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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 118 118 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 52 52 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 50 50 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 15 15 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 11 11 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 11 11 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 7 7 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. 5 5 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906 4 4 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 4 4 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Confederate responsibilities for Farragut's success. (search)
mity of action. In every other respect the odds were against us. But taking Admiral Porter's own showing of the armaments, it appears that the weight of one entire round of projectiles was approximately: Confederate, 7139 pounds; Union, 20,224; making a difference in favor of the Union force of 13,085 pounds, or nearly 3 to 1 in weight of projectiles. The weight of one entire round of all the Confederate forces afloat (including the 10 guns of the Louisiana that could not be used) was 1760 pounds, and did not equal one round of any one of 4 of the first class United States sloops of war, as, for instance, the Pensacola, which was 1860 pounds. The ordnance of the United States fleet was the heaviest known to any navy of that day; her vessels were inferior to those of no other nation in construction, equipment, and speed, and were manned by officers and crews of unsurpassed courage, skill, training, and discipline. The Confederate armament was composed of the old discarded guns
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Chapter 3: strategy. (search)
ws how Peter the Great preceded the destruction of Charles XII, by causing to be captured, by a considerable corps, the famous convoy which Lowenhaupt conducted. It is generally recollected how Villars completely defeated at Denain the great detachment which Prince Eugene had made under Albemarle. The destruction of the great convoy which Laudon took from Frederick during the siege of Olmutz, obliged the king to evacuate Moravia. The fate of the two detachments of Fouquet at Landshut, in 1760, and of Fink at Maxen, in 1795, equally attests how difficult it is to avoid the necessity of making detachments and the danger which results therefrom. Later still, the disaster of Vandamme at Culm, was a cruel lesson for corps advanced too audaciously; however, it must be admitted that in this last occasion the manoeuvre was skillfully meditated, and that the fault was less having pushed the detachment than in not having sustained it as could easily have been done. That of Fink was dest
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
ly superior British forces. Still further accessions were now made to these English forces by large reinforcements from the mother country, while the Canadians received little or no assistance from France; nevertheless they prolonged the war till 1760, forcing the English to adopt at last the slow and expensive process of reducing all their fortifications. This will be shown in the following outline of the several campaigns. Very early in 1755, a considerable body of men was sent from Great, in this campaign, had relinquished all idea of opposing the enemy in the open field, and confined their efforts to retard the advance of the English till France could send troops to their relief; but no such relief came: and when the campaign of 1760 opened, the little French army was concentrated at Montreal. As the English divisions advanced, one by Oswego, one by Lake Champlain, and the third by Quebec, they afforded to the French a fine opportunity for the strategic movement from a centre
A patriotic family.--David Norton, of Candia, N. H., has all his sons-William C., David T., Richard E., and Henry C.--in the Federal army. Mr. Norton himself served in the war of 1812, and was on duty at Marblehead when the ship Constitution was chased into port by two British seventy-four gun ships. His father, Mr. Simon Norton, who was born at Chester, N. H., 1760, enlisted when fifteen years of age, and served throughout the Revolutionary War. He was in the battles at Bunker's Hill and at Bennington, and went South under General Washington. In 1775 and 1776 he was in Breed's regiment, under Capt. Emerson, of Candia. Henry C., the youngest son, seventeen years old, was in the battle of Bull Run under Colonel Marston, of the New Hampshire Second, and was there wounded by a rifle ball. The ball tore away his hat band, and, glancing along the skull several inches, lodged there and was not extracted till he reached Washington, he walking the whole distance. The next morning the
after designating certain people, he said:-- They are so selfish, that, if their neighbor's barn was on fire, they would not lift a finger to extinguish the flames, if they could only roast their own apples. In his theological sentiments, he sometimes revolved round the Assembly's Catechism, and believed that he was thus revolving round the Bible. A parishioner of his, who had moved into the country, where no stated sabbath exercises and worship could be enjoyed, wrote to Mr. Turell (1760), lamenting his absence from public worship and the use of Christian means. Mr. Turell writes a very good letter, in which he says to him: You have your Bible, which contains all things necessary for salvation. His ministry gave contentment to his people, and passed away like the seasons, showing bloom, growth, and fruitage, without noise or record. His printed compositions are few. We have seen his biographical notice of his first wife, Mrs. Jane Colman Turell; and it gives evidence of
