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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 322 322 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 243 243 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 208 208 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 78 78 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 49 49 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 23 23 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 21 21 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. 13 13 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 10 10 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. 9 9 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for 1775 AD or search for 1775 AD in all documents.

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the foot of Walnut Hill. Hills. The hill commanding the widest prospect, and most visited by pleasure parties, is Pine Hill, in the north-east part of the town, near Spot Pond. As part of the low range of hills, called the Rocks, which runs east and west, and nearly marks the northern boundary of the town, it is the highest. It was covered with as dense a forest as its thin soil on the rock could sustain. In early time the wood was burned. When the army was stationed neear us, in 1775-6, the wood was cut off, in part, for its supply. After then it grew and within twenty years has been a thick wood again. Recently the whole hill has been denuded, and much of its poetry lost. The earth looks best with its beard. The eminence — which commands a view of Chelsea and Boston Harbor on the east; Boston, Roxbury, and Cambridge, on the south; Brighton, Watertown, and West Cambridge track of woodland on the north — has on its summit a flat rock, called Lover's Rock; on of those r
sometimes two or three rates made in a year, varying from £ 20 to £ 200. The money collected by the Constable was paid into the treasury; but the accounts of the Treasurer were not examined until a new Treasurer was chosen. Then a Committee was appointed to examine the accounts, and transfer the books. A natural consequence of such book-keeping was, that the accounts of one year ran into those of the next; and, thus mixed up, the items of several years were summed up in one footing. After 1775, more regularity obtained. Another fact should be noticed in the following accounts,--the bewildering depreciation in the value of money. For fluctuations in the currency, see the tables. Samuel Brooks, Treasurer from 1729 to 1732.Old Tenor.  Amount paid for town-expenses, 3 years£1,44691 Ebenezer Brooks, Treasurer from 1735 to 1743.     Amount paid for town-expenses, 8 years2,26507 Benjamin Parker, Treasurer from 1743 to 1749.     Amount paid for town-expenses, 6 years4,886101
e among us, we may mention the remark of our first Medford merchant, Benjamin Hall, Esq.:-- When the struggle began, in 1775, I would not have exchanged my property for that of any man in Middlesex County; and now, in 1784, I am worth nothing. ew Hall1744. Stephen Hall1751. Samuel Brooks1762. Stephen Hall1763. Benjamin Hall1770. Simon Tufts1772. Benjamin Hall1775. Thomas Brooks1776. T. Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. JamithJune 7, 1853. Colonel Isaac Royal. As one of the wealthiest citizens of Medford was frightened into Toryism, in 1775, it maybe fit to give a short notice of the facts, especially as they illustrate, by contrast, the deep devotion of the re of Worcester. His daughter Elizabeth, who married the second Sir William Pepperell, died on her passage to England, in 1775. Her husband died in London, in 1816, aged seventy. Although Colonel Royal's property in Medford was confiscated in 17
nd war gradually educated the colonists to that personal courage and military skill which rendered them so powerful in their war with Philip, and thus prepared them for achieving the victories of the Revolution. In 1675, they beat King Philip; in 1775, they beat King George; and, in 1875, they may beat all the kings of the earth. This deep interest in military affairs made our forefathers wakefully anxious on the subject of the election of officers in the trainbands. It was an event in whicy. It was the eighth company in the first regiment of the first brigade of the third division. Seth Bullard was Captain; William Burbeck, 1st Lieutenant; and Ezekiel Plympton, 2d Lieutenant. It belonged to Colonel Thomas Gardner's regiment. In 1775, it was commanded by Captain Isaac Hall. This company came out, says the Adjutant-General, on the 19th of April, 1775, and were in service five days, and were undoubtedly in the battles of Lexington and Concord. The names of the men composing the
er his other engagements required. Tutors from Harvard College were hired for this purpose. Oct. 21, 1658, our fathers kept a fast, on account of God's judgments; to wit, sickness in several families, unfavorable weather, and the appearance of that scourge, the Quakers. 1660: At this time, the controversy about infant baptism afflicted our early Christians here; and Mr. Thomas Gould's case, in Charlestown, caused great stir at Medford. Mr. John Hancock, grandfather of the patriot of 1775, who preached here in 1692, consented to remain in the plantation; and the town accordingly voted that he shall be boarded at Mr. John Bradshaw's for the year ensuing, if he shall continue his ministry so long among us. The usual price of board was five shillings per week. In November, 1693, Mr. Hancock's ministrations ceased, and the town voted to apply to the government of Harvard College to supply them with a minister for the winter. The town enjoyed, for a considerable time, the minist
