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Cameri'nus 3. SER. SULPICIUS SER. F. SER. N. CAMERINUS CORNUTUS, consul B. C. 461, when the lex Terentillia was brought forward a second time for a reform in the laws. (Liv. 3.10; Dionys. A. R. 10.1 ; Diod. 11.84; Plin. Nat. 2.57.) This law, however, was successfully resisted by the patricians; but when in B. C. 454 it was resolved to send three ambassadors into Greece to collect information respecting the laws of the Greek states, Ser. Camerinus was one of their number, according to Dionysius (10.52), though Livy calls him (3.31) Publius. The ambassadors remained three years in Greece, and on their return Ser. Camerinus was appointed a member of the decemvirate in B. C. 451. (Liv. 3.33; Dionys. A. R. 10.56.) In B. C. 446 he commanded the cavalry under the consuls T. Quinctius Capitolinus and Agrippa Furius Medullinus in the great battle against the Volsi and Aequi fought in that year. (Liv. 3.70.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
stationed on mount Algidus and there heard of the ravaging inroads of the Aequians in the Roman territory, returned to Rome and delivered his fellow-citizens from their terror. The senate proclaimed a justitium, and the consul again marched out to protect the Roman frontier; but as he did not meet with the enemy, who had in the meantime been defeated by his colleague Q. Fabius, Capitolinus returned to Rome four days after he had left it. The consulship was given him for the fourth time in B. C. 446, together with Agrippa Furius. During the quarrels which were then going on at Rome between the patricians and plebeians, the Aequians and Volscians again took up arms, began ravaging Latium, and advanced up to the very walls of the city. The people of Rome were too distracted among themselves to take the field against the enemy, but Capitolinus succeeded in allaying the discontent of the plebs, and in rousing the nation to defend itself with all energy. The supreme command of the Roman ar
rsons being carried away by that movement, believed themselves to be the nearer the goal the less clearly they perceived the way that led to it, and they regarded a perfect power over nature as the necessary consequence of a perfect knowledge of it. Timaeus and Dicaearchus had spoken of the journey of Empedocles to Peloponnesus, and of the admiration which was paid to him there (D. L. 8.71, 67; Athen. 14.620); others mentioned his stay at Athens, and in the newlyfounded colony of Thurii, B. C. 446 (Suid s. v. *\)Akrwn; D. L. 8.52); but it was only untrustworthy historians that made him travel in the east as far as the Magi. (Plin. H. N. 30.1, &c.; comp. Karsten, p. 39, &c.) His death is said to have been marvellous, like his life : a tradition, which is traced to Heracleides Ponticus, a writer fond of wonderful things, represented him as having been removed from the earth, like a divine being; another said that he had perished in the flames of mount Aetna. (D. L. 8.67, 69, 70, 71; H
ii quorum prisca comoedia virorum est a judgment which is confirmed by all we know of the works of the Attic comoedians. Eupolis is said to have exhibited his first drama in the fourth year of the 87th Olympiad, B. C. 429/8, two years before Aristophanes, who was nearly of the same age as Eupolis. (Anon. de (Com p. xxix.; Cyrill. c. Julian. i. p. 13b.; Syncell. Chron. p. 257c.) According to Suidas (s. v.), Eupolis was then only in the seventeenth year of his age; he was therefore born in B. C. 446/5. (Respecting the supposed legal minimum of the age at which a person could produce a drama on the stage, see Clinton, Fast. Hell. vol. ii. Introd. pp. lvi.--lviii.) The date of his death cannot be so easily fixed. The common story was, that Alcibiades, when sailing to Sicily, threw Eupolis into the sea, in revenge for an attack which he had made upon him in his *Ba/ptai. But, to say nothing of the improbability of even Alcibiades venturing on such an outrage, or the still stranger fact o
Medulli'nus 7. AGRIPPA FURIUS MEDULLINUS, was consul in B. C. 446. He was engaged in the Volscian and Aequian wars, and protested against the unjust decision of the curies at Rome respecting a tract of land claimed by Ardea on the one side and by Aricia on the other. (Dionys. A. R. 11.51; Liv. 3.66, 70,71.) The praenomen Agrippa was probably derived from some accident at the birth of Medulinus Plin. H.N 7.6), as it was not a family name in the Furia gens.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
by modern writers (Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. ii. p. 368; Arnold, list. of Rome, vol. i. p. 319). After the enactmeat of these laws, the consuls proceeded to march against the foreign enemies of the state. The people flocked to the standards of the popular consuls, and fought with enthusiasm under their orders. They accordingly met with great success; Valerius defeated the Aequi and the Volsci, Horatius the Sabines, and both armies returned to Rome covered with glory. The senate, however, refused to grant a triumph to these traitors to their order; whereupon the centuries conferred upon them this honour by their supreme authority, regardless of the opposition of the senate. (Liv. 3.39-41, 49-55,61-64 ; Dionys. A. R. 11.4, &100.45, &c.; Cic. de Rep. 2.31, Brut. 14; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. ii. pp. 345-376.) In B. C. 446 Valerius was chosen by the centuries one of the quaestores parricidii (Tac. Ann. 11.22; respecting the statement in Tacitus, see Dict. of Antiq. s. v. Quaestor).
which he has obtained from the best authorities; and the same scholar has suggested that the name *Neomu/sou should perhaps be read *Neomou/sou, which is very likely to be the invention of a comic poet, in allusion to the innovations made by Timotheus in music. (Diatribe in Dithyramb. pp. 96, 97.) The date of Timotheus is marked by the ancients with tolerable precision. According to the Parian marble, he died in B. C. 357, in the ninetieth year of his age, which would place his birth in B. C. 446; but Suidas (s. v.) says that he lived ninety-seven years. The period at which he flourished is described by Suidas as about the times of Euripides, and of Philip of Macedon ; and he is placed by Diodorus with Philoxenus, Telestes, and Polyeidus, at Ol. 95, B. C. 398. (Diod. 14.46). The absence of any mention of Timotheus by Aristophanes (unless we suppose him to have been one of the many Timothei who, as the Scholiast on the Plutus, 5.180, tells us, were attacked by the poet) is a proof t