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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTICUS VIPSANIA (search)
ulsen indeed identifies it with the PORTICUS EUROPAE (q.v.). In this porticus was a map of the world, prepared by order of Agrippa (Plin. NH iii. 17); there were laurels in its garden (Mart. i. 108. I); and detachments of the Illyrian army camped in it in 69 A.D. (Plut. Galba 25; Tac. Hist. i. 31). In the fourth century its name had been corrupted into porticus Gypsiani (Not. Reg. VII). In construction it resembled the SAEPTA (q.v.) on the outer side of the via Lata, a little farther south, but it underwent changes in later times, as part of the remains date from the Flavian period, and in the second century the intercolumnar spaces were closed with brick-faced walls, thus making rows of separate chambers. At various points in the area parts of semi-circular arches with travertine pillars and pilasters with Doric capitals have been found, and a travertine pavement and cipollino columns with Corinthian capitals (BC 1887, 146-148; 1892, 275-279; 1895, 46-48; HJ 458-459; Gilb. iii. 246).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PRAEDIA GALBANA (search)
PRAEDIA GALBANA the district occupied by the HORREA GALBAE (q.v.). This name occurs only once, in an inscription (CIL vi. 30983) of the second century A.D. (BC 1885, 51-53; Bull. d. Inst. 1885, 137; NS 1885, 157).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, QUIRINUS, AEDES (search)
f the Arvales (CIL i². p. 326), records another festival of Quirinus on 23rd August, and (apparently; it is fragmentary at that point) of Hora Quirini also (NS 1921, 109). The temple was of the Doric order, dipteral-octostyle, with a pronaos, and a porch in the rear. It had seventy-six columns, two rows of fifteen each on the sides, and a double row of eight at each end, counting those on the sides again, and was surrounded by a porticus (Vitr. iii. 2. 7; Mart. xi. I. 9). A relief of the second century, Others (HF 1418; Sieveldng in Festschrift fir P. Arndt, 136) assign it to the Flavian period. found within the area of the baths of Diocletian, represents the facade of this temple as that of a Doric tetrastyle, with Romulus and Remus taking the auspices on the pediment (Mitt. 1904, 27-29, 157-158; SScR i. 72-74; PT 229). Occasional references to it are found in literature (Vitr. vii. 9. 4; Liv. viii. 20. 8; Plut. Cam. 20; cf. CIL vi. 9975), down to the fourth century (Cur. Reg. VI, om
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SEMO SANCUS (search)
SEMO SANCUS a statue of Semo Sancus Dius Fidius on the island in the Tiber, where an inscription of the second century was found in 1574 (CIL vi. 567). The marble base on which this inscription is placed supported a statue which, because of the similarity of names, the early Christians mistook for one of Simon Magus (Justin Mart. Apol. pr. 25, 56; Iren. contra haeres. i. 23; Tert. adv. gent. 13; Cyrill. Hierosol. Catechesis 6; Euseb. Hist. eccles. ii. 13, 14). There is no evidence for the existence of any shrine or altar here, and the cult of Semo Sancus may well have been connected with that of IUPITER IURARIUS (q.v.), and this statue may have stood at or near his temple (HJ 636; Besnier 273-279, 286-289; Rosch. iv. 318-319; RE i. A. 2255).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SENACULUM (search)
et ante senaculum; Fest. 347: unum (senaculum) ubi nunc est acdes Concordiae inter Capitolium ct Forum). The original building For a concrete podium which is attributed to it, see Mem. Am. Acad. v. 58-61; cf. also DR 320, 321. must have been removed when the temple of Concord was enlarged by Opimius in 121 B.C. (HC 6; Thedenat 104; Mitt. 1893, 87, 91) or by Tiberius in 7 B.C. (TF 49). In the passage from Festus just quoted, it is stated, on the authority of a certain Nicostratus of the second century, that there were two other senacula in Rome where the senate was wont to assemble, one ad portam Capenam, the other citra aedem Bellonae. Of these senacula there is no further mention, but the senate met during the year after the battle of Cannae ad portam Capenam (Liv. xxiii. 32), and many such meetings took place in the temple of Bellona whenever foreign ambassadors, generals desiring a triumph, or any person who could not lawfully be admitted within the pomerium, were to appear before
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SUMMUM CHORAGIUM (search)
