Chancellorsville, and the west wing of Hooker's rested at Melzi Chancellor's farm, about two miles from Chancellorsville. General Jackson formed his corps into three columns for attack and, as he wrote in his last despatch to General Lee, trusted That an ever-kind Providence will bless us with success. The Confederates r
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Causes of the defeat of Gen. Lee's Army at the battle of Gettysburg-opinions of leading Confederate soldiers. (search)
Lee and Grant, in which is embodied, on pafe 16, a table of returns of the forces in the Department of Northern Virginia at the end of each month from February, 1862, to February, 1865, inclusive, except for the months of June anmd August, 1862, April and June, 1863, and May and September, 1864. This table was made out by Mr. Swinton, author of the History of the Army of the Potomac, from the Confederate returns in the Archive Office at Washington, and is indisputably correct, except where, iat the close of July, 1862, just before the commencement of the campaign against Pope, was 69,559, and the force for duty at the close of November, 1862, just before the battle of Fredericksburg, was 73,554. There is no return at the close of April, 1863, just before Chancellorsville, for the enemy had then begun his movement by crossing the river in our front, and the steps necessary to oppose him rendered it impracticable to make returns. The force present, however, was not as large as it w
Doc. 64.-the siege of Suffolk, Va. April and May, 1863. the siege of Suffolk was raised on the third of May, 1863, almost simultaneously with the mortifying disaster at Chancellorsville. The latter event in its absorbing influence upon the public mind drew away all thought from the minor operations about Suffolk, and in the absence of any apparent important results, the stubborn and successful defence of that town has never received a tithe of the public recognition its merit warranted. Close examination of the facts, however, will reveal that in two points of view it presents one of the most interesting chapters of the war. 1st. In its bearing upon the general progress of our arms, and secondly, as presenting to the military student an example of the defence of a fortified place against an enormous investing force, in which the entire success of the garrison was unblemished by a single reverse. Its fortifications were hastily constructed by the troops with incre
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The successes and failures of Chancellorsville. (search)
The successes and failures of Chancellorsville. by Alfred Pleasonton, Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. Union cavalry-man's hat. In the latter part of April, 1863, General Hooker decided to undertake an offensive campaign with the Army of the Potomac against the Army of Northern Virginia, under General Lee. At this time the two armies faced each other: Lee's, numbering about 60,000 men, being at Fredericksburg, and the Army of the Potomac, numbering about 130,000 men, at Falmouth, on the north side of the Rappahannock River opposite Fredericksburg. Hooker directed three corps of the army, the First, the Third, and the Sixth, comprising 59,000 men, under the command of General Sedgwick, to cross the Rappahannock River below Fredericksburg and hold Lee's army in that position, while he himself moved secretly and with celerity three corps, the Fifth, the Eleventh, and the Twelfth, numbering 42,000 men, up the river, crossing it and concentrating them at Chancellorsville, ten