Browsing named entities in John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for 1000 AD or search for 1000 AD in all documents.

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en convalescing. With the invalids was an effective force of about 400. Berwick's works were formidable; but for them Taylor cared little. Meanwhile, a concerted movement against Banks might make real the brilliant dream of seizing New Orleans by a coup de main; setting free that Confederate feeling held captive in devoted hearts; and finding recruits to fill gaps in fighting regiments, now turning to skeletons. Reports had crept through, too, that the force at the city did not exceed , 1000 men. Never was this hope, during 1862-64, other than an illusion. Covering the main attack on Berwick, Taylor had organized an expedition via Plaquemine and Bayou Lafourche to Bayou Boeuf, under Col. James P. Major, commanding a Texas cavalry brigade. On the west Mouton, under orders, had collected 53 small craft near the mouth of the Teche, capable of transporting 300 troops across the Atchafalaya. Detachments for these boats were drawn from Vincent's Louisianians, under Major Blair, a