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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 17 17 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone 2 2 Browse Search
Bacchylides, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Pindar, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 1 1 Browse Search
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Bacchylides, Epinicians (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 3 For Hieron of Syracuse Chariot-Race at Olympia 468 B. C. (search)
Ode 3 For Hieron of Syracuse Chariot-Race at Olympia 468 B. C. Clio, giver of sweet gifts, sing the praises of the mistress of most fertile Sicily, Demeter, and of her violet-garlanded daughter, and of Hieron's swift horses, racers at Olympia; for they sped with majestic Victory and with Aglaia by the wide-whirling Alpheus, where they made the son of Deinomenes a prosperous man, a victor winning garlands. And the people shouted, “Ah! thrice-blessed man! Zeus has granted him the honor of ruling most widely over the Greeks, and he knows not to hide his towered wealth under black-cloaked darkness.” The temples teem with cattle-sacrificing festivities; the streets teem with hospitality. Gold flashes and glitters, the gold of tall ornate tripods standing before the temple, where the Delphians administer the great precinct of Phoebus beside the Castalian stream. A man should honor the god, for that is the greatest prosperity.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 65 (search)
468 B.C.The following year Theageneides was archon in Athens, and in Rome the consuls elected were Lucius Aemilius Mamercus and Lucius Julius Iulus, and the Seventy-eighth Olympiad was celebrated, that in which Parmenides of Posidonia won the "stadion." In this year a war broke out between the Argives and Mycenaeans for the following reasons. The Mycenaeans, because of the ancient prestige of their country, would not be subservient to the Argives as the other cities of Argolis were, but they maintained an independent position and would take no orders from the Argives; and they kept disputing with them also over the shrine of HeraThe famous Heraeum, situated at about the same distance from Mycenae and Argos in the hills south of the former. In it was later a celebrated statue of Hera, of gold and ivory, by Polycleitus. and claiming that they had the right to administer the Nemean GamesThese Games had been first under the su
Pindar, Olympian (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Olympian 6 For Hagesias of Syracuse Mule Car Race 472 or 468 B. C. (search)
Olympian 6 For Hagesias of Syracuse Mule Car Race 472 or 468 B. C. On the two possible dates see C. M. Bowra, Pindar (Oxford 1964), p. 409.Raising the fine-walled porch of our dwelling with golden pillars, we will build, as it were, a marvellous hall; at the beginning of our work we must place a far-shining front. If someone were an Olympic victor,and a guardian of the prophetic altar of Zeus at Pisa, and a fellow-founder of renowned Syracuse, what hymn of praise would that man fail to win, by finding fellow-citizens ungrudging in delightful song? Let the son of Sostratus know that this sandal fits his divinely-blessed foot. But excellence without dangeris honored neither among men nor in hollow ships. But many people remember, if a fine thing is done with toil. Hagesias, that praise is ready for you, which once Adrastus' tongue rightly spoke for the seer Amphiaraus, son of Oicles, when the earth swallowed up him and his shining horses. In Thebes, when the seven pyres of corpses had
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, section 22 (search)
ays of his are known by name: the total number of his works might be roughly estimated at 110. It appears warrantable to assume that Sophocles had produced his works by tetralogies,—i.e., three tragedies and one satyric drama on each occasion. If the number 32 includes the satyric dramas, then the Antigone was the fourth play of the eighth tetralogy, and Sophocles would have competed on seven occasions before 441 B.C. He is recorded to have gained the first prize at his first appearance, in 468 B.C., when he was twenty-eight. The production of 28 plays in the next 27 years would certainly argue a fair measure of poetical activity. If, on the other hand, this 32 is exclusive of satyric dramas, then the Antigone was the second play of the eleventh trilogy, and the whole number of plays written by the poet from 468 to 441 B.C. (both years included) was 44. On either view, then, we have this interesting result,—that the years of the poet's life from fifty-five to ninety were decidedly more
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, *s*o*f*o*k*l*e*o*u*s *a*n*t*i*g*o*n*h (search)
