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Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline (ed. John Selby Watson, Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A.), BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF SALLUST. (search)
f Cæsar,Dion., xliii. 9. to whom he is said to have presented a bribe.Pseudo-Cic., c. 7. The trial had not been long concluded when Cæsar was assassinated, and Sallust, being thus deprived of his patron, seems to have withdrawn entirely from public life. He purchased a large tract of ground on the Quirinal hill, where he erected a splendid mansion, and laid out those magnificent gardens of which so much has been related. Their extent must have been vast, if De Brosses, who visited the spot in 1739, obtained any just notion of it.De Brosses, Œuv. de Sall., vol. iii., p. 363. But some have thought them much smaller. He had also a country-house at Tibur, which had belonged to Julius Cæsar.Pseudo-Cic., c. 7. It was during this period of retirement, as is supposed, that he married Terentia, the divorced wife of Cicero, if, indeed, he married her at all; for their union rests on no very strong testimony.Hieronym. adv. Jovin., i. 48. Gerlach, vol. ii., p. 8. De Brosses, tom. iii. p. 355. Le C
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 14: field-engineering.—Field Fortifications.—Military Communications.—Military Bridges.—Sapping, Mining, and the attack and defence of a fortified place (search)
on. In less than three-quarters of an hour the bridge was completed, and three loaded fours horse wagons passed over on a trot, followed by a column of infantry. After the troops have passed over, the bridge may be taken up, and replaced on the wagons in from a quarter to half an hour. The following examples will serve to illustrate the use of different kinds of boat-bridges in military operations :--the passage of the Rhine, in 1702, by Villars; the passage of the Dnieper and the Bog, in 1739, by the Russians; the passage of the Danube, in 1740, by Marshal Saxe; the passage of the Rhine, near Cologne, in 1758, by the Prince of Clermont; the passage of the Rhine, in 1795, by Jourdan; the passage of the Rhine, at Kehl, in 1796, by Moreau; and again the same year, at Weissenthurn, and at Neuwied, by Jourdan; the bridges across the Rhine, at the sieges of Kehl and Huninguen, in 1797; the passage of the Limmat, in 1799, by Massena; the passages of the Mincio, the Adige, the Brenta, the
r of them calculated to be popular with the jail-birds, idlers, and profligates, who eagerly sought escape from their debts and their miseries by becoming members of the new colony. The spectacle of men, no wiser nor better than themselves, living idly and luxuriously, just across the Savannah river, on the fruits of constrained and unpaid negro labor, doubtless inflamed their discontent and their hostility. As if to add to the governor's troubles, war between Spain and England broke out in 1739, and Georgia, as the frontier colony, contiguous to the far older and stronger Spanish settlement of East Florida, was peculiarly exposed to its ravages. Oglethorpe, at the head of the South Carolina and Georgia militia, made an attempt on Saint Augustine, which miscarried ; and this, in 1742, was retaliated by a much stronger Spanish expedition, which took Fort St. Simon, on the Altamaha, and might easily have subdued the whole colony, but it was alarmed and repelled by a stratagem of his c
n Francis1707. Stephen Willis1708. John Francis1709. Ebenezer Brooks1710. John Bradshaw1711. John Whitmore1712. Thomas Willis1713. Stephen Willis1714. Jonathan Tufts1715. Samuel Wade1717. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1719. Jonathan Tufts1721. John Bradshaw1722. Thomas Tufts1723. Ebenezer Brooks1724. John Bradshaw1725. Ebenezer Brooks1726. Stephen Hall1730. Thomas Hall1732. John Hall1733. Stephen Hall1734. John Willis1736. John Hall1737. Benjamin Willis1738. John Hall1739. Benjamin Willis1740. Simon Tufts1742. John Hall1743. Benjamin Willis1744. Samuel Brooks1745. Benjamin Willis1746. Jonathan Watson1749. Samuel Brooks1750. Isaac Royal1755. Zachariah Poole1762. Isaac Royal1763. Stephen Hall1764. Isaac Royal1765. Benjamin Hall1773. Willis Hall1785. Thomas Brooks1788. Willis Hall1789. Ebenezer Hall1790. Richard Hall1794. John Brooks1796. Ebenezer Hall1798. John Brooks1803. Caleb Brooks1804. Jonathan Porter1808. Nathan Waite1810. Nathani
ary, dau. of Joseph and Mary B., d. Sept. 16, 1716.   Samuel, son of Joseph and Mary Ballard, b. Dec. 27, 1718; d. Aug. 10, 1721.   Birdue, Philip, m. Ann Soloman, Oct. 7, 1704.  1Bishop, Thomas, of Ipswich, merchant, Rep. 1666; d. Feb. 7, 1671, leaving widow, Margaret. Children:--  1-2Samuel.  3John.  4Thomas.  5Job.  6Nathaniel. 1-2Samuel Bishop m. Hester----; d. March, 1681; and had, inter alios,--  2-7Dr. John Bishop, moved from Bradford to Medford, Sept. 20, 1685, and died 1739. He m. Sarah----, and had-- 7-8John Bishop, b. 1722, who m. Abigail, dau. of Dr. Simon Tufts, Dec. 7, 1752. He. d. 1791, leaving--  8-9Abigail, b. Oct. 5, 1753; m. Dr. James Putnam, of Danvers, Nov. 12, 1786.  10John, b. Nov. 20, 1755. 8-10John Bishop m. Lydia Holmes, dau. of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Goodwill) Holmes, who d. Mar. 28, 1807, aged 48. Children:--  10-11Lydia, b. 1784; m. N. Parsons; and d. Oct. 4, 1805.  12Rebecca, b. Oct. 2, 1785; d. Oct. 26, 1807.  13John, b.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.48 (search)
