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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 22 22 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 20 20 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 20 20 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 17 17 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 4 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 4 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 3 3 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 3 3 Browse Search
History of the First Universalist Church in Somerville, Mass. Illustrated; a souvenir of the fiftieth anniversary celebrated February 15-21, 1904 2 2 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 2 2 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
delegate from Arkansas (Mr. Flournoy), a slave-holder and friend of the system, was so liberal that it had a powerful effect upon delegates from the free-labor States in favor of Mr. Douglas. Of 194 votes cast on the second ballot, Mr. Douglas received 181, and he was declared duly nominated. Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, nominated for Vice-President, declined two days afterwards, and Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, was substituted. The convention adjourned June 23, 1860. Early in January, 1861, Gov. John A. Andrew (q. v.), of Massachusetts, tendered troops to the government for its protection. Fort Sumter was attacked, and on the day when the President's call for troops was issued, Senator Wilson telegraphed to Governor Andrew to despatch twenty companies to Washington immediately. The formal requisition of the Secretary of War arrived an hour later, calling for two regiments from Massachusetts, and before sunset the same day an order went out for four regiments to muster f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Couch, Darius Nash 1822-1897 (search)
Couch, Darius Nash 1822-1897 Military officer; born in South East, Putnam co., N. Y., July 23, 1822; graduated at West Point in 1846; served in the war with Mexico; aided in suppressing the last outbreak of the Seminoles, and resigned in 1855. In January, 1861, while residing in Taunton, Mass., he was commissioned colonel of a Massachusetts regiment, and made a brigadier-general of volunteers in August. He commanded a division in General Keyes's corps in the battle of fair Oaks, or seven Pines (q. v.). He also distinguished himself at Williamsburg and at Malvern Hills, and on July 4, 1862, was promoted to major-general. Soon after his service at Antietam he was put in command of Sumner's corps, and took a prominent part in battles under Burnside and Hooker; also under Thomas, in the defeat of Hood at Nashville (q. v.), and in North Carolina early in 1865. He was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 1865; was collector of the port of Boston
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889 (search)
1808; graduated at West Point in 1828; served as lieutenant in the Black Hawk War (q. v.) in 1831-32, and resigned in 1835 to become a cotton-planter in Mississippi. He was a member of Congress in 1845-46, and served as colonel of a Mississippi regiment in the war with Mexico. He was United States Senator from 1847 to 1851, and from 1857 to 1861. He was called to the cabinet of President Pierce as Secretary of War in 1853, and remained four years. He resigned his seat in the Senate in January, 1861, and was chosen provisional President of the Southern Confederacy in February. In November, 1861, he was elected permanent President for six years. Early in April, 1865, he and his associates in the government fled from Richmond, first to Danville, Va., and then towards the Gulf of Mexico. He was arrested in Georgia, taken to Fort Monroe, and confined on a charge of treason for about two years, when he was released on bail, Horace Greeley's name heading the list of bondsmen for $100,00
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Derry, Joseph T., 1841- (search)
Derry, Joseph T., 1841- Author; born in Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 13, 1841; graduated at Emory College in 1860; enlisted in the Oglethorpe Infantry in January, 1861, and with his company joined the Confederate army, March 18, 1861; served throughout the war, participating in the West Virginia, the Tennessee, and the Atlanta campaigns, being taken prisoner at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, 1864. Among his works are a School history of the United States; History of Georgia; and the volume on Georgia in the Confederate military history of which Gen. Clement A. Evans is editor.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dix, John Adams, 1798-1879 (search)
t positions. Chiefly through his exertions public libraries were introduced into the school districts of the State and the school laws systematized. In 1842 he was a member of the New York Assembly, and from 1845 to 1849 of the United States Senate. In the discussion of the question of the annexation of Texas and of slavery he expressed the views of the small Free Soil party whose candidate for governor he was in 1848. In 1859 he was appointed postmaster of New York City; and when in January, 1861, Buchanan's cabinet was dissolved, he was called to the post of Secretary of the Treasury. In that capacity he issued a famous order under the following circumstances: He found the department in a wretched condition, and proceeded with energy in the administration of it. Hearing of the tendency in the slave-labor States to seize United States property within their borders, he sent a special agent of his department (Hemphill Jones) to secure for service revenue cutters at Mobile and New
