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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 48 48 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 24 24 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 3 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 3 3 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. 3 3 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 3 3 Browse Search
The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman) 2 2 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 2 2 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 2 2 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 2 2 Browse Search
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H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
o attack Montreal by way of Lake Champlain, and a fleet to attempt Quebec by the St. Lawrence. The former advanced as far as the lake, when the quarrels of the commanding officers defeated the objects of the expedition. The Massachusetts fleet of thirty-four vessels, (the largest carrying forty-four guns each,) and two thousand men, failed to reduce Quebec, though the defences of that place were then of the slightest character, and armed with only twenty-three guns. In 1704, and again in 1707, Port Royal was attacked by costly expeditions fitted out by the eastern colonies; and again, in 1709, a land force of fifteen hundred men advanced against Montreal by Lake Champlain; but nothing of importance was effected by either expedition. In 1711, Lord Bolingbroke planned the conquest of Canada. The land forces, numbering five thousand men in all, were separated into two distinct armies, the one sent against Detroit, and the other against Montreal by Lake Champlain; while a fleet of
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 13: permanent fortifications.—Historical Notice of the progress of this Art.—Description of the several parts of a Fortress, and the various Methods of fortifying a position (search)
oth of a civil and military character, are real monuments to his genius. The best illustrations of his principles of fortification occur at Lille, Strasbourg, Landau, Givet, and Neuf-Brisack. His writings on mines, and the attack and defence of places, are, by the profession, regarded as classic. His improvements in the existing method of attack gave great superiority to the arms of his countrymen, and even enabled him to besiege and capture his rival Coehorn, in his own works. He died in 1707, and was soon succeeded by Cormontaigne. The latter did not attempt the introduction of any new system, but limited himself to improving and perfecting the plans of his illustrious predecessors. His improvements, however, were both extensive and judicious, and are sufficient to entitle him to the place he holds as one of the ablest military engineers the world has ever produced. His works on the subject of fortification, besides being elegantly written, contain the most valuable informat
pleasant places, and God hath given to us a goodly heritage. Chairmen of the board of Selectmen. Jonathan Wade1676. Nathaniel Wade1678. John Hall1679. Nathaniel Wade1681. Jonathan Wade1683. Thomas Willis1684. Nathaniel Wade1685. John Hall1689. Nathaniel Wade1690. John Hall1693. Nathaniel Wade1694. Jonathan Tufts1695. Nathaniel Wade1696. Peter Tufts1698. Nathaniel Wade1699. Peter Tufts1700. Nathaniel Wade1703. Peter Tufts1705. Nathaniel Wade1706. Stephen Francis1707. Stephen Willis1708. John Francis1709. Ebenezer Brooks1710. John Bradshaw1711. John Whitmore1712. Thomas Willis1713. Stephen Willis1714. Jonathan Tufts1715. Samuel Wade1717. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1719. Jonathan Tufts1721. John Bradshaw1722. Thomas Tufts1723. Ebenezer Brooks1724. John Bradshaw1725. Ebenezer Brooks1726. Stephen Hall1730. Thomas Hall1732. John Hall1733. Stephen Hall1734. John Willis1736. John Hall1737. Benjamin Willis1738. John Hall1739. Benjam
ook place in other districts, where land could be had almost for the asking. In this, Medford was peculiar; and these facts explain why the town went so long without public schools and churches. Surely, in some respects, Medford had a small beginning; but Governor Dudley, speaking on the subject, says, Small things, in the beginning of natural and political bodies, are as remarkable as greater in bodies full grown. The following records give the town's population at several epochs :-- 1707: Medford had 46 ratable polls; which number, multiplied by five, gives 230 inhabitants. In 1736, it had 133; which gives 665. In 1763, it had 104 houses; 147 families; 161 males under sixteen; 150 females under sixteen; 207 males above sixteen; 223 females above sixteen. Total, 741 inhabitants. In 1776, it had 967; in 1784, 981; in 1790, 1,029; in 1800, 1,114; in 1810, 1,443; in 1820, 1,474; in 1830, 1,755; in 1840, 2,478; in 1850, 3,749. In 1854, 1,299 residents in Medford were
to the estate at Wickham Brook, which remained in the possession of his descendants. He published a work called Knowledge and Practice; or a Plain Discourse of the Chief Things necessary to be known, believed, and practised in order to Salvation. Useful for private families. I have a copy of the third edition, printed in London, 1673. It is a very curious and learned collection of texts and comments. There is also a funeral sermon extant, preached on his death by Samuel Bury, printed in 1707. There were several other families of this name: one settled at Cradock Hall, in Richmond, co. York; another at Husband's Bosworth; another at Glanmorganshire (descended from Caradoc ap Ynir ap Ivor, lord of Dyfed); and a fourth is recorded in Burke's Commoners. The name is a very ancient one, and occurs in the ballads concerning King Arthur. [See Percy's Reliques.   Cummings, Mary, dau. of Abraham and Mary C., b. Feb. 19, 1717.   Curtis, Thomas (1), came from York with his three b
