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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alexander, Sir William, 1580-1640 (search)
possession ten years before he was displaced by the French. In 1625 Charles I. (who had just succeeded his deceased father), in order to help Sir William plant a successful colony or sell the domain in parcels, created the order of Baronets of Nova Scotia, the title to be conferred upon purchasers of large tracts of land there. He also gave the proprietor the privilege of coining base copper money. In 1626 Sir William was appointed Secretary of State for Scotland, Keeper of the Signet in 1627, Commissioner of the Exchequer in 1628, also Lord of Canada. In 1630 he was created Viscount Stirling, and in 1633 Earl of Stirling and Viscount of Canada. In 1628 the Council for New England gave him a grant of territory, which included a part of Long Island, opposite Connecticut; but he was not able to manage his colonization schemes in Nova Scotia, and he sold his domain to the French. He died in London, Sept. 12, 1640. Lord Stirling's title expired with the fifth earl (1739), but other
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Attiwandaronk Indians, (search)
Attiwandaronk Indians, Members of the family of the Hurons and Iroquois, named by the French the Neutral Nation. In early times they inhabited both banks of the Niagara River, but were mostly in Canada. They were first visited in 1627 by the Recollet Father Daillon, and by Brebeuf and Chaumonot in 1642. The Iroquois attacked them in 1651-53, when a part of them submitted and joined the Senecas. and the remainder fled westward and joined the remnant of the fallen Hurons on the borders of Lake Superior.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, Lords. (search)
Catholic, he resigned his office, but King James retained him in the privy council; and a few days before that monarch's death he was created Baron of Baltimore in the Irish peerage. Calvert had already entered upon a colonizing scheme. In 1620 he purchased a part of Newfoundland, and was invested with the privileges and honors of a count-palatine. He called his new domain Avalon, and, after spending about $100,000 in building warehouses there, and a mansion for himself, he went thither in 1627. He returned to England the following spring. In the spring of 1629 he went again to Avalon, taking with him his wife and unmarried children. The following winter was a severe one, and he began to contemplate a desertion of the domain on account of the rigorous climate. He sent his children home. In the autumn he actually abandoned Newfoundland, and with his wife and retainers sailed to Virginia, where, because he refused to take the oath of allegiance, he was ordered away by Governor Ha
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Claiborne, or Clayborne, William 1589- (search)
Claiborne, or Clayborne, William 1589- Colonial politician; born in Westmoreland, England, about 1589; appointed surveyor of the Virginia plantations under the London company in 1621. In 1627 the governor of Virginia gave him authority to explore the head of Chesapeake Bay; and in 1631 Charles I. gave him a license to make discoveries and trade with the Indians in that region. With this authority, he established a trading-post on Kent Island, in Chesapeake Bay, not far from the site of Annapolis. When Lord Baltimore claimed jurisdiction over Kent and other islands in the bay, Claiborne refused to acknowledge his title, having, as he alleged, an earlier one from the King. Baltimore ordered the arrest of Claiborne. Two vessels were sent for the purpose, when a battle ensued between them and one owned by Claiborne. The Marylanders were repulsed, and one of their number was killed. Claiborne was indicted for and found guilty of constructive murder and other high crimes, and fle
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Harvey, Sir John 1829- (search)
Harvey, Sir John 1829- Colonial governor; appointed governor of Virginia in 1627; arrived there in 1629; and served till 1635, when he was impeached by the Assembly. Failing to pacify his opponents. he returned to England, where his case was examined by the privy council, and he was restored to his office, were he remained till 1639. Hascall, Milo Smith, military officer; born in Le Roy, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1829; Harvard College in 1720. graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1852. He captured the first Confederate flag at Philippi, Va., June 21. 1861; participated in many important actions; and was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers in April, 1862.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hundred associates, (search)