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Florida, (search)
command of this arsenal, but in consequence of the weakness of my command, I am obliged to surrender. . . . If I had force equal to, or half the strength of yours, I'll be d—--d if you would have entered that gate until you had passed over my dead body. You see that I have but three men. I now consider myself a prisoner of war. Take my sword, Captain Jones. Anxious to establish an independent empire on the borders of the Gulf of Mexico, Florida politicians met in convention early in January, 1861, at Tallahassee, the State capital. Colonel Petit was chosen chairman of the convention, and Bishop Rutledge invoked the blessing of the Almighty upon the acts they were about to perform. The members numbered sixty-nine, and about one-third of them were Co-operationists (see Mississippi). The legislature of Florida, fully prepared to co-operate with the convention, had convened at the same place on the 5th. On the 10th the convention adopted an ordinance of secession, by a vote of 62
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hardee, William Joseph 1815-1873 (search)
Hardee, William Joseph 1815-1873 Military officer; born in Savannah, Ga., Oct. 10, 1815; graduated at West Point in 1838, entering the dragoons; and in 1860 was lieutenant of the 1st Cavalry. In 1856 he published United States rifle and light Infantry tactics, being mainly a compilation from French sources. Resigning in January, 1861, he joined the Confederates, and in June was appointed brigadier-general in their army. For bravery in the battle of Shiloh (q. v.) lie was promoted to major-general, and in October, 1862, lieutenant-general. He was very active in military operations in Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Georgia; and after the defeat of the Confederates at Missionary Ridge, late in 1863, he succeeded Bragg in the chief command, until relieved by General Johnston. He commanded at Savannah and Charleston at the time of their capture, early in 1865; fought at Averasboro and Bentonville, N. C.; and surrendered with Johnston's army, April 27, 1865. He died in Wyt
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Illinois. (search)
ion in 1890 was 3,826,351; in 1900, 4,821,550. See United States, Illinois, vol. IX. Territorial Governor. Ninian EdwardscommissionedApril 24, 1809 State governors. Shadrach Bondassumes office1818 Edward Coles1822 Ninian Edwards1826 John Reynolds1830 William L. D. Ewingacting1834 Joseph Duncanassumes office1834 Thomas Carlin1838 Thomas Ford1842 Augustus C. French1846 Joel A. Matteson1853 William H. Bissell1857 John WoodactingMarch 18, 1860 Richard Yatesassumes officeJanuary, 1861 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1865 John M. PalmerJanuary, 1869 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1873 John L. BeveridgeactingMarch 4, 1873 Shelby M. Cullomassumes officeJanuary, 1877 John M. HamiltonactingFeb. 7, 1883 Richard J. OglesbyJanuary, 1885 Joseph W. FiferJanuary, 1889 John P. AltgeldJanuary, 1893 John R. TannerJanuary, 1897 Richard YatesJanuary, 1901 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. Ninian Edwards15th to 18th1818 to 1824 Jesse B. Thomas15th to 19th1818
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indiana, (search)
l Biggerassumes officeDec. 9, 1840 James Whitcombassumes officeDec. 6, 1843 Joseph A. Wrightassumes officeDec. 6, 1849 Ashbel P. Willardassumes officeJan. 12, 1857 Abraham A. Hammondassumes officeOct. 1860 Henry S. Laneelected U. S. SenatorJan. 1861 Oliver P. Mortonassumes officeJan. 1861 Conrad Bakerassumes officeJan. 1867 Thomas A. Hendricksassumes officeJan. 1873 James D. Williamsassumes officeJan. 1877 Albert G. Porterassumes officeJan. 1881 Isaac P. Grayassumes officeJan. 1885 Jan. 1861 Conrad Bakerassumes officeJan. 1867 Thomas A. Hendricksassumes officeJan. 1873 James D. Williamsassumes officeJan. 1877 Albert G. Porterassumes officeJan. 1881 Isaac P. Grayassumes officeJan. 1885 Alvin P. Hovey(died in office)Jan. 1889 Ira J. Chase, lieut.-gov.actingNov. 1891 Claude Matthewsassumes officeJan. 1, 1893 James A. Mountassumes officeJan. 1897 Winfield T. Durbinassumes officeJan. 1901 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. James Noble14th to 22d1816 to 1831 Waller Taylor14th to 19th1816 to 1825 William Hendricks19th to 24th1825 to 1837 Robert Hanna22d1831 to 1832 John Tipton22d to 25th1832 to 1837 Oliver H. Smith25th to 27th1837 to 1843 AlbertS. W
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
uch a slave State as Georgia or South Carolina. The constitution was accepted by the Senate by a vote of 32 against 25, but in the House a substitute offered by Senator John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, was adopted, which provided for the resubmission of the Lecompton constitution to the citizens of Kansas. It was done, and that instrument was again rejected by 10,000 majority. The political power in Kansas was now in the hands of the opponents of slavery; and, finally, at the close of January, 1861, that Territory was admitted into the Union as a freelabor State. During the political excitement in Kansas there was actual civil war, and some blood was shed. Early in April, 1856, armed men from Southern States, under Colonel Buford, arrived in Kansas. The United States marshal there took Buford's men into the pay of the government, and armed them with government muskets. Lawrence was again besieged (May 5), and on the 21st the inhabitants, under a promise of safety to persons a