Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for 1628 AD or search for 1628 AD in all documents.

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ax.Town Tax. Isaac Bowman, Esq.131154 Isaac Winship179311 Samuel Sterns14733 Seth Reed19944 Daniel Reed111049 Thos. Wright19944 John Dix84110 Geo. Lawrence's Heirs2105 Nathan Blodgett113474 John Whitney's h'rs2105 John Hutchinson119783 Joseph Willington13630 Samuel Bemis19265 George Willington19944 Seth Wyman7317 Samuel Winship6315 Josiah Parker18262 Joseph Cooke42011 Samuel Swan, Ch'n14732 Thomas Fessenden3108 Town of Medford5211 Capt. Francis Brown42011 Sermon, No. 1628, by Mr. Cooke, was on the Thanksgiving —Continental, after the Surrender of Cornwallis, appointed for Dec. 13, 1781. It begins: As God shall assist me, I shall improve, and apply to America on this very joyful occasion, the Song of David, the sweet Psalmist of Israel—as recorded in 124th Psalm—And I can recollect no words in the Bible, more adapted to our case—or better suited to the joyful solemnity of this day. The words are here given. He continues, The United States of America, with g