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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
Clellan's right wing. Then, with an ugly oath, he said: This great wagon hunter is after a Dutchman, an old fool! General Lee at Richmond will have little use for wagons if all of these people close in around him; we are left out here in the cold. Why, I could crush Shields before night if I could move from here. This man Jackson is certainly a crazy fool, an idiot. Now look at this, handing me a small piece of paper upon which was about these words: headquarters Valley District, May, 1862. General R. S. Ewell: Your dispatch received. Hold your position — don't move. I have driven General Milroy from McDowell; through God's assistance, have captured most of his wagon train. Colonel S. B. Gibbons, Tenth Virginia, killed. Forward to Department at Richmond the intelligence. Respectfully, T. J. Jackson, Major-General. Ewell jumped to his feet, ran all over the room, and said: What has Providence to do with Milroy's wagon train? Mark my words, if this old fool keeps
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Explosive or poisoned musket or rifle balls — were they authorized and used by the Confederate States army, or by the United States army during the Civil War?--a slander refuted. (search)
ket shell invented by Samuel Gardiner, jr. The Assistant Secretary at once referred the matter to General James W. Ripley, who was then the Chief of the Ordnance Bureau at Washington. What action was taken will appear when it is stated that in May, 1862, the Chief of Ordnance at the West Point Military Academy made a report to the Government of a trial of the Gardiner musket shell. In May, 1862, Mr. Gardiner offered to sell some of his explosive musket shells to the Government at a stipulatedMay, 1862, Mr. Gardiner offered to sell some of his explosive musket shells to the Government at a stipulated price. His application was referred to General Ripley with the following endorsement: Will General Ripley consider whether this explosive shell will be a valuable missile in battle? A. Lincoln. General Ripley replied that it had no value as a service projectile. In June, 1862, Brigadier-General Rufus King, at Fredericksburg, made a requisition for some of the Gardiner musket shells. On referring this application to the Chief of Ordnance, General Ripley, that old army officer,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of Jackson's infantry ( foot cavalry ). (search)
efore, I will, with your permission, Mr. Chairman, narrate an incident which fell under my own observation, one like so many which are familiar to us all, and illustrative, as I think, of the tone and temper of the brave hearts that beat beneath the ragged jackets of gray — gray only for a time, and then stained with every hue from cloud and storm, from rain and sunshine, from the dust of the march and from the patriot blood that flowed through diminished veins from honorable wounds. In May, 1862, just after the battle of McDowell, the army of the immortal Jackson lay near Harrisonburg in the Valley of Virginia, while the magnificently equipped army of the enemy, commanded by General Banks, was entrenched at Strasburg, meditating a further advance, while harassing and humiliating the noble people of the Valley in their rear. In order to dislodge him, or, if possible, to get in his rear at Middletown, by way of the Page Valley, and destroy him, Jackson ordered his army to cook thre
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations before Charleston in May and July, 1862. (search)
Operations before Charleston in May and July, 1862. Diary of Colonel Corlos Tracy of General Gist's Staff. May 17. Enemy sounding Stono channel in barges; one fired on from Goat Island by riflemen and driven off. May 19. Several of the enemy's gunboats attempted to enter Stono Inlet; one ran aground and all put back. May 20. Three gunboats crossed the bar and entered the Stono river about 10 o'clock A. M. One ran up and anchored a little below Battery Island, commanding the old (river) route from Cole's Island, the enemy thinking, probably, to cut off our troops on Cole's Island. Lieutenant-Colonel Ellison Capers, Twenty-fourth regiment South Carolina Volunteers, commanding on Cole's Island, withdrew his force (two companies), under standing orders, to James's Island by the new (back) and scarcely completed route over Dixon's Island. Captain L. Brist, Palmetto Guard, commanding on Battery Island, withdrew his force (two companies), under similar orders, also to Jam
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official statement of the strength of the Federal armies during the war. (search)
h State and Territory and the District of Columbia, from April 15, 1861, to the close of the war. From this statement we learn that under the call of April 15, 1861, for 75,000 three months militia, the States furnished 91,816. Under the call of May 3, 1861, (confirmed by act approved August 6, 1861), and under acts of July 22 and 25, 1861, for 500,000 three years men, 700,680 men were actually furnished, of whom, however, only 657,868 were three years men; while 15,007 men were furnished in May and June, 1862, by special authority, for three months. Under the call of July, 2, 1862, for 300,000 men for three years, 421,465 were furnished. Under the call of August 4, 1862, for 300,000 militia for nine months, only 87,588 were furnished. Under the President's proclamation of June 15, 1863, for militia of six months, 16,361 men were furnished. Under the call of October 17, 1863, (which embraces men raised by draft of 1863), and that of February 1, 1864, for 500,000 men for three year
