e on these following years was as follow 1856. 419,000 bales; 1857, 626,000 bales; 1858; 557,000; 1859; 671,000 797,000; 1861, 872,000 bales; 1859; 8,908,000, bales were imported into Europe — of thes1859; 8,908,000, bales were imported into Europe — of these 2,890,000 bales were from America; in 1860, Europe imported 4,818.000 bales, of which 3,675,000 came from America; in 186, Europe imported 4,400,000 bales, of which bales came from America.
Of these to importations, England imported in 1859 2,829,000 bales, against 416,000 imported be France; in 1860 3,368,000 bales, against 685,000 imported by France; in 1861, 3,035,000, against 604,000 impobales; 1867 3,079,000; 858,3. 16,000: 1869. 2,651,000; 1868, 4,224,000; 1881. 3,811,110 bales. in 1859: England consumed 2,294,000 bales, against 526,000 consumed in France; 1860, 2,638,000, against 6 has been as follows at the close of each of the following years: 1855, 5 1856, 7 1857 6 1858 7d; 1859 6 1860 7 126.
It is ownerly 144, in 1844, its price was 31; during the first Empire, at an epo