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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alexander, (search)
Alexander, An American Indian king. Massasoit (q. v.) died in 1660. Three or four years before his death he took his two sons, Wamsutta and Metacomet, to Plymouth, Mass., and asked that both should receive English names. The oldest was named Alexander. and the second Philip. Alexander succeeded his father as chief sachem of the Wampanoags. In 1661 he was compelled to go to Plymouth a prisoner, on suspicion of being league with the Narragansets in hostile designs against the English. The suspicion was not sustained by evidence. On his way to Plymouth the chief was taken suddenly ill, and in a few hours died, it was said of a fever brought on by rage and mortification. His young wife, who became the squaw sachem Witamo, believed he had been poisoned by the English. This event soured the minds of Philip and his followers towards the English, and was one of the indirect causes which led to King Philip's War. See King Philip.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, Lords. (search)
as profitable to be so. In religion and politics he was very flexible, being quite indifferent to either, and he did very little for the religious and intellectual cultivation of the colonists. Negattively good, he was regarded with great respect by all parties, even by the Indians. He died in London, Nov. 30. 1675. Iii. Charles Calvert, third Lord Baltimore, Succeeded his father as lord proprietor of Maryland in 1675. He was born in London in 1629; appointed governor of Maryland in 1661; and married the daughter of Hon. Henry Sewall, whose seat was on the Patuxent river. After the death of his father he visited England, but soon returned. In 1684 he again went to England, and never came back. He was suspected of favoring King James II, after the Revolution, and was outlawed for treason in Ireland, although he was never in that country. The outlawry was reversed by William and Mary in 1691. Charles Lord Baltimore was thrice married, and died in London, Feb. 24, 1714.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Connecticut (search)
9 to 1640 Edward Hopkins1640 to 1641 John Haynes1641 to 1642 George Wyllys1642 to 1643 John Haynes alternately from Edward Hopkins1643 to 1655 Thomas Welles1655 to 1656 John Webster1656 to 1657 John Winthrop1657 to 1658 Thomas Welles1658 to 1659 John Winthrop1659 to 1665 Until this time no person could be elected to a second term immediately following the first. Governors of the New Haven colony Name.Date. Theophilus Eaton1639 to 1657 Francis Newman1658 to 1660 William Leete1661 to 1665 Governors of Connecticut Name.Date John Winthrop1665 to 1676 William Leete1676 to 1683 Robert Treat1683 to 1687 Edmund Andros1687 to 1689 Robert Treat1689 to 1698 Fitz John Winthrop1698 to 1707 Gurdon Saltonstall1707 to 1724 Joseph Talcott1724 to 1741 Jonathan Law1741 to 1750 Roger Wolcott1750 to 1754 Thomas Fitch1754 to 1766 William Pitkin1766 to 1769 Jonathan Trumbull1769 to 1784 Mathew Griswold1784 to 1786 Samuel Huntington1786 to 1796 Oliver Wolcott1796 to 1798
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Eliot, John, 1754-1690 (search)
lived to see twenty-four of them become preachers of the Gospel to their own tribes. His influence among the Indians was unbounded, and his generosity in helping the sick and afflicted among them was unsparing. Cotton Mather affirmed, We had a tradition that the country could never perish as long as Eliot was alive. He published many small works on religious subjects, several of which were in the Indian language. His greatest work was the translation of the Bible into the Indian language (1661-66), and was the first Bible ever printed in America. It is much sought after by collectors. The language in which it was written has perished. He died in Roxbury, Mass., May 20, 1690. The brief narrative. This was the last of Eliot's publications relating to the progress of Christianity among the American Indians. Its full title was: A brief narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, in the year 1670, given in by the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, min
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Friends, Society of (search)
Friends, Society of Otherwise known as Quakers, claim as their founder George Fox (q. v.), an Englishman; born in Drayton, Leicestershire, in 1624. The first general meeting of Friends was held in 1668, and the second in 1672. Owing to the severe persecution which they suffered in England, a number of them came to America in 1656, and landed at Boston, whence they were later scattered by persecution. The first annual meeting in America is said to have been held in Rhode Island in 1661. It was separated from the London annual meeting in 1683. This meeting was held regularly at Newport till 1878, since when it has alternated between Newport and Portland, Quaker Exhorter in colonial New England. Me. Annual meetings were founded in Maryland in 1672, in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 1681, in North Carolina in 1708, and in Ohio in 1812. The Friends have no creed, and no sacraments. They claim that a spiritual baptism and a spiritual communion without outward signs are all
