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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 178 178 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 33 33 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 27 27 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 26 26 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 23 23 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 10 10 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 9 9 Browse Search
Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 7 7 Browse Search
Emil Schalk, A. O., The Art of War written expressly for and dedicated to the U.S. Volunteer Army. 7 7 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 6 6 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John, 1735- (search)
, he negotiated for another Dutch loan. John Adams In 1785 Adams went as minister to the English Court. and there he prepared his Defence of the American Constitution. Being coldly received, he returned home, and. in 1788, was elected Vice-President of the United States under the national Constitution. He sustained the policy of Washington through the eight years of his administration, opposed the French Revolution, and was a strong advocate for the neutrality of the United States. In 1796 he was chosen President by a small majority over Jefferson, and his administration was vehemently opposed by the new party known as Republicans, led by the latter, its real founder. He had much trouble with the French Directory throughout his entire administration, and drew upon himself great blame for favoring the Alien and Sedition Law. In his eagerness for re-election Adams offended a powerful faction of his party, and was beaten by Jefferson at the election in 1800. Then he retired to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adet, Pierre Augustus, 1763-1832 (search)
of 1794, prohibiting hostile enterprises or preparations against nations with whom the United States were at peace: the cognizance of these matters taken by the American courts of law; and the admission of armed British vessels into American waters. He complained of the British treaty as inimical to the interests of France. This paper. published in the Aurora, was intended more for the American people than for the American government. While in the United States he was a busy partisan of the Republicans. In 1796 he presented to Congress. in behalf of the French nation, the tricolored flag of France; and just before he left, in 1797. he sent to the Secretary of State the famous note in which the Directory. contrary to the spirit of the treat of 1778. declared that the flag of the republic would treat all neutral flags as they permitted themselves to be treated by the English. Soon afterwards Adet suspended his diplomatic functions and returned to France. where he died in 1832.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), African Methodist Episcopal Church, Zion (search)
African Methodist Episcopal Church, Zion A religious sect, founded in New York City in 1796. This organization sprang from a desire of colored members of the Methodist Episcopal Church to have a separate spiritual fellowship that they might be more helpful to each other. The first annual conference, however, was not held until 1821. James Varich was elected bishop in the following year. Until 1880 bishops held office for four years only, but in that year an act was passed making the bishopric a life office. The territory of this Church is divided into seven districts, over each of which there is a bishop. In 1900 it reported as follows: Ministers, 3,155; churches, 2,906; and members, 536,271.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anderson, Alexander, 1775- (search)
Anderson, Alexander, 1775- The first engraver on wood in America; born in New York, April 21, 1775. His father was a Scotchman, who printed a Whig newspaper in New York, called The constitutional gazette, until he was driven from the city by the British in 1776. At the age of twelve years young Anderson made quite successful attempts at engraving on copper and type-metal, and two or three years later he began the study of medicine. In 1796 he received the degree of M. D. from Columbia College, writing for the occasion a thesis on Chronic mania. He Alexander Anderson. practised the profession for a few years, and engraved at the same time, liking that employment better. After the yellow fever in 1798 had swept away nearly his whole family, he abandoned the practice of medicine and made engraving his life profession. Having seen an edition of Bewick's History of quadrupeds, illustrated with wood-engravings by that master, Anderson first learned that Wood was used for such a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Beaumont, William, 1796-1853 (search)
Beaumont, William, 1796-1853 Physician; born in Lebanon, Conn., in 1796. In 1812 he was made assistant surgeon in the United States army, and served until 1837. While stationed at Michilimackinac (Mackinaw) in 1822, he treated Alexis St. Martin, a Canadian, who had a gunshot wound in his side; the wound healed without closing up, exposing to view the operations of the stomach in its digestive functions. Dr. Beaumont made careful experiments with this man, for several years, upon the pro1796. In 1812 he was made assistant surgeon in the United States army, and served until 1837. While stationed at Michilimackinac (Mackinaw) in 1822, he treated Alexis St. Martin, a Canadian, who had a gunshot wound in his side; the wound healed without closing up, exposing to view the operations of the stomach in its digestive functions. Dr. Beaumont made careful experiments with this man, for several years, upon the process of digestion, and published the result of his researches. St. Martin lived for more than fifty years after the accident. The orifice exposing the stomach never closed. Dr. Beaumont died in St. Louis, Mo., April 25, 1853.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blair, John, 1732-1800 (search)