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Literary notices. (search)
eriod from the election of Lincoln to the end of the first battle of Bull Run. Ii.--From Fort Henry to Corinth. By the Hon. M. F. Force, Justice of the Superior Court, Cincinnati; late Brigadier-General and Brevet Major General U. S. V., commanding First division, Seventeenth corps; in 1862, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twentieth Ohio, commanding the regiment at Shiloh; Treasurer of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. The narrative of events in the West from the summer of 1861 to May, 1862; covering the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, the battle of Shiloh, etc., etc. These two volumes, from a series of twelve volumes on the Campaigns of the civil war, we have received from the publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons, through Messrs. West & Johnston, of Richmond. They are gotten up in the best style of the book-maker's art, are sold at $1 per volume, and, while we have not yet found time for a careful perusal, seem to be written in a very fair spirit, though they abou
days, April to July, 1864 83,612 Call of July 18, 1864, for 500,000 men 385,163 Reduced by excess on previous calls. Call of December 19, 1864, for 300,000 men 211,752 ——— Total men furnished in eighteen months 1,257,134 The number of men furnished on call of the United States government, previous to October 17, 1863, was as follows: Men furnished Call of April 15, 1861, for 75,000 men for three months 91,816 Call of May 3, 1861, for 500,000 men 700,680 Men furnished in May and June, 1862, for three months 15,007 Call of July 2, 1862, for 300,000 men for three years 421,465 Call of August 4, 1862, for 300,000 militia for nine months 87,588 Proclamation of June 15, 1863, for militia for six months 16,361 Volunteers and militia at various times, of sixty days to one year 13,760 Volunteers and militia at various times for three years 75,156 ——— Total 1,421,833 The number of men furnished to the armies of the United States by the states of Kentuc
h, 46. Extract from his biography concerning battle of Shiloh, 50. Death, 53-54. General Joseph E., 66, 68, 69, 70, 82, 83, 108, 109, 131, 132, 133, 134, 170, 337-38, 339-40, 342, 345, 346, 351, 353, 354, 355,418, 460, 461, 466, 472, 526, 538-39, 540, 549, 551, 568, 575, 589, 590, 591,592,598. Assumes command of Peninsula army, 72-73. Conduct concerning evacuation of Norfolk, 74-75. Position after retreat from lower peninsula, 84. Retreat across Chickahominy, 85-86. Strength of army, May 1862, 88. Tactics in defense of Richmond, 99-102. Correspondence with Gen. Pemberton, 340-41. Considerations for Tennessee urged by Davis, 461-62. Retreat through Georgia to Atlanta, 467-70. Removal from command, 471-72. Appointment to command in North Carolina, 536. Note from Davis for conference in Greensboro, 576. Conference with Davis, 576-79. Conferences with Sherman on terms of surrender, 580-84, 587-88. Statements concerning Davis, 585-86. Colonel William Preston, 46, 589. Extr
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 6: Jackson's Valley campaign (search)
y 4, but news of Fremont's cavalry having advanced, induced him reluctantly to put his infantry upon the cars and move to Staunton on that day. On May 7, he left Staunton, and on May 8 he confronted Milroy at McDowell. Milroy had been reenforced by Schenck's brigade. Jackson kept most of his force concealed, and about 2500 Federals were advanced against him in the afternoon. A sharp affair ensued with about 2800 of Jackson's force, holding the crest of a steep Jackson's Valley campaign, May and June, 1862 ridge more exposed to fire than was the enemy. The latter only lost about 250 killed and wounded, while the Confederates lost 498; but next morning the Federals had retreated. Jackson pursued for two or three days, going nearly to Franklin, and then on May 12 turned back, damaging and obstructing all roads behind him, and thus practically neutralizing for a while Fremont's whole force. He now marched to unite with Ewell and to strike at Banks. Friday, May 16, had been appo
00 days, mustered in between April 23 and July 18, 186483,612 Under call of July 18, 1864, for 500,000 (reduced by excess credits of previous calls) for one year, two years, three years, and four years385,163 Under call of Dec. 19, 1864, for 300,000 men for one year, two years, three years, four years211,752 Other troops furnished by States and Territories which, after first call, had not been called upon for quotas when general call for troops was made182,357 By special authority granted May and June, 1862, New York, Illinois, and Indiana furnished for three months15,007   Total2,772,408 Number of men who paid commutation86,724   Grand total2,859,132   Aggregate reduced to a three years standard2,320,272 actual strength of the army between Jan. 1, 1860, and May 1, 1865. Date.Regulars.Volunteers.Total. Jan. 1, 186016,435-----16,435 Jan. 1, 186116,367-----16,367 July 1, 186116,422170,329186,751 Jan. 1, 186222,425553,492575,917 March 31, 186223,308613,818637,126 Ja