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The American revolution. Epoch Third. America Declares itself independent. 1774-1776. America Declares itself independent. Chapter 41: The continental congress in midsummer, 1775. June 17—July, 1775. idle refugees in Boston, and even candid British Chap. XLI.} 1775. June 17. officers, condemned Howe's attack on the New England lines as a needless exposure of his troops to carnage. By landing at the Charlestown isthmus, they said, he should have cooped the rebels within the peninsula; or by aid of a musket proof gunboat he should have dislodged the party near the Mystic; and, even at the last, by concentrating his force at the rail fence, he might have taken Prescott in the rear. During the evening and night after the battle, the air trembled with the groans of the wounded, as they were borne over the Charles and through the streets of Boston to hospitals, where they were to waste away from the summer heat and the scarcity of proper food. The fifth regiment suffer
ay, 1776, was the saddest day that Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. ever broke on the women and children thenve seen Edward Rutledge defeated in Chap. LVI} 1776. Jan. his attempt to compel their discharge; ing diligence of Washington had done Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. what history cannot parallel; he had for disadvantage. The world gave him Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. credit for an army of twenty thousand welbreathes revenge, and threatens us Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. with destruction; America must raise an ehe eighth of January, was most op- Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. portune; the day before, the general conge hesitancy of New Hampshire alone Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. that defeated the plan of an immediate cohe eighteenth of January, raised a Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. party of volunteers, took Sir Joseph Wrig of grass is impearled by the dews Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. of heaven, and assists to reflect the morth; the common sense of the people Chap. LVI.} 1776. Jan. now claimed its right to sit in judgment [12 more...]
nt to see Brunswickers, who once to their great honor were employed in the defence of the liberties of the subject, now sent to subjugate his constitutional liberties in another part of this vast empire. The whole number of men furnished in the war by Brunswick was equal to one twenty seventh part of Chap. LVII.} its collective population; by the landgrave of Hesse was equal to one out of every twenty of his subjects, or one in four of the able bodied men; a proportionate conscription in 1776 would have shipped to America from England and Wales alone an army of more than four hundred thousand. Soldiers were impressed from the plough, the workshop, the highway; no man was safe from the inferior agents of the princes, who kidnapped without scruple. Almost every family in Hesse mourned for one of its members; light-hearted joyousness was not to be found among its peasantry; most of the farm work was thrown upon women, whose large hands and feet, lustreless eye, and imbrowned and ye
Highlanders, who had settled in Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Jan. the valley of the Mohawk, were reported aIn Queen's county, where a large Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Jan. part of the population was of Dutch desceon was about to embark from Bos- Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Jan. ton, with troops, on a southern expeditio to call out another under Ward. Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Jan. In this manner Lee, who had never command your presence will be as neces- Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. sary in New York. In like manner Frankli, Lee was invested with the com- Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Mar. mand of the continental forces south of tto command the army as brigadier; Chap. LVII.} 1776. Feb. next him in rank was Donald Macleod. T encamped on the Cape Fear river, Chap. LVII.} 1776. Feb. four miles below Cross Creek. On that ald, who was himself confined to Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. his tent by illness, numbered between fif falling into the deep and muddy Chap. LVIII.} 1776. Feb. water of the creek. Macleod, who was gre[8 more...]
inous imperfections of their mili- Chap. LIX.} 1776. Feb. tary system. To the vast numbers of merce command of Boston and of a large Chap. LIX.} 1776. Feb. part of the harbor. Ill supplied as he wme time in motion, going backwards Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. and forwards, some three, some four timesimself, Howe knew not what to pro- Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. pose; neither Burgoyne nor Clinton was wihree vessels were driven on shore; Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. rain fell in torrents on the morning of t condemned to hopeless inferiority Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. in a dreary place of exile; foregoing forops: now he had a larger force and Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. fewer transports. He pretended that he wce. In the laying waste which was Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. proposed, New England was to be spared this all; several British storeships Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. consigned to Boston, and ignorant of the ton attended the Thursday lecture, Chap. LIX.} 1776. Mar. which had been kept up from the days of W[6 more...]
