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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 1,239 1,239 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 467 467 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 184 184 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 171 171 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 159 159 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 156 156 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 102 102 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 79 79 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 77 77 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 75 75 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4. You can also browse the collection for 1862 AD or search for 1862 AD in all documents.

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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 44: Secession.—schemes of compromise.—Civil War.—Chairman of foreign relations Committee.—Dr. Lieber.—November, 1860April, 1861. (search)
ife of Lincoln, vol. IV. pp. 269-277, Sumner was in Washington when this despatch was under consideration, and it is likely that the President advised with him concerning its modification. There was unfortunately in the critical period of 1861-1862 a conviction prevailing in England that Seward was personally hostile to that country, and bent on war with it. It may be accounted for by the tone of some of his official papers, as that of his letter, Oct. 14, 1861, to Lord Lyons; his proneness w; and he was happy to do good offices for the doctor in securing appointments in the army for two of his sons. They were as friendly and confidential as in the early days, and both rejoiced in their restored relations. A letter from Lieber in 1862 began with My old and restored friend. The suspension of their correspondence in 1853 would not be referred to in this Memoir but for an explanation given in a letter of Dr. Lieber printed in his Life and Letters, pp. 296, 297. The doctor living i
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 45: an antislavery policy.—the Trent case.—Theories of reconstruction.—confiscation.—the session of 1861-1862. (search)
Chapter 45: an antislavery policy.—the Trent case.—Theories of reconstruction.—confiscation.—the session of 1861-1862. Sumner was in Washington ten days in the latter half of May, 1861, when he conferred with the President and General Scott, anry showed that it takes but little slavery to make a slave State with all the virus of slavery. June 26, July 1 and 14, 1862. Works, vol. VII. pp. 122-127. Failing to change the terms of the bill, he voted against the admission. A number of Repat the President's instance (those of Edward Stanly for North Carolina and Andrew Johnson for Tennessee), in the spring of 1862. Works, vol. VII. p. 112. The former took a position against schools for colored children as forbidden by the laws of gs, in remarks and resolutions which denied the authority of the Executive to appoint military governors. June 2 and 6. 1862 (Works, vol. VII. pp. 112-115, 119,120). Sumner's protest stopped the practice of appointing military governors: and on
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 46: qualities and habits as a senator.—1862. (search)
Chapter 46: qualities and habits as a senator.—1862. Sumner was from the beginning of his career in the Senate an interesting, and he had now become the most conspicuous, figure at the Capitol. His seat was first inquired for by visitors. Pall Mall Gazette, Dec. 26, 1866. The correspondent remarked upon the public interest in Sumner,—greater than in any other senator,—as also upon his qualities of intellect and character, saying that his motto might well be Frangi non flecti. Person, ided to him their interests in pending legislation, or in business with the departments, rather than to others who had passed their lives in professional, industrial, or commercial pursuits. The Congressional Globe's Index for the session (1860-1862) will show how much more Sumner attended to the details of the internal tax bill than his colleague, who had been a manufacturer, but was lacking in method. George B. Upton, a leading Boston merchant for a long period, familiar with public men, a<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 47: third election to the Senate. (search)
ass. Life and Times of Samuel Bowles, vol. i. pp. 357-359. Dr. Holland, who was antipathetic to Sumner, was at this time the managing editor. The Republican, in 1862, opposed an emancipation policy. Ultra-conservatism made its last struggle; and conspicuous among its leaders was Professor Joel Parker of Cambridge, whose judiciaand contrasted the circumstances of his first entrance into the Senate in 1851 and his present position. Other States were not as steadfast as Massachusetts in 1862. The Administration was outvoted in New York and New Jersey,—States which had chosen Republican electors, and now elected governors Horatio Seymour and Joel Paning sixteen months ago! But McClellan's failure did more for the good cause than any argument or persuasion. God bless you! Sumner attended in the autumn of 1862 the annual dinner of the Hampshire County Agricultural Society at Northampton, where he was called up by Erastus Hopkins, an accomplished orator and steadfast frie
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 48: Seward.—emancipation.—peace with France.—letters of marque and reprisal.—foreign mediation.—action on certain military appointments.—personal relations with foreigners at Washington.—letters to Bright, Cobden, and the Duchess of Argyll.—English opinion on the Civil War.—Earl Russell and Gladstone.—foreign relations.—1862-1863. (search)
English opinion on the Civil War.—Earl Russell and Gladstone.—foreign relations.—1862-1863. The third session of the Thirty-seventh Congress began Dec. 1, 1862, anribune, Dec. 22 and 23, 1862, Jan. 10, 1863; New York Evening Post, Dec. 20, 22, 1862; Boston Journal, Jan. 14, 1863; in Schuckers's Life of S. P. Chase, pp. 473-475; Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, collected by A. T. Rice, p. 230. The year 1862 closed disastrously to our arms; and the first half of the next year was discouround on private vessels violating the blockade,—which was under consideration in 1862-1863, Mr. Welles mentions (p. 90) the great confidence President Lincoln had in limbed to an attic in New York to find him, when he lay ill and alone. In 1861– 1862, at Sumner's instance, Seward gave the count a place in his department as translgenuous as it is sophistical. but he first gave his views to the public early in 1862,—at first in a guarded, and later in a more positive, manner; venturing fur
