Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 12 AD or search for 12 AD in all documents.

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ck General Kelly. On the other hand it was supposed that they had gone South upon hearing of the result of the naval expedition. Nothing later concerning the state of affairs at Port Royal has arrived. Though the Charleston papers of the 12th inst., state that Beaufort was not then in the possession of the Union troops, yet, the fact that we publish in our columns to day advices from there on the very same date, by the Coatzacoalcos, proves that the assertion of the Charleston journalse answered individually, there is authority for saying that thus far no decision has been made in regard to permitting trade in Beaufort or its vicinity. Gen. Heintzelman's reconnaissance. The reconnaissance under Gen. Heintzelman, on the 12th inst., was the most thorough that has been made, and was executed in consequence of a demonstration having been made by the enemy the day before. The whole country was examined, and the 400 rebel cavalry that have been annoying the people of Pohi
er like depredations, returned Tuesday morning, either to Henderson or Ashlysburg. From the same source we learn that Gen. Crittenden refuses to grant any more passes for the interior of Kentucky, and that a great many gentlemen, who came down to Henderson and made application, were refused and sent back to Evansville. Barbarity of Lincoln Hell-Hounds in Kentucky. We clip the following extract from a letter to the Nashville Union and American, from Bowling Green, Ky., dated the 12th instant: An act of hellish barbarity, unheard of torture, and unsurpassed expedient, one which would tinge with a blush the cheek of India's most daring, reckless Thug, was perpetrated in Breckinridge county a few days since. An old resident, named John Boyd, who lives about six miles from Hardinsburg, on the Hudsonville road, was aroused from his bed on the night of the 31st ultimo, by a company of (God save the mark) home guards. Mr. Boyd, who is an elderly gentleman, his head having