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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 19 19 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Albi'nus 22. A. Postumius Sp. N. Albinus, A. F., grandson of No. 19, and probably son of No. 21, was consul B. C. 99, with M. Antonius. (Plin. Nat. 8.7; Obseq. 106.) Gellius (4.6) quotes the words of a senatusconsultum passed in their consulship in consequence of the spears of Mars having moved. Cicero says that he was a good speaker. (Brut. 35, post Red. ad Quir. 5.) The following coin is supposed by Eckhel (vol. v. p. 288) and others to refer to this Albinus. On one side is the head of a female with the letters HISPAN., which may perhaps have reference to the victory which his ancestor L. Aibinus obtained in Spain. [See No. 15.] On the other side a man is represented stretching out his hand to an eagle, a military standard, and behind him are the fasces with the axe. On it are the letters A. POST. A. F. N. S. ABIN (so on the coin, instead of ALBIN.). On the coins of the Postumia gens the praenomen Spurius is alway written S. and not SP.
Anto'nia 1. (*)antwni/a) A daughter of Antonius the orator, Cos. B. C. 99 [ANTONIUS, No. 8], was seized in Italy itself by the pirates over whom her father triumphed, and obtained her liberation only on payment of a large sum. (Plut. Pomp. 24.]
v. Epit. 63 ; Ascon. ad Cic. Milon. 100.12; Oros. 5.15.) 2. A speech against Cn. Papirius Carbo, B. C. 111, who had been defeated by the Cimbri in 113. (Appul. de Mag. p. 316, ed. Oudend.) 3. An oration against Sex. Titius, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 99. (Cic. de Orat. 2.11, pro Rabir. perd. 9.) 4. A defence of M'. Aquillius, accused of extortion in the government of Sicily, about B. C. 99. This was the most celebrated of his orations. (Cic. Brut. 62, de Off. 2.14, pro Flacco, 39, de Orat. 2.28B. C. 99. This was the most celebrated of his orations. (Cic. Brut. 62, de Off. 2.14, pro Flacco, 39, de Orat. 2.28, 47, in Verr. 5.1; Liv. Epit. 70.) 5. A defence of himself when accused of bribery by Duronius. (Cic. de Orat. 2.68.) 6.. A defence of Norbanus, who was accused of having caused the destruction of a Roman army by the Cimbri through carelessness. (Cic. de Orat. 2.25, 39, 40, 48.) (Orelli, Onomasticon Tullianum ; Drumann, Geschichte Roms, vol. i. p. 58, &c.; Ellendt, Proleg. ad Cic. Brut. ; Meyer, Orat. Rom. Fraym. p. 139, &c.; Westermann, Geschichte der Römischen Beredtsamkeit, §§ 46-4
Auguri'nus the name of families in the Genucia and Minucia gentes. The word is evidently derived from augur. I. Genucii Augurini. They must originally have been patricians, as we find consuls of this family long before the consulship was open to the plebeians. But here a difficulty arises. Livy calls (5.13, 18) Cn. Genucius, who was consular tribune in B. C. 99 and again in 396, a plebeian, and we learn from the Capitoline Fasti that his surname was Augurinus. Now if Livy and the Capitoline Fasti are both right, the Genucii Augurini must have gone over to the plebeians, as the Minucii Augurini did. It is possible, however, that Augurinus in the Capitoline Fasti may be a mistake for Aventinensis, which we know was a plebeian family of the same gens. [AVENTINENSIS.]