Blair, John, 1732-1800 Jurist; born in Williamsburg, Va., in 1732; was educated at the College of William and Mary; studied law at the Temple, London; soon rose to the first rank as a lawyer; was a member of the House of Burgesses as early as 1765, and was one of the dissolved Virginia Assembly who met at the Raleigh Tavern, in the summer of 1774, and drafted the Virginia non-importation agreement. He was one of the committee who, in June, 1776, drew up the plan for the Virginia State government, and in 1777 was elected a judge of the Court of Appeals; then chief-justice, and, in 1780, a judge of the High Court of Chancery. he was one of the framers of the national Constitution; and, in 1789. Washington appointed him a judge of the United States Supreme Court. He resigned his seat on the bench of that court in 1796, and died in Williamsburg, Va., Aug. 31, 1800.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blennerhassett, Harman, 1764- (search)
Blennerhassett, Harman, 1764- Scholar; born in Hampshire, England, Oct. 8, 1764 or 1765; was of Irish descent: educated at the University of Dublin; studied law and practised there; and in 1796 married the beautiful Adelaide Agnew, daughter of General Agnew. who was killed in the battle at Germantown, 1777. Being a republican in principle, he became involved in the political troubles in Ireland in 1798. Blennerhassett's Island residence. when he sold his estates in England. and came to America with an ample fortune. He purchased an island in the Ohio River. nearly opposite Marietta, built an elegant mansion, furnished it luxuriantly, and there he and his accomplished wife were living in happiness and contentment, surrounded by books. philosophical apparatus, pictures, and other means for intellectual culture, when Aaron Burr entered that paradise, and tempted and ruined its dwellers. A mob of militiamen laid the island waste, in a degree. and Blennerhassett and his wife
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blount, William, 1744-1800 (search)
Blount, William, 1744-1800 Statesman; born in North Carolina, in 1744; was a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1782-83, 1786, and 1787; and was a member of the convention that framed the national Constitution. In 1790 he was appointed governor of the territory south of the Ohio. (See Northwestern Territory.) He was president of the convention that formed the State of Tennessee in 1796, and was chosen the first United States Senator from the new State. Blount was impeached in 1797 by the House of Representatives, charged with having intrigued, while territorial governor, to transfer New Orleans and neighboring districts (then belonging to Spain) to Great Britain by means of a joint expedition of Englishmen and Creek and Cherokee Indians. He was expelled from the Senate, and the process was discontinued in the House. His popularity in Tennessee was increased by these proceedings, and he became, by the voice of the people, a State Senator and president of that body. He di
Boer, A Dutch term meaning farmer. given to the descendants of the Holland emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. They gradually extended civilization over a wide territory. The British acquired the settlement in 1796 as a fruit of war. In 1803 it was restored to the Dutch, but in 1806 was again seized by the British. In the Congress of Vienna (1814) Holland formally ceded it to Great Britain. This settlement became known as Cape Colony. A large majority of the Boers moved north in 1835-36, a number settling in the region which afterwards became known as the Orange Free State, and the remainder in the present colony of Natal. The settlers in the latter region stayed there until Great Britain took possession of it in 1843, when they removed farther north, and organized the South African, or, as it has been generally called, the Transvaal, Republic. In 1877 the South African Republic was annexed by the British government; in 1880 the Boers there rose in revolt: in 1881
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boudinot, Elias, 1740-1821 (search)
Boudinot, Elias, 1740-1821 Philanthropist; born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1740; began the practice of law in New Jersey and was an early advocate of freedom for the American colonies. Congress appointed him commissary-general of prisoners in 1777; and during the same year he was elected a member of that body. He became its president in 1782, and as such he signed the ratification of the treaty of peace. Mr. Boudinot resumed the practice of law in 1789. In 1796 Washington appointed him superintendent of the mint, which position he held until 1805. when he resigned all public employments, and retired to Bourlington. On becoming trustee of the College of Princeton in 1805, he endowed it with a valuable cabinet of natural history. Mr. Boudinot took great interest in foreign missions, and became a member of the board of commissioners in 1812; and in 1816 he was chosen the first president of the American Bible: Society (q. v.), to both of which and to benevolent institutions h