ipides married Antigone: and he reads ti/ktei to\n *ai(/mona. We have then to suppose that Antigone marked her affection for her lost lover by giving his name to her son by the au)tourgo/s. At the end of the scholia in L we find these words:—*(/oti diafe/rei th=s *eu)ripi/dou *)antigo/nhs au(/th, o(/ti fwraqei=sa e)kei/nh dia\ to\n *ai(/monos e)/rwta e)cedo/qh pro\s ga/mon: e)ntau=qa de\ tou)nanti/on. The contrast meant is between her marriage in Euripides and her death in Sophocles: but the words obviously leave it doubtful whether the person to whom Euripides married her was Haemon or not. th=s e)n *sa/mw| strathgi/as The traditional strathgi/a of Sophocles, and its relation to the production of the Antigone, are discussed in the Introduction. triakosto\n deu/teron Written l_b_ in L. The statement seems to have been taken from Alexandrian didaskali/ai which gave the plays in chronological order. Sophocles is said to have exhibited for the first time in 468 B.C., aet. 28. See Introd
gic victory, and the close of the Persian war by Cimon's double victory at the Eurymedon, B. C. 470. (Bode, Gesch. der Hellen. Dichtkunst, iii. p. 212.) The year B. C. 468 was the date of a remarkable event in the poet's life. In that year he was defeated in a tragic contest by his younger rival Sophocles, and if we may believe Pluative country. If this were really the case, it follows, that the play or plays which gave the supposed offence to the Athenians, must have been published before B. C. 468, and therefore that the trilogy of the Oresteia could have had no connexion with it. Shortly before the arrival of Aeschylus at the court of Hiero, that prince hthe former trilogy must have been first represented not later than B. C. 470. (Welcker, Trilogie, p. 520; Schol. ad Aristoph. Ran. 1053.) Aristeides, who died in B. C. 468, was living at the time. (Plut. Arist. 3.) Besides The Women of Aetna, Aeschylus also composed other pieces in Sicily, in which are said to have occurred Sicilia
suggested the tale, and as having been originally, like baqu/ploutos, expressive of the extent of the family's wealth. (Böckh, Publ. Econ. of Athens, b. iv. ch. 3.) His enemies certainly were sufficiently malignant, if not powerful; for Plutarch (Aristeid. 25), on the authority of Aeschines the Socratic, speaks of a capital prosecution instituted against him on extremely weak grounds. Aristeides, who was his cousin, was a witness on the trial, which must therefore have tatken place before B. C. 468, the probable date of Aristeides' death. In Herodotus (7.151) Callias is mentioned as ambassador from Athens to Artaxerxes; and this statement we might identify with that of Diodorus, who ascribes to the victories of Cimon, through the negotiation of Callias, B. C. 449, a peace with Persia on terms most humiliating to the latter, were it not that extreme suspicion rests on the whole account of the treaty in question. (Paus. 1.8; Diod. 12.4; Wesselling, ad loc.; Mitford's Greece, ch. xi. s
Calynthus (*Ka/lunqos), a statuary of uncertain country, contemporary with Onatas, B. C. 468-448. (Paus. 10.13.5.) [W.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
App. Claudius Sabinus Regillensis. During the disputes about the Publilian law, he opposed his colleague and conciliated the plebeians, and the law was carried. He then conducted the war against the Aequians, and his great popularity with the soldiers enabled him to conquer the enemy, who did not venture to meet the Romans, but allowed them to ravage the country. The immense booty acquired in this campaign was all distributed among the soldiers. He obtained the consulship a second time in B. C. 468, during which year he again carried on a war against the Volscians and Aequians, and by his presence of mind saved the Roman camp, which was attacked by the enemy during the night. After this war he was honoured with a triumph. In B. C. 365 he was made consul a third time. The war against the Aequians and Volscians was still continued, and Capitolinus, who was stationed on mount Algidus and there heard of the ravaging inroads of the Aequians in the Roman territory, returned to Rome and del
ve been given either to Chocrilus or to Pratinas. (Suid. s.vv,. *Ai)sxu/los, *Prati/nas.) Choerilus was still held in high estimation in the year 483 B. C. after he had exhibited tragedies for forty years. (Cyrill. Julian. i. p. 13,b.; Euseb. Chron. sub. Ol. 74. 2; Syncell. p . 254, b.) In the statement in the anonymous life of Souhocles, that Sophocles contended with Choerilus, there is very probably some mistake, but there is no impossibility; for when Sophocles gained his first victory (B. C. 468), Choerilus would be just 80, if we take 25 as the usual age at which a tragic poet first exhibited. (Compare Welcker, l.c. and Näke, p. 7.) Of the character of Choerilus we know little more than that, during a long life, he retained a good degree of popular favour. The number of his trgedies was 150, of his victories 13 (Suid. s. v.). being exactly the number of victories assigned to Aeschylus. The great number of his dramas not only establishes the length of his career, but a much more