Brutus 17. D. Junius Brutus Albinus, one of Caesar's assassins, who must not be confounded with the more celebrated M. Junius Brutus, was in all probability the son of No. 16 and of Sempronia, as we know that they had children (Sal. Cat. 25), and the praenoelen is the same. This D. Brutus was adopted by A. Postumius Albinus, who was consul B. C. 99 [ALBINUS, No. 22], whence he is called Brutus Albinus; and this adoption is commemorated on a coin of D. Brutus figured on p. 93. (Plut. Caes. 64, &c., Ant. 11; D. C. 44.14.) We first read of him as serving under Caesar in Gaul when he was still a young man. Caesar gave him the command of the fleet which was sent to attack the Veneti in B. C. 56. (Caes. Gal. 3.11; D. C. 39.40-42.) He seems to have continued in Gaul till almost the close of the war, but his name does not occur frequently, as he did not hold the rank of legatus. He served against Vercingetorix in 52 (Caes. Gal. 7.9), and appears to have returned to Rome in 50, when he married
Cali'dius 2. Q. Calidius, tribune of the plebs in B. C. 99, carried a law in this year for the recall of Q. Metellus Numidicus from banishment. In gratitude for this service, his son Q. Metellus Pius, who was then consul, supported Calidius in his canvas for the praetorship in B. C. 80. Calidius was accordingly praetor in B. C. 79, and obtained one of the Spanish provinces; but, on his return to Rome, he was accused of extortion in his province by Q. Lollius (not Gallius, as the Pseudo-Asconius states), and condemned by his judges, who had been bribed for the purpose. As, however, the bribes had not been large, Calidius made the remark, that a man of praetorian rank ought not to be condemned for a less sum than three million sesterces. (V. Max. 5.2.7; Cic. pro Planc. 28, 29; Cic. Verr. Act. 1.13 ; Pseudo-Ascon. ad loc. ; Cic. Ver. 3.25.) This Calidius may have been the one who was sent from Rome, about B. C. 82, to command Murena to desist from the devastation of the territories of Mi
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Calvi'nus, L. Se'xtius 2. Is mentioned only by Cicero as an elegant orator, but of a sickly constitution, so that persons might have his advice whenever they pleased, but could employ him as their pleader in the courts only when his health permitted it. (Cic. Brut. 34.) He seems to be the same as the C. Sextius who was a friend of C. Caesar Strabo, and is described as one-eyed. (Cie. De Orat. 2.60, 61.) Pighius thinks him to be also the same as the C. Sextius who was praetor in B. C. 99, and afterwards obtained Macedonia as his province. But in the passage of Cicero in which he is mentioned (c. Pison. 34) the better MSS. read Sentius instead of Sextius. [L.S]
of the Roman games, in order that he might collect his thoughts and brace up his energies for the grand struggle which was soon to decide the contest. He was accompanied to his retirement by two youths of high promise, C. Ameilius Cotta (consul B. C. 75) and P. Sulpicius Rufus, and there joined by his father-in-law and former colleague in the consulship (B. C. 95), Q. Mucius Scaevola, renowned for his profound knowledge of civil law, and by his friend and political ally, M. Antonius (consul B. C. 99), whose fame as a public speaker was little if at all inferior to that of Crassus himself. The three consular sages having spent the first day in reflections upon politics and the aspect of public affairs, unbend themselves on the second by the introduction of literary topics. The whole party being stretched at ease under the shadow of a spreading plane, the elders, at the earnest solicitation of Cotta and Sulpicius, commence a discourse upon oratory, which is renewed the following morning
L. Equi'tius said to have been a runaway slave, gave himself out as a son of Ti. Gracchus, and was in consequence elected tribune of the plebs for B. C. 99. While tribune designatus, he took an active part in the designs of Saturninus, and was killed with him in B. C. 100 : Appian says that his death happened on the day on which he entered upon his office. (Appian, App. BC 1.32, 33 ; V. Max. 3.2.18; Cic. pro Sest. 47, who calls him insitivus Gracchus, and pro C. Rabir. 7, where he is described as ille ex compedibus atque ergastulo Gracchus.
Heius 2. HEIUS, a citizen of Lilybaeum in Sicily, and ward of C. Claudius Pulcher, curule aedile in B. C. 99. He was one of the many Sicilians whom Verres, while praetor, robbed of money and works of art. (Cic. in Verr. 4.17.)