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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 256 256 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 48 48 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 30 30 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 22 22 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 20 20 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 18 18 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 12 12 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 12 12 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 11 11 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 10 10 Browse Search
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their chemical intensity at different times. Acti-nom′e-ter. An instrument for measuring the power of the sun's rays, invented by Sir J. F. W. Herschel about 1825. A hollow cylinder of glass filled with a colored liquid is soldered to a thermometer-tube blown into a ball at the upper end; being exposed alternately to the sulute loss of a valuable material, but that such leakage is very dangerous, owing to the inflammability of the material. Howard's alcohol engine, English patent, 1825, was in use at the Rotherhithe Iron-Works for some time, but appears to have wearied out the patience or means of the inventor, no engine of that description beingfeet of the ribs, and not at the pole plate, permits the upper portion of the walls to be comparatively light. The Colonel erected a roof of this description in 1825 at Marac, near Bayonne. The principle has been extensively adopted in wooden bridges in the United States and in Europe. See wooden bridge. The illustratio
a correspondingly greater weight in the pan W. Its leverage in the position shown is indicated by the vertical dotted line dropped from D. Bent-lever balance. Bent-pipe filter. Bent-pipe Fil′ter. A tube whose bend forms a containing receptacle for a certain quantity of sand through which water passes, entering at one leg and being discharged at the other. Bent-rasp. One having a curved blade. Used by gunstockers and sculptors. Ben′zole. Discovered by Faraday in oils in 1825, and by C. B. Mansfield in coal-tar, 1849. The latter was fatally burned while experimenting with it in 1855. Aniline is produced from it, and is the source of the celebrated modern dyes, mauve, magenta, etc. Berga-mot. (Fabric.) A coarse tapestry, said to have been first made at Bergamo, Italy. It is composed of flocks of wool, hair, silk, cotton, or hemp. Berlin. (Vehicle.) A species of four-wheeled carriage having a sheltered seat behind the body and separate from it. I
reby the commerce of Amsterdam reaches the ocean, is wide and deep enough to float two passing frigates. It was built 1819-25, at a cost of $4,250,000. A still deeper and wider one is now in progress. Previous to the invention of canal-locks by tie, by DeWitt Clinton, is the longest, 363 miles, with 84 locks. The Erie Canal was commenced in 1817, and completed in 1825. The main line leading from Albany, on the Hudson, to Buffalo, on Lake Erie, measures 363 miles in length, and cost aboutto the infusion. An early arrangement of this kind is the Bencini patent, September 27, 1838. See also Martell's patent, 1825; Rowland, 1844; Waite and Sener, Old Dominion, 1856. These have lids or upper chambers to condense the steam. 3. Coffecliffe, 1802– 1804. Power-loom, Horrocks, 1803-1813. Mule, Samuel Crompton, 1774-1779. Self-acting mule, Roberts, 1825. See cotton, flax, wool, hemp, silk, etc., appliances, p. 631. A cotton-factory cited by Ure has machines in the fol
ear Spalding; this fen contains 25,000 acres, and is drained by two engines, one of 80 and one of 60 horse power. The 80-horse engine has a wheel of 28 feet in diameter, with float-boards or ladles measuring 5 1/2 feet by 5 feet, and moving with a mean velocity of 6 feet per second; so that the section of the stream is 27 1/2 feet, and the quantity discharged per second 165 cubic feet, — equal to more than 4 1/2 tons of water in a second, or about 16,200 tons of water in an hour. It was in 1825 that these two engines were erected, and at that time the district was kept in a half-cultivated state by the help of forty-four windmills, the land at times being wholly under water. It now grows excellent wheat, producing from 32 to 48 bushels to the acre. The land has increased in value fourfold. See scoop-wheel. 2. (Founding.) The trench which conducts the molten metal to the gate of the mold. Drain′ing-au′ger. A horizontal auger occasionally used for boring through a bank <
to the invention of the first really convenient and practical system of electro-telegraphy. In 1825, Mr. Sturgeon, of London, discovered that a soft iron bar, surrounded by a helix of wire, throughher, and are drawn by horses and a towing-rope. A railway on this principle was constructed in 1825 at Cheshunt, in England, and used for conveying bricks across the marshes to the river Lea, where they were shipped. Fisher's English patent, 1825, in the same figure, shows a suspended carriage between two lines of rail. In the figure, the bar a with rail-flanges b b is shown suspended by The mode of propulsion is probably by a wire or rope. Dick's elevated railway (English patent, 1825) had a double track supported on vertical pillars m m of varying hight when crossing irregular sun. Warren and Blume's elevated railway M is on the principle of the Fisher (English) patent of 1825. The rails are supported upon inward projections at the spring of an arch s, which is attached
