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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition.. You can also browse the collection for June, 1763 AD or search for June, 1763 AD in all documents.

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Assembly, and other things necessary to the Settlement of Canada: indorsed, Relative to the Present State of Quebec, 17 May, 1767. The paper seems to have been drafted by an Under Secretary for Lord Shelburne's consideration; perhaps by L. Macleane. and Council. But the more Shelburne showed his good disposition towards America, the more the Court spoke of him as an enemy. Grafton's Autobiography. The King had long been persuaded Compare Secretary Calvert to Lieut. Gov. Sharpe, June, 1763. that the Colonies shared in the licentious- Chap. Xxviii} 1767. Feb. ness of opinion, which he thought was infusing itself into all orders of men; and that a due obedience and submission to law must in all cases go before the removal of grievances. Otherwise, said he, we shall soon be no better than the savages. King to Conway, 20 Sept. 1766, 8 minutes past 9 P. M. He was now accustomed to talk a great deal about America; Bristol to Chatham, 9 Feb. 1767; Chat. Corr. III. 199. and