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, chapter 9 (search)
n Poindexter's field. Including with these the losses in Jackson's and Ewell's divisions and Lawton's brigade, the casualties were 599. In Magruder's division the casualties were 2014, and in Huger's, including Ransom's brigade, 1609. In Rodes's, Colquitt's, and Ripley's brigades of D. H. Hill's division, the casualties were making 889, a total, so far, of 5111. The other two brigades, Anderson's and Garland's, report only their total casualties for the campaign as 863 and 844, a total of 1707. A half, 854, is a moderate estimate for their losses at Malvern. This would make our total losses 5965 or more; those of the enemy could scarcely have reached 2000, but the casualties of different battles are not separated. Of Jackson's part in this action there is very little to be said. He took no initiative, though complying promptly with orders or requests as received. But had he been the Jackson of the Valley, being on the left flank that morning, he would have turned Malvern Hi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anne, Queen, (search)
ge, and carried away 112 captives. Similar scenes occurred elsewhere. Remote settlements were abandoned, and fields were cultivated only by armed parties united for common defence. This state of things became insupportable, and in the spring of 1707 Massachusetts. Rhode Island, and New Hampshire prepared to chastise the Indians in the east. Rhode Island had not suffered, for Massachusetts sheltered that colony, but the inhabitants humanely helped their afflicted neighbors. Connecticut, though threatened from the north, refused to join in the enterprise. Early in June (1707), 1,000 men under Colonel Marsh sailed from Nantucket for Port Royal, Acadia, convoyed by an English man-of-war. The French were prepared for them, and only the destruction of property outside the fort there was accomplished. The war continued, with occasional distressing episodes. In September. 1710, an armament of ships and troops left Boston and sailed for Port Royal, in connection with a fleet from Engla
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bayard, Nicholas, 1644-1707 (search)
Bayard, Nicholas, 1644-1707 Colonial executive; born in Alphen, Holland, in 1644. His mother was a sister of Governor Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of New Netherland, whom she accompanied to America in 1647, with her three sons and a daughter. The old Bayard mansion in New York City, on the Bowery, was converted into a pleasure garden in 1798. The Astor Library is built on a part of the estate. Under the second English regime, in 1685, Bayard was mayor of New York, and a member ofBayard was mayor of New York, and a member of Governor Dongan's council. In 1698 Col. Bayard went to England to clear himself of the imputation of complicity in the piracy of Captain Kidd, having been accused by the Leisler faction of both piracy and a scheme to introduce slavery. He was tried before Chief-Justice Atwood and sentenced to death. The proceedings, however, were annulled by an order-in-council, and he was reinstated in his property and honors. He died in New York City, in 1707.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bienville, Jean Baptiste le moyne, 1680-1701 (search)
ouisiana in 1699, and the next year Bienville constructed a fort 54 miles above the mouth of the river. Sauville died in 1701, when Bienville took charge of the colony, transferring the seat of government to Mobile. In 1704 he was joined by his brother Chateaugay, who brought seventeen settlers from France. Soon afterwards a ship brought twenty young women as wives for settlers at Mobile. Iberville soon afterwards died, and Bienville, charged with misconduct, was dismissed from office in 1707. His successor dying on his way from( France, bienville retained the office. Having tried unsuccessfully to cultivate the land by Indian labor, Bienville proposed to the government to exchange Indians for negroes in the West Indies, at the rate of three Indians for one negro. Bienville remained at the head of the colony until 1713, when Cadillac arrived, as governor, with a commission for the former as lieutenant-governor. Quarrels between them ensued. Cadillac was superseded in 1717 by
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Connecticut (search)
elles1658 to 1659 John Winthrop1659 to 1665 Until this time no person could be elected to a second term immediately following the first. Governors of the New Haven colony Name.Date. Theophilus Eaton1639 to 1657 Francis Newman1658 to 1660 William Leete1661 to 1665 Governors of Connecticut Name.Date John Winthrop1665 to 1676 William Leete1676 to 1683 Robert Treat1683 to 1687 Edmund Andros1687 to 1689 Robert Treat1689 to 1698 Fitz John Winthrop1698 to 1707 Gurdon Saltonstall1707 to 1724 Joseph Talcott1724 to 1741 Jonathan Law1741 to 1750 Roger Wolcott1750 to 1754 Thomas Fitch1754 to 1766 William Pitkin1766 to 1769 Jonathan Trumbull1769 to 1784 Mathew Griswold1784 to 1786 Samuel Huntington1786 to 1796 Oliver Wolcott1796 to 1798 Jonathan Trumbull1798 to 1809 John Treadwell1809 to 1811 Roger Griswold1811 to 1813 John Cotton Smith1813 to 1817 Oliver Wolcott1817 to 1827 Gideon Tomlinson1827 to 1831 John S. Peters1831 to 1833 H. W. Edwards1833 to 1834 Sam