ed to light streets of Philadelphia, 1815. Baltimore commenced the use of gas, 1816. Boston, 1822. New York City, 1825. The Newton gas-well, six miles from Titusville, Pa., discharges at the rate of three millions of cubic feet of gas everyperated two pumps, one of them designed to introduce the supply of gas, and the other that of air. Brunel's gas-engine (1825) consisted of five distinct cylindrical vessels; the two exterior vessels a and b contain the carbonic acid, reduced to thw tubes, connecting waterboxes at front and rear, were introduced by Chapman in 1824. See smoke-consuming furnace. In 1825, Atkins attached a fuel-chamber to the back grates, the bottom of the chamber being made to slope at a considerable angle.ollowing him was Snowden's middle-rack and mechanical horse. See center-rail. Easton's center rail (English patent, 1825) fulfilled two purposes; its upper edge formed a rack and served, in connection with a spur-wheel on the locomotive, as a
h's colliery, in 1814, and had grooved sheaves to increase adherence. Locomotives on Stephenson's plan were used on the Stockton and Darlington Railway, opened in 1825. Stephenson's Rocket was successful over three other competitors in the trial on the rails of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1829. It used the multitubulaied in France by Bossuet over a century since, with a pipe about three miles long. Vallance's hydraulic telegraph was described by the inventor in a pamphlet in 1825. Hy-drau′lic valve. (Pneumatics.) An inverted cup which is lowered over the upturned open end of a pipe, the edge of the cup being submerged in water and cquid is driven by centrifugal force from or through a mass deposited in a chamber rotating at high velocity. See centrifugal machine. Hy′dro-genlamp. About 1825 a German named Dobereiner discovered that spongy platinum became incandescent when a mixture of hydrogen gas and atmospheric air was passed through it, and thence <
eces according to pattern, for boot or shoe soles, etc. In′dia-rub′ber spring. The first known use of india-rubber for springs is in Lacy's English patent of 1825. He employed blocks of rubber with interposed plates of iron. Melville, 1844, obtained a patent for hollow spheres of rubber, enclosing air and separated by diskler tube with perforations which deliver a fine shower into the outer tube, which is exposed to the heat of the furnace. Dr. Alban, of Mecklenburg, patented, in 1825, a device (B, Fig. 2685) in which steam was generated in a series of strong vertical tubes, which are submerged for the greater portion of their length in a bath o.) A solution of acetate of iron, used as a mordant by calico-printers. I′ron-man. (Cotton-manufacture.) A name applied to the self-acting mule invented in 1825 by Roberts, of Manchester, England. The working of the ordinary mule was confided to the most skillful operatives. The machine by which their services were disp
the succeeding year by Losh and Stephenson, embracing, among other features, a series of cylinders communicating with the water in the boiler, and having pistons with rods at their lower ends, which were caused to press upon axles having vertically movable bearings, so as to keep the wheels down when running on an uneven track. Their first engine is stated to have been made for the Killingworth Railway, and their engines were employed on iron tracks by the Stockton and Darlington Railway in 1825, and, later, at the Newcastle collieries. The locomotive in the Stockton and Darlington Railway had two vertical cylinders, and the driving-shaft had cranks at an angle of 90°. The axles of the wheels were coupled by an endless chain passing around both axles. In 1829, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, then the most extensive and finished work of the kind ever undertaken, was completed, and the directors offered a reward of pound 500 for the best locomotive, which should fulfill certa
ar. Deakin's patent, 1816, had the magazine at the back of the fire, and the fuel was drawn forward horizontally by means of a screw. Alkin's English patent, 1825, resembled Deakin's. Rawe's magazine, 1854, is a fuel-pipe connecting the bottom of the grate with a side reservoir of fuel. The poker is the lever for introdfrey Hanckwitz, at his laboratory in Southampton Street, London, manufactured and sold large quantities of phosphorus for the purpose of striking light. About 1825, the hydrogen-lamp was invented by Dobereiner, a German, and was long in favor. It consisted of a piece of spongy platinum, which was rendered incandescent by the to 400. Houldsworth of Manches- ter, England, has lately succeeded in making No. 700, which was woven in France. Mr. Roberts invented the self-acting mule in 1825. By this, the carriage, after the thread is spun, is automatically returned to the rollers, requiring no attendance, except for the purpose of joining threads whi