Hundred associates, The. Cardinal Richelieu, in 1627, annulled a charter of the Trading Company of New France, then held by the Sieurs de Caen, who were Huguenots, and in pursuance of his plans for the suppression of these Protestants and the aggrandizement of his monarch, organized a company under the name of the Hundred Associates, to whom he gave the absolute sovereignty of the whole of New France, then claimed to include the American territory from Florida to Hudson Bay. They were given complete monopoly of the trade in that region, excepting in the whale and cod fisheries. The charter required the company to settle 4,000 Roman Catholics there within fifteen years, to maintain and permanently endow the Roman Catholic Church in New France, and to banish all Huguenots (q. v.) or Protestants from the colony. Circumstances frustrated this scheme of temporal and spiritual dominion in America. Canada was conquered by the British in 1629, but was restored by the treaty of St. Ge
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts, (search)
). They made a treaty of friendship with Massasoit (q. v.), sachem of the surrounding Indians, and it was long maintained inviolate. In petty hostilities with other chiefs, Capt. Miles Standish (q. v.), a valiant soldier, was very useful. Other Puritans joined the Pilgrims, and other settlements were soon attempted; but the little colony at New Plymouth suffered much at times until 1623, when they were blessed with a bountiful harvest. The community system of labor was abandoned, and in 1627 the colonists dissolved their partnership with the London merchants, and became sole proprietors of the soil. As the Pilgrims could not obtain a patent, they quietly lived under their own simple form of government and prospered. An Engglish company obtained a grant of territory on Massachusetts Bay and sent over John Endicott (q. v.), with 100 settlers, who seated themselves at Naumkeag, now Salem. In March, 1629, King Charles I. gave a charter to a number of wealthy and influential Engl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Plymouth. (search)
New Plymouth. When, in 1627, the term of partnership between the Pilgrims and the London merchants had expired, the latter, numbering not more than 300 at Plymouth, applied to the council of New England for a charter. It was granted July 13, 1630, and in it the boundaries of the colony were defined, on the land side, as composed of two lines— one drawn northerly from the mouth of the Narraganset River, the other westerly from Cohasset rivulet—to meet at the uttermost limits of a country or place called Pocanoket. A grant on the Kennebec, where some of the Pilgrims had been seated was included in the charter. The patent gave a title to the soil, but the functions of government could only be exercised, according to English legal opinions, under a charter from the crown. Efforts were made to obtain such a charter, but without success. The colonists, however, gradually assumed all the prerogatives of government—even the power of capital punishment. Eight capital offences were e<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Sweden, founding of (search)
zeal for the honor of God was not less ardent than for the welfare of his subjects, availed himself of this opportunity to extend the doctrines of Christ among the heathen, as well as to establish his own power in other parts of the world. To this end, he sent forth letters patent, dated at Stockholm on the 2d of July, 1626, wherein all, both high and low, were invited to contribute something to the company, according to their means. The work was completed in the Diet of the following year, 1627, when the estates of the realm gave their assent, and confirmed the measure. Those who took part in this company were: His Majesty's mother, the Queen Dowager Christina, the Prince John Casimir, the Royal Council, the most distinguished of the nobility, the highest officers of the army, the bishops and other clergymen, together with the burgomasters and aldermen of the cities, as well as a large number of the people generally. The time fixed for paying in the subscriptions was the 1st of Ma
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pilgrim fathers, the (search)
were all landed. Those on shore were exposed to the rigors of winter weather and insufficient food, though the winter was a comparatively mild one. Those on the ship were confined in foul air, with unwholesome food. Scurvy and other diseases appeared among them, and when, late in March, the last passenger landed from the Mayflower, nearly one-half the colonists were dead. The lands of the Plymouth Colony were held in common by the Pilgrims and their partners, the London merchants. In 1627 the Pilgrims sent Isaac Allerton to England to negotiate for the purchase of the shares of the London adventurers, with their stock, merchandise, lands, and chattels. He did so for $9,000, payable in nine years in equal annual instalments. Some of the principal persons of the colony became bound for the rest, and a partnership was formed, into which was admitted the head of every family, and every young man of age and prudence. It was agreed that every single freeman should have one share;