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 49: letters to Europe.—test oath in the senate.—final repeal of the fugitive-slave act.—abolition of the coastwise slave-trade.—Freedmen's Bureau.—equal rights of the colored people as witnesses and passengers.—equal pay of colored troops.—first struggle for suffrage of the colored people.—thirteenth amendment of the constitution.— French spoliation claims.—taxation of national banks.— differences with Fessenden.—Civil service Reform.—Lincoln's re-election.—parting with friends.—1863-1864. (search)
began the work in the first session that I was here. God grant that I may end it to-day! Sumner succeeded at this session in carrying what he had proposed in 1862,—the abolition of the coastwise slave-trade, now left, as he said, the last support of slavery on the statutebook. He had reported a bill for the purpose, but as the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power, vol. III. pp. 455-504. Sumner kept up continuously the contest for civil equality which he began in the session of 1861-1862. The street railway companies of the District of Columbia provided special cars for colored people, and excluded them from all others; and the exclusion was rigidhe District. This ended the contest, and from that time all the cars on street railways in the District were as free to one race as to the other. Sumner had in 1862 secured the competency of colored persons as witnesses in the District of Columbia, but failed then to prevent their exclusion in other national tribunals, which,
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 50: last months of the Civil War.—Chase and Taney, chief-justices.—the first colored attorney in the supreme court —reciprocity with Canada.—the New Jersey monopoly.— retaliation in war.—reconstruction.—debate on Louisiana.—Lincoln and Sumner.—visit to Richmond.—the president's death by assassination.—Sumner's eulogy upon him. —President Johnson; his method of reconstruction.—Sumner's protests against race distinctions.—death of friends. —French visitors and correspondents.—1864-1865. (search)
calculating closely the chances of success. He called attention to the obstruction of travel and trade by resolutions in 1862 and 1863, and introduced in 1864 a resolution authorizing any railway company to carry the government's supplies and troopCongress and in the electoral college, as well as for State autonomy. After all the struggle to create them, beginning in 1862, Congress (the President signing with a caveat) recognized that they had no substantial basis or title to respect by the jfelt naturally a much greater aptitude than for the military operations then engrossing the public mind. In the spring of 1862 he appointed military governors for Tennessee, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Louisiana, only sections of each of which wer at the President's instance. Weed's Life, vol. i. pp. 615-619. To Mr. Bright, August 8:— My early prophecy in 1862 will be fulfilled, and nobody hanged for treason . . . . Meanwhile the day of tranquillity and reconciliation is still fur
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 52: Tenure-of-office act.—equal suffrage in the District of Columbia, in new states, in territories, and in reconstructed states.—schools and homesteads for the Freedmen.—purchase of Alaska and of St. Thomas.—death of Sir Frederick Bruce.—Sumner on Fessenden and Edmunds.—the prophetic voices.—lecture tour in the West.—are we a nation?1866-1867. (search)
haus; but I had before in Keith Johnston's vulgarization in English with Rogers's additions. I hope you will examine the pen-and-ink copy of the map of 1566 with the stretto di Anian, which is my most curious discovery in all this research. This you will find at the Coast Survey. I had two works of Kittlitz, —one in German and the other in English. Sumner put into his speech an intimation that the Senate should have been consulted in advance as to the treaty, Mr. Seward submitted in 1862 to the Senate the draught of a convention with Mexico for the assumption in part of her debt, and the Senate advising against it, the negotiation went no further. President Polk asked the advice of the Senate before concluding the treaty with Great Britain on the Oregon boundary. and also a protest against its being made a precedent for a system of indiscriminate and costly annexion,—adding his hope that subsequent expansions would come solely by the attraction of republican institutions wit
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 54: President Grant's cabinet.—A. T. Stewart's disability.—Mr. Fish, Secretary of State.—Motley, minister to England.—the Alabama claims.—the Johnson-Clarendon convention.— the senator's speech: its reception in this country and in England.—the British proclamation of belligerency.— national claims.—instructions to Motley.—consultations with Fish.—political address in the autumn.— lecture on caste.—1869. (search)
liged to enter on it again. While at the outset, before a rebel cruiser was upon the sea, he gave repeated warnings in his correspondence with English friends, high in public position, against the acts of their government which brought on the controversy, and had set forth the dangers of keeping the controversy open, he had meanwhile been most assiduous in the Senate in maintaining pacific relations with Great Britain, and preventing measures likely to produce irritation,—as in his speech in 1862 on the Trent case; his opposition in 1863 to letters of marque and reprisal; his resistance in 1864 to the attempt to embroil us with that country on account of the St. Albans raid; his defeat of the attempt in 1866 to scale down the neutrality acts; his opposition in 1868 to the retaliation bill; and his constant suppression of Mr. Chandler's bills and resolutions aimed against Great Britain. The New York Tribune, April 21, 1869, contrasts Sumner and Chandler in their treatment of interna
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 58: the battle-flag resolution.—the censure by the Massachusetts Legislature.—the return of the angina pectoris. —absence from the senate.—proofs of popular favor.— last meetings with friends and constituents.—the Virginius case.—European friends recalled.—1872-1873. (search)
te, was made to remember by words written on a Prussian standard that the Black Eagle had conquered them at Koniggratz and Langensalza. Sumner, with the approval of high military authority, had twice before made efforts of a similar intent,—one in 1862, against placing on the regimental colors the names of victories obtained over our fellow-citizens; and another in 1865, against placing in the national Capitol any picture of a victory or battle with our own fellow-citizens,— without incurring crstimony. How a cultivated heathen could differ from me I do not understand. History is full of examples to sustain me; only the sea and tiger are as blind and senseless in ferocity as party hate. I long to state the case. Twice before, once in 1862, I offered this resolution with the applause of General Scott and General Robert Anderson. Where is Massachusetts civilization? Thus far our Commonwealth has led in the great battle of liberty and equality. By the blessing of God she shall lead