d apparatus for the public games in the amphitheatre were stored (cf. Fest. 52: instrumentum scenarium; Plaut. Capt. 56). Its site is indicated by the discovery of numerous inscriptions on the south side of the via Labicana, between the Colosseum and S. Clemente, in the immediate neighbourhood of the ludus Magnus and ludus Matutinus (CIL iii. 348, vi. 297, 646, 776 (cf. 30829), 8950, 10083-10087). These inscriptions show that this choragium was administered by imperial freedmen and slaves, and summum has therefore been interpreted as meaning imperial, in distinction from other choragia that belonged to aerarium (Hirschfeld, VG2 293-6; contra Mommsen, Staatsrecht, ii. 1070, n. 2). It may also mean the principal storehouse of the kind (DS i. 1117). The building was probably erected before the time of Hadrian, and the inscriptions belong to the second century (Marquardt, Staatsverwaltung, iii. 547; HJ 302; RE iii. 2405; DE ii. 219-220). It gave its name to a vicus summi Choragi (FUR 7).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VESTA, AEDES (search)
represent a round structure with a conical roof (of bronze, according to Pliny NH xxxiv. 13), standing on a base of three steps, with columns surmounted by Ionic capitals as is also the case on the Florence relief. The existing architectural fragments belong to the final restoration by Julia Domna, and these, together with the coins and reliefs, enable us to restore the temple with some degree of accuracy. The change from Ionic to Corinthian capitals seems to have been made during the first century, probably by the Flavians, but it is not probable that the temple of the third century differed materially from that of the first except in this respect and in the greater height of the podium. It was of white marble, peripteral, with twenty columns connected by metal gratings. The roof was dome-shaped, with an opening in the centre for the exit of smoke of the sacred fire. This opening must have been protected by metal work of some kind, which would allow the entrance of light. There ar
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VIA FLAMINIA (search)
as restored by Augustus himself in 27 B.C. (Mon. Anc. iv. 19; Suet. Aug. 30; Cass. Dio liii. 22; Cohen, Aug. 229-235, 541-544=BM. Aug. 79-81, 432-436). It was a much frequented road (Strabo v. 227; Tac. Hist. i. 86; ii. 64), and the four silver cups of about the time of Trajan, found at Vicarello, on which is the itinerary by land from Rome to Gades, prove this (CIL xi. 3281-3284). Cf. Hist. Aug. Maximin. 25. 2. The road gave its name to one of the districts of Italy as early as the second century A.D. We have epigraphic testimony of the importance of the traffic on it (praef. vehiculorum a copis Aug. per viam Flaminiam CIL x. 7585; praepositus [cursualis] de via Flabinia (sic) ib. vi. 33714). For milestones and other inscriptions relating to repairs, cf. CIL xi. 6619, sqq. The via Flaminia started in a north-north-west direction from a gate of the Servian wall on the east slope of the Capitol which had wrongly been identified with the PORTA RATUMENA, though later topographers iden
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VIA TECTA (1) (search)
VIA TECTA (1) a street in the campus Martius, mentioned three times in the literature of the first century (Seneca, Apoc. 13: descendunt per viam Sacram .. inicit illi manum Talthybius. ..et trahit. . . per campum Martium; et inter Tiberim et viam Tectam descendit ad inferos; Mart. iii. 5. 5; viii. 75. I, 2 : dum repetit sera conductos nocte penates / Lingonus a tecta Flaminiaque recens), which seems to have connected the region of the via Flaminia and forum with the Tarentum. The pavement of an ancient street leading in this general direction has been found at various points in the Vie di Pescheria, del Pianto, de' Giubbonari, de' Cappellari, and del Banco di S. Spirito, and on the same line as the fragments of the PORTICUS MAXIMAE (q.v.). It is possible that this was the via Tecta, so called because it was protected by some sort of a colonnade before the porticus Maximae were built (HJ 485; KH iii.). In that case Claudius would have been led by Talthybius past the porticus
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VICUS CENSORI (search)
VICUS CENSORI perhaps the only vicus on the island (CIL vi. 975). It is mentioned in two other inscriptions (vi. 451, 821), and was probably named after an earlier member of the family, whose first representative known to us is C. Censorius Niger, in the second century (RE iii. 1910; Gilb. iii. 54; HJ 638; Besnier 54-55).