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Huguenots. (search)
s were captured, and the whole of the Spaniards were slaughtered, excepting a few whom De Gourges hanged upon trees, under the words, Not as Spaniards and mariners, but as traitors, robbers, and murderers. Menendez firmly planted a colony at St. Augustine. In 1598 Henry IV., of France, issued an edict at Nantes (see Edict of Nantes) that secured full toleration, civil and religious, for the Huguenots, and there was comparative rest for the Protestants until the death of Cardinal Mazarin, in 1661. Then the Huguenots began to be perse- Indians decorating Ribault's pillar (from an old print). cuted, and in 1685 Louis XIV. revoked the Edict. The fires of intolerance were kindled, and burned so furiously that at least 500,000 Protestants took refuge in foreign lands. In 1705 there was not a single organized congregation of Huguenots in all France. Many came to America—some to South Carolina, some to New York, and a few to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Virginia. They formed exc
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur Da 1661- (search)
Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne, Sieur Da 1661- Founder of Louisiana; born in Montreal, Canada, July 16, 1661; was one of eleven brothers who figure in some degree in French colonial history. Entering the French navy at fourteen, he became distinguished in the annals of Canada for his operations against the English in the north and east of that province. In 1698 he was sent from France to the Gulf of Mexico with two frigates (Oct. 22), to occupy the mouth of the Mississippi and the region neglected after the death of La Salle. On finding that stream, he received from the Indians a letter left by De Tonty, in 1686, for La Salle. There he built Fort Biloxi, garrisoned it, and made his brother Bienville the King's lieutenant. In May, 1699, he returned to France, but reappeared at Fort Biloxi in January, 1700. On visiting France and returning in 1701, he found the colony reduced by disease, and transferred the settlement to Mobile, and began the colonization of Alabama. Disease had
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mather, increase 1639-1723 (search)
Mather, increase 1639-1723 Clergyman; born in Dorchester, Mass., June 21, 1639; was educated at Harvard and Dublin universities, and returned to Boston in 1661, having spent some time in England, preaching occasionally. He was president of Harvard University from 1685 to 1701. He was the first person in the United States upon whom was conferred the degree of D. D. He was an energetic and patriotic public man; took an active part in the political affairs of the colony; was sent to England to obtain redress of grievances; and returned in 1692 with a new charter, and invested with the power to nominate a governor, lieutenant-governor, and council for Massachusetts. Dr. Mather opposed the violent measures promoted by his son, cotton, against persons accused of witchcraft. He wrote a History of the War with the Indians, and other books and pamphlets, to the number of ninety-two. He died in Boston, Aug. 23, 1723.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Melyn, Cornelius 1639- (search)
uyter returned to Manhattan, when he demanded that his vindication should be made as public as had the sentence of disgrace; but his redress. was denied. Melyn was persistently persecuted by Stuyvesant, and at length, weary with suffering, he returned to Holland to seek justice there. He joined delegates of the commonalty of New Amsterdam, who wrote voluminous documents, filled with complaints against Stuyvesant's administration. There were promises of relief, but their fulfilment was delayed, and when Melyn returned to New Netherland Stuyvesant renewed his persecutions. He made new charges against the patroon, confiscated his property in New Amsterdam, and compelled him to confine himself to his manor on Staten Island. Melyn finally abandoned New Netherland (1657) and went to New Haven, where he took the oath of fidelity; and in 1661 he surrendered his manor and patroonship to the West India Company. Soon afterwards the whole of Staten Island became the property of the company.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mohawk Indians, (search)
r Williams (q. v.), the Lost Prince. Tradition says that at the formation of the confederacy Hiawatha said, You, the Mohawks, sitting under the shadow of the Great Tree, whose roots sink deep into the earth, and whose branches spread over a vast country, shall be the first nation, because you are warlike and mighty. The confederacy being called the long house, the Mohawks were denominated the eastern door. The Mohawks in eastern New York made frequent incursions into Canada. Finally, in 1661, M. de Tracy, French viceroy of New France, although over seventy years of age, led a military expedition against them. He was accompanied by M. de Courcelles, governor of Canada. A regiment had lately been sent to Canada from France. With twenty-eight companies of foot, and all the militia of the colony of Quebec, he marched 700 miles into the Mohawk country in the dead of winter, easily crossing the swamps and streams on bridges of ice, and burrowing in the snow at night. The Mohawks, o