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the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians 1 1 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906 1 1 Browse Search
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the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, James Peirce (search)
(Mr. Enty, from Plymouth). was among the most active and zealous abettors of the recent illiberal proceedings. They continued, as before, to act in concert on all important occasions; but had no communication with their heretical brethren who had gone out from them. It is, however, a curious example of the silent; and unmarked progress of truth, that that genertion had not passed away when the Assembly virtually reversed the decree of 1718. It being proposed to the Assembly which met in May 1753, whether any candidates should be recommended who refuse to declare their faith in the deity of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,—it was debated whether, the question should be put, and by the majority carried in the negative. By that time, the celebrated Micaiah Towgood, who then occupied the pulpit from which Mr. Peirce had been ejected, was at least as far from orthodoxy as his predecessor had been; and now, under the successive ministries of Towgood, Manning, Bretland, Kenrick, and Carp