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Historic leaves, volume 5, April, 1906 - January, 1907 1 1 Browse Search
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Historic leaves, volume 5, April, 1906 - January, 1907, Charlestown schools after 1825 (Continued.) (search)
the teachers in the Russell and Gardner districts were Philemon R. Russell, Jr., and Stephen A. Swan, respectively. Mr. Russell received $120 for his services, and out of a total of thirty-nine pupils held an average of thirty. December 30 John C. Hooper was chosen to the place made vacant by the death of Stephen A. Swan, who was drowned while skating on Medford pond the 25th instant. December 16 we read that a violent gale injured the new schoolhouse building within the peninsula. March 5, 1840, this new structure, which was of brick, was named the Warren school, to be used for both sexes. At this time the following districts were formed:— The Bunker Hill, from Canal bridge to Walker street, and from Charles river to Medford river. The Warren, from Walker street to Austin, Warren, and Cordis streets, and Everett street to Medford river. The Harvard (girls) and Winthrop (boys), all south of this line. The Warren school was dedicated Tuesday, April 21, 1840. The pro