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s prepared for that service was the basis of a book, The influence of Sea power in history, 1660–;1783 (1890), which established his reputation as an historian.
Following the same idea he published Ireat Britain was interrupted, and schoolbooks were scarce and hardly attainable.
Accordingly, in 1783 he issued the first part of his Grammatical Institute of the English language, comprising an easy Grammatical Institute of the English language, in three parts: (I) his celebrated Spelling Book (1783), of which more than eighty million copies are said to have been sold before 1880; (II) a Plain aly speaking the dominant centres of publication for American books during the period from 1765 to 1783 were, in the order of their importance, Philadelphia, London, Boston, New York, Charleston, Newpohopf in his Reise durch einige der mittlern und sudlichen vereinigten Staaten . . . in den Jahren 1783 und 1784.
Very interesting are the letters of Hessian soldiers, who fought for the English king,
ts of travel in Yucatan, 136
Income tax, the, 443
In Darkest Africa, 163
In defence of Harriet Shelley, 20
Independent, the, 125, 325, 333
Indianapolis journal, the, 60
Indian Herald, the, 87
Indian language of North America, the, 448
Indians of today, 150
Indian summer, 81
Industrial progress of the nation, 440
Industrial resources of the Southern and Western States, the, 438
Inferno, 38, 450, 489
Influence of Jesus, 222
Influence of Sea power in history, 1660-1783, the, 196
Influence of Sea power on the French
Revolution, 196
Ingalls, J. J., 357
Ingersoll, R. G., 18, 74
In Ghostly Japan, 155
Ingraham, Joseph Holt, 66, 69, 75, 549
Inheritance tax, 359
Inman, Henry, 133
Innocents abroad, 5, 8, 10, 20, 24
In Old Kentucky, 290
In Palestine, and other poems, 49
In praise of portraiture, 49
Inquiry into the nature of value and capital, 431
Inquiry into the origin and the use of money, an, 430
Institutes of economics, 443