ist, and Christian, is sacredly bound to patronize the Sunday school. The communion plate belonging to the First Church has its history, which is as follows :-- Two silver cups, bought by the church in 1719. One silver cups, gift of Mrs. Sarah Ward, 1725. One silver cups, gift of Deacon Thomas Willis. Two silver cups, gift of Mr. Francis Leathe, 1742. One silver cups, gift of Thomas Brooks, Esq., 1759. One large silver tankard, with a cover,--gift of Rev. Ebenezer Turell, 1760. One smaller silver tankard, with a cover,--gift of Francis and Mary Whitmore, 1761. One large, open, silver can,--gift of Hon. Isaac Royal, 1781. One silver dish,--gift of Hon. Isaac Royal, 1789. One silver dish,--gift of Deacon Richard Hall, 1814. Two silver cups,--gift of Mr. William Wyman, 1815. Two silver flagons,--gift of Hon. P. C. Brooks, 1823. One silver dish,--gift of Mr. David Bucknam, 1824. One antique silver cup; donor and date unknown. One silver spoon
erwards in a yard on land opposite the Malden Alms-house, just on the borders of East Medford. The bricks used for the construction of the six tombs first built in the old burying-ground were made in a yard owned by Thomas Brooks, Esq. That yard was near Mystic River, about half-way between Rock Hill and the Lowell Railroad Bridge. In that yard, Samuel Francis made bricks as early as 1750, and sold them at ten shillings per thousand (lawful money). Mr. Brooks carried on the manufacture in 1760, and sold them at fifteen shillings. Mr. Stephen Hall was the next occupant of that yard, which has been discontinued since 1800. In 1795, the price was four dollars. Captain Caleb Brooks made bricks on the land occupied by the second meeting-house. The banks remain visible at this time. A bed of clay was opened, in 1805, about forty rods east of the Wear Bridge, on land belonging to Spencer Bucknam, lying on the north side of the road. Only one kiln was burned there. Fountain-yar
ling-alleys, which proved too great a temptation to some. At a later period, the house came into the possession of a company of gentlemen, who were resolved to have it kept on temperance principles. This plan proved more moral than profitable; and it passed from the hands of the company to its present Italian owner. The taverns of olden time were the places of resort for gentlemen; and one consequence was, good suppers and deep drinking. They also performed the office of newspapers. In 1760, Medford passed the following vote:--That their names, posted on the several tavern-doors, shall be a sufficient notice for jurors. Saturday afternoon was the time when men came from all quarters of the town to see and hear all they could at the tavern. For many years, the favorite arena was at Mr. Blanchard's, where politics and theology, trade, barter, and taxes, were all mixed up together over hot flip and strong toddy. The taverns served also as places for marketing. During most of
Chapter 14: fire-department. The first action of the town relating to fires was May 12, 1760, when it was voted that two fire-hooks be provided for the use of the town. March 7, 1763: Voted to raise £ 26. 13s. 4d. for procuring a fire-engine, if the rest can be obtained by subscription. Hon. Isaac Royal, Stephen Hall, Esq., and Captain Seth Blodget, were chosen a committee to procure the engine and receive the subscriptions. This resulted in the purchase of an engine called the Grasshopper, which was placed near the market. This engine was removed to the West End, April 1, 1799 (when another had been obtained), and was kept in the barn attached to the Angier house. It is yet in existence, and is sometimes employed in pumping water into vessels. March 11, 1765: For the first time, nine fire-wards and twelve engine-men were appointed by vote of the town. In 1785, some gentlemen associated themselves under the name of the Medford Amicable fire Society, with the motto,
Tucks will be Tucks, for all old hen be hatch 'em. 1673.--Population of New England, 120,000. Of these, 16,000 could bear arms. Boston had 1,500 families. In 1760, New England had 500,000 inhabitants, and 530 Congregational churches. 1673.--An author says, At this time, there was not a house in New England which had more the new meeting-house was Lydia, daughter of Samuel Teel, March 18, 1770. Nov. 24, 1759.--The name of Mead occurs for the first time in the Medford records. 1760.--The word dollar occurs in the Medford records for the first time. 1760.--A certain clergyman said to an Indian, I am sorry to see you drink rum. The Indian r1760.--A certain clergyman said to an Indian, I am sorry to see you drink rum. The Indian replied, Yes, we Indians do drink rum; but we do not make it. 1761.--The first record of any vote of thanks in Medford bears date of May 13, 1761, thanking Mr. Thomas Brooks for his good services as treasurer. 1762.--Wages for a man's labor one day, three shillings and fourpence (lawful money); for a man and team, six shillin