self-esteem was his chief blemish; Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. and if he compared himself with his great, bright, and cheery, and brave; he Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. was the hammer and not the anvil; and it hospitality was prompt and hearty. Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. He loved homage, and it made him blind; tt nothing more was determined. The Chap. LX.} 1776. Feb. debate on opening the ports was then contad precipitated the fate of Montgom- Chap. LX} 1776. Feb. ery, had exposed his own position to immi and received from the committee of Chap. LX.} 1776. Mar. secret correspondence an appointment as c chief subject of deliberation, was Chap. LX.} 1776. Apr. discussed through all the next fortnight.ins, of Rhode Island, a divine, who Chap. LX.} 1776. Apr. taught that, through divine interpositionerwhelmed their internal divisions, Chap. LX.} 1776. Apr. and made them well nigh unanimous for ind and utterly reject any proposition Chap. LX.} 1776. Apr. that might lead to a separation from the [11 more...]
ear the problem of granting aid to Chap. LXI.} 1776. Mar. the American insurgents had under all itsation of America with resoluteness Chap. LXI.} 1776. Mar. and prudence, remaining always master of s furnish resources for the extin- Chap. LXI.} 1776. Mar. guishment of their national debt. In t taken to avoid being compromised, Chap. LXI.} 1776. Mar. and not to provoke the ills which it is w it is indispensable, to raise the Chap. LXI.} 1776. Mar. effective force of the two monarchies to may or ought to be the wish of the Chap. LXI.} 1776. Apr. two crowns, nothing can arrest the course of support which could alone have Chap. LXI.} 1776. Apr. made success probable. The present warsist, will none the less see their Chap. LXI.} 1776. Apr. colonies escape from them, to become theiing in Paris, with the motto NEVER Chap. LXI.} 1776. Apr. despair, represented as the unique end ofwas to encourage the insurgents to Chap. LXI.} 1776. May. persevere; and in early summer, Beaumarc[5 more...]
esenting in a yellow field a rat- Chap. LXII.} 1776. Feb. tlesnake of thirteen full-grown rattles, sand pounds of paper money, voted Chap. LXII.} 1776. Mar. an additional sum of seven hundred and fiualifications of the electors and Chap. LXII.} 1776. Mar. the elected were continued in force; a leortunes, the peace of their fami- Chap. LXII.} 1776. Apr. lies, and their lives, from sympathy withat if any persons in your several Chap. LXII.} 1776. Apr. parishes and districts are still strangerther knowing nor regarding conse- Chap. LXII.} 1776. Apr. quences; but trusting that the Almighty ahich were known to be on the way, Chap. LXII.} 1776. Apr. the mechanics and laborers of Charleston,lphia. The moderate men, as they Chap. LXII.} 1776. May. were called, who desired a reconciliatio. The measure was carried in the Chap. LXII.} 1776. May. upper house unanimously, and in the houss intelligence was received, that Chap. LXII.} 1776. May. the works erected by the rebels on Sulli[4 more...]
d on the royal commissioners for Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. restoring peace; but the British ministelimited power over the colonies. Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. Sandwich was impatient of all restraintsn required, but in the moment of Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. victory other colonial charters were stie by common consent, won for its Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. author the freedom of the city of London the collected wisdom of the na- Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. tion; but he now stood without any suppoe of human freedom, though by ir- Chap LXIII.} 1776. May. regular and disorderly movements. In he true for the seeming; knowing Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. nothing of a universal moral government,their rights. Our petitions are Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. answered only by fleets, and armies, andjection into that of independent Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. republics, the great events which were reen colony and colony, the post- Chap. LXIII.} 1776. May. office, and the unappropriated public la[4 more...]
day of May forty-five members of Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. the house of burgesses of Virginia, met urers, who were not fugitives for Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. conscience' sake, or sufferers from perse, Italy, and Great Britain, than Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. any region for which it had ever been prtterson and John Cabell, its del- Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. egates: We instruct you to cause a totalld readily embrace every opportu- Chap. XLIV.} 1776. May. nity of obeying any commands from the coh Archibald Cary reported resolu- Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. tions which had been drafted by Pendleto Mason, the successor of Washing- Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. ton in the representation of Fairfax cou by the purest and most unselfish Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. attachment to human freedom. On the t the dictates of conscience. His Chap. LXIV.} 1776. May. motion, which did but state with better vernment of Virginia, ought to be Chap. LXIV.} 1776 May. erected or established within the limits t[1 more...]