I observed my old friend to be very uxorious, and exceedingly fond of his children. This was so opposite to the maxims he used to preach up before he was married, that I could not forbear rubbing up the memory of them. But he gave a good-natured turn to his change of sentiments by alleging that whoever brings a poor gentlewoman into so solitary a place, from all her friends and acquaintance, would be ungrateful not to use her and all that belongs to her with all possible tenderness. In 1739 Spotswood was made Deputy Postmaster-General for the colonies. He promoted Benjamin Franklin to be postmaster for the province of Pennsylvania. Being commissioned Major General, and on the eve of embarking at the head of an expedition fitted out by the English against Carthegena, in South America, Spotswood died at Annapolis, Maryland, June 7, 1740. Governor Spotswood and Ann Butler, his wife, had four children: (1) John, (2) Ann Catherine, (3) Dorathea, (4) Robert. (1) John married (174
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alexander, Sir William, 1580-1640 (search)
by the French. In 1625 Charles I. (who had just succeeded his deceased father), in order to help Sir William plant a successful colony or sell the domain in parcels, created the order of Baronets of Nova Scotia, the title to be conferred upon purchasers of large tracts of land there. He also gave the proprietor the privilege of coining base copper money. In 1626 Sir William was appointed Secretary of State for Scotland, Keeper of the Signet in 1627, Commissioner of the Exchequer in 1628, also Lord of Canada. In 1630 he was created Viscount Stirling, and in 1633 Earl of Stirling and Viscount of Canada. In 1628 the Council for New England gave him a grant of territory, which included a part of Long Island, opposite Connecticut; but he was not able to manage his colonization schemes in Nova Scotia, and he sold his domain to the French. He died in London, Sept. 12, 1640. Lord Stirling's title expired with the fifth earl (1739), but other claimants appeared afterwards. See Acadia.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bartram, William, 1739-1823 (search)
Bartram, William, 1739-1823 Naturalist; born in Kingsessing, Pa., Feb. 9, 1739. He engaged in business in North Carolina in 1761, and became a devoted student of natural history. Son of John Bartram, a distinguished botanist, and the founder of the first botanical garden in the United States. William accompanied his father, when the latter was seventy years of age, in a botanical excursion and exploration of east Florida, and resided some time on the banks of the St. John River, returning home in 1771. He was employed by Dr. Fothergill, of London, in 1773-78, in botanical explorations and collections in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Mr. Bartram was a member of the American Philosophical Society and other scientific associations in the United States and Europe. In 1790 he published an account of his travels in the Gulf region, in which he gave an account of the Creek. Choctaw, and Cherokee indians. Mr. Bartram made the most complete table of American ornithology prev
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bigelow, Timothy, 1739-1790 (search)
Bigelow, Timothy, 1739-1790 Military officer; born in Woreester, Mass., Aug. 12, 1739; was a blacksmith and a zealous patriot; member of the Provincial Congress; led minute-men to Cambridge; and accompanied Arnold in his notable expedition to Quebec in 1775, where he was made a prisoner. As colonel, he assisted in the capture of Burgoyne, and was active in some of the stirring scenes of the war afterwards. Colonel Bigelow was in charge of the Springfield Arsenal after the war, and was one of the original grantees of Montpelier, Vt. He died in Woreester, Mass., March 31, 1790.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Campbell, Sir Archibald 1739-1791 (search)
Campbell, Sir Archibald 1739-1791 Military officer; born in Inverary, Scotland, in 1739; entered the British army in 1758; became a lieutenant-colonel in 1775; with a part of his command was captured in Boston Harbor early in the Revolutionary War, and was cruelly treated in retaliation for treatment of American officers captured by the British. On Dec. 29, 1778, he captured Savannah, Ga., and gave orders to his officers to show leniency to the people. On Jan. 29, 1779, he took Augusta,1739; entered the British army in 1758; became a lieutenant-colonel in 1775; with a part of his command was captured in Boston Harbor early in the Revolutionary War, and was cruelly treated in retaliation for treatment of American officers captured by the British. On Dec. 29, 1778, he captured Savannah, Ga., and gave orders to his officers to show leniency to the people. On Jan. 29, 1779, he took Augusta, but on Feb. 13, he was forced to evacuate that city. He died in London, England, March 31, 1791.