Voted to raise £ 450 hard money, instead of the £ 1,300 paper money, voted in May last. It is not necessary to trace further the currency of the Province, or to show the effects of the issue of continental money, or the sword-in-hand money, of 1775, or the influence of the Stamp Act, and the subsequent oppressions of the crown upon the trade, comfort, or hopes of our fathers. The currency of the country, from its settlement to the present time, pertains as much to the town of Medford as to the above was this notice: A person has a handsome mourning-coach, with a pair of good horses, to let out to any funeral, at ten shillings, old tenor, each funeral. This house acquired great popularity, especially when kept by Roger Billings, in 1775. It was afterwards kept by Mr. James Tufts and Son. It became a private dwelling about half a century ago, and so continued till its destruction by fire, Nov. 21, 1850. The Fountain house, next in order of time, was built as early as 1725; and
lve-pence; from 1700 to 1719, as personal estate; 1727, each male fifteen pounds, and each female ten pounds; from 1731 to 1775, as personal property. In 1701, the inhabitants of Boston gave the following magnanimous direction: The representatives a, and a smokehouse also erected near Medford great bridge, and another smokehouse at the West End, and guards be kept. In 1775, a smokehouse was opened for the purification of those persons who had been exposed to the contagion of smallpox. It stoot, about forty rods south of Colonel Royal's house. Visitors from Charlestown were unceremoniously stopped and smoked. 1775: During this and some following years, there was fatal sickness in Medford from dysentery. Out of fifty-six deaths in 1771775, twenty-three were children. In 1776, there were thirty-three deaths; in 1777, nineteen; in 1778, thirty-seven; and in 1779, thirteen. No reason is given for these differences in numbers. Out of the thirty-seven deaths of 1778, eighteen were by
ution. In 1785, Mr. Porter took down the house, discontinued the tavern, and built his private residence and store on the spot where they continue to this day. 1775.--Before the battle of Bunker Hill, General Stark fixed his Headquarters at Medford, in the house built by Mr. Jonathan Wade, near the Medford House, on the east swho had been killed, were brought here, and buried in the field, about fifty or sixty rods north of Gravelly Bridge. Their bones have been discovered recently. 1775.--Our patriot fathers cut down those white-pine trees which his majesty had reserved for the use of his royal navy, and supplied the American troops with fuel at Cambridge and Charlestown. 1775.--Major Andrew McClary, of Colonel Stark's regiment, was a brave and good man. After the battle of Bunker Hill, he rode to Medford to procure bandages for the wounded. After his return, a shot from a frigate, laying where Cragie's Bridge is, passed through his body. He leaped a few feet from the
1773.   N. B.--He perhaps m., 2d, Martha----, who d. July 6, 1808, and had as below. He d. Sept. 1, 1801.  57Martha, b. 1775; d. Aug. 11, 1778.  58Susanna, b. Aug. 3, 1778.  59John, b. June 3, 1786.   Rebecca Bradshaw m. Wm. Hall, jun., Feb. 7, uncle, Daniel Fowle, the first printer in N. H. He published, in 1768, the Essex Gazette, at Salem, whence he removed, in 1775, to Cambridge, where he published the N. E. Chronicle. He moved this latter to Boston the next year. He published the Sarancis Kidder, of Medford, b. 1692; m. Mary Prentice, Feb. 13, 1718. He d. Jan. 21, 1724; and his widow m. Philip Cook in 1775. His children were--  9-10Mary.  11Samuel, b. 1720.  12James.  13Francis. 9-11Samuel Kidder m., 1st, Mary Tompson, M, 1769, and had by her--  85Turell, b. 1770; d. June 9, 1842.  86Cotton, b. 1772; insane; d. Feb. 12, 1835.  87Hall, b. 1775; d. at Surinam, July 19, 1801.  88Hepzibah, b. 1777; m. Benjamin Hall.  89Stephen, b. 1779.   His widow d. A
1752; French, 1755. Galt, 1757; Gardner, 1721; Garret, 1732; Giles, 1719; Gill, 1738; Goddard, 1745; Gowen, 1773; Grace, 1779; Greatton, 1718; Green, 1785. Hosmer, 1746; Hunt, 1751. Kendall, 1752; Kettle, or Kettell, 1740. Lathe, Laithe, and Leathe, 1738; Learned, 1793; Le Bosquet, 1781. Mack, 1790; Mallard, 1753; Mansfield, 1759; May, 1759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750; Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732. Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797; Pratt, 1791. Rand, 1789; Reed, 1755; Richardson, 1796; Robbins, 1765; Rouse, 1770; Rumril, 1750; Rushby, 1735; Russul, 1733. Sables, 1758; Sargent, 1716; Scolly, 1733; Semer, 1719; Simonds, 1773; Souther, 1747; Sprague, 1763; Stocker, 1763; Storer, 1748. Tebodo, 1757; Teel, 1760; Tidd, 1746; Tilton, 1764; Tompson, 1718; Trowbridge, 1787; Turner, 1729; Tuttle, 1729; Tyzick, 1785. Wait