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Doc. 63.-speech of Charles D. Drake, delivered at the city of Louisiana, Mo., July 4, 1861. Fellow-citizens:--Honored by your invitation to address you on this venerated and cherished anniversary, I was led to comply, not less by a sense of dutiful obligation to our mother land, than by the impulse of true and reverent affection for those free institutions, which have been to the American people only a fountain of inestimable blessings, but which are now threatened with disaster, if not subversion and destruction. Clouds and darkness are above us; the fires of unholy and reckless passions are around us; the convulsed earth trembles beneath us; and there is no Washington! At such a time, I rejoice — and who that pretends to patriotism will not rejoice?--that I can still salute you as fellow-citizens, not only of the noble State we inhabit, but of those United States, to the Union of which Missouri owes her existence as an American State, and from the Union of which her people
Doc. 66.-message of President Lincoln. July 4, 1861. Fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives:--Having been convened on an extraordinary occasion, as authorized by the Constitution, your attention is not called to any ordinary subject of legislation. At the beginning of the present Presidential term, four months ago, the functions of the Federal Government were found to be generally suspended within the several States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,e has deemed his duty. You will now, according to your own judgment, perform yours. He sincerely hopes that your views and your actions may so accord with his as to assure all faithful citizens who have been disturbed in their rights, of a certain and speedy restoration to them under the Constitution and laws, and having thus chosen our cause without guile, and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God, and go forward without fear and with manly hearts. Abraham Lincoln. July 4, 1861.
Doc. 68.-report of the Secretary of the Navy. Navy Department, July 4, 1861. Sir :--When the change of Administration took place in March last, the Navy Department was organized on a peace establishment. Such vessels as were in condition for service were chiefly on distant stations, and those which constituted the home squadron were most of them in the Gulf of Mexico. Congress had adjourned without making provision for any extraordinary emergency, and the appropriations for naval purposes indicated that only ordinary current expenses were anticipated. Extraordinary events which have since transpired have called for extraordinary action on the part of the Government, demanding a large augmentation of the naval force, and the recall of almost the whole of our foreign squadrons for service on our own coasts. The total number of vessels in the navy, of all classes, on the 4th of March, was ninety, carrying, or designed to carry, about 2,415 guns. Excluding vessels on
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 81.-Major S. D. Sturgis' proclamation. July 4, 1861. (search)
Doc. 81.-Major S. D. Sturgis' proclamation. July 4, 1861. To the Union-loving Citizens of Missouri: The undersigned, learning with regret that evil-disposed persons, already in open rebellion against the Government of the United States, have spread rumors through the country in regard to the objects and practices of the Federal troops now among you, rumors calculated to alarm the peaceable citizens, avails himself of this occasion to assure the good people of Missouri that the mission ies with ours to restore peace and prosperity to our distracted country. Let us put down the arch-traitors who are endeavoring to create anarchy and confusion among us by violating the laws, suppressing the liberty of speech, destroying your mail facilities, tearing up your railroads, burning your bridges and ferries, and otherwise bringing ruin and desolation upon this once free and happy people. S. D. Sturgis, Major First Cavalry Commanding. camp Washington, near Clinton, Mo., July 4, 1861.
Doc. 82.-General Sweeny's proclamation. Headquarters Southwest expedition, Springfield, Mo., July 4, 1861. To the Citizens of Southwest Missouri: Your Governor has striven to cause the State to withdraw from the Union. Failing to accomplish this purpose by legislative enactment, he has already committed treason by levying war against the United States. He has endeavored to have you commit the same crime. Hence he has called for troops to enter the military service of the State, not to aid, but to oppose the Government of the United States. The troops under my command are stationed in your midst by the proper authority of our Government. They are amongst you not as enemies but as friends and protectors of all loyal citizens. Should an insurrection of your slaves take place, it would be my duty to suppress it, and I should use the force at my command for that purpose. It is my duty to protect all loyal citizens in the enjoyment and possession of all their property, sl