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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 18 18 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 3 3 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 445 BC or search for 445 BC in all documents.

Your search returned 18 results in 17 document sections:

Canuleius 1. C. Canuleius, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 445, was the proposer of the law, establishing connubium between the patricians and plebs, which had been taken away by the laws of the twelve tables. He also proposed a law giving the people the option of choosing the consuls from either the patricians or the plebs; but to preserve the consulship in their order, and at the same time make some concessions to the plebs, the patricians resolved, that three military tribunes, with consular power, should be elected indifferently from either order in place of the consuls. (Liv. 4.1-6; Cic. de Rep. 2.37; Florus, 1.25 ; Dionys. A. R. 11.57, 58.)
Clea'ndridas (*Kleandri/das), a Spartan, father of Gylippus, who having been appointed by the ephors as counsellor to Pleistoanax in the invasion of Attica, B. C. 445, was said to have been bribed by Pericles to withdraw his army. He was condemned to death, but fled to Thurii, and was there received into citizenship. (Plut. Per. 22, Nic. 28; Thuc. 6.104, 93, 7.2; Diod. 13.106, who calls him Clearchus.) He afterwards commanded the Thurians in their war against the Tarentines. (Strab. vi. p.264, who calls him Cleandrias.) [A.H.
f her citizens in the island of Sphacteria. There was considerable elevation at their success prevalent among the Athenians; yet numbers were truly anxious for peace. Cleon, however, well aware that peace would greatly curtail, if not annihilate, his power and his emoluments, contrived to work on his countrymen's presumption, and insisted to the ambassadors on the surrender, first of all, of the blockaded party with their arms, and then the restoration in exchange for them of the losses of B. C. 445, Nisaea, Pegae, Troezen, and Achaia. Such concessions it was beyond Sparta's power to make good; it was even dangerous for her to be known to have so much as admitted a thought of them; and when the ambassadors begged in any case to have commissioners appointed them for private discussion, he availed himself of this to break off the negotiation by loud outcries against what he professed to regard as evidence of double-dealing and oligarchical caballing. (Thuc. 4.21, 22.) A short time how
Cu'rtia Gens an obscure patrician gens, of whom only one member, C. Curtius Philo, was ever invested with the consulship, B. C. 445. This consulship is one of the proofs that the Curtia gens must have been patrician, since the consulship at that time was not accessible to the plebeians; other proofs are implied in the stories about the earliest Curtii who occur in Roman history. The fact that, in B. C. 57, C. Curtius Peducaeanus was tribune of the people, does not prove the contrary, for members of the gens may have gone over to the plebeians. The cognomens which occur in this gens under the republic are PEDUCAEANUS, PHILO, and POSTUMUS or POSTUMIUS. For those who are mentioned in history without a cognomen, see CURTIUS. [L.S]
s steed in full armour, lie leaped into the abyss, and the earth soon closed over him. This event is assigned to the year B. C. 362. (Liv. 7.6; Varro, l.c.; V. Max. 5.6.2; Plin. Nat. 15.18; Festus, s. v. Curtilacum; Plut. Parallel. Min. 5; Stat. Silv. 1.1, 65, &c.; Augustin, de Civ. Dei, 5.18.) According to the second tradition, the place called lacus Curtius had been struck by lightning, and, at the command of the senate, it was enclosed in the usual manner by the consul C. Curtius Philo, B. C. 445. (Varr. L. L. 5.150.) But that this place was not regarded as a bidental, that is, a sacred spot struck by lightning, seems to be clear from what Pliny (Plin. Nat. 15.18) relates of it. All that we can infer with safety from the ancient traditions respecting the lacus Curtius, is, that a part of the district which subsequently formed the Roman forum, was originally covered by a swamp or a lake, which may have obtained the name of Curtius from some such occurrence as tradition has handed do
C. Fur'nius 1. Tribune of the plebs, B. C. 445, who, as one of the tribunitian college, opposed the rotation, which was brought forward in that year for opening the consulship to the plebeians (Dionys. A. R. 11.52.) Livy (4.1) mentions the rogation, but not Furnius.
Genu'cia Gens patrician, as is clear from the fact of T. Genucius Augurinus having been consul in B. C. 451, and M. Genucius Augurinus in B. C. 445, since in those years plebeians were not yet allowed to hold the consulship. In the earliest as well as in the later times we find plebeian Genucii, who acted as strenuous champions of their order; and they had probably become plebeians in the usual manner, either by mixed marriages or by transition to the plebs. The cognomens of this gens are AVENTINENSIS, AUGURINUS, CIPUS, CLEPSINA. [L.S]
Gylippus (*Gu/lippos), son of Cleandridas, was left, it would seem, when his father went into exile (B. C. 445) to be brought up at Sparta. In the I8th year of the Peloponnesian war, when the Lacedaemonian government resolved to follow the advice of Alcibiades, and send a Spartan commander to Syracuse, Gylippus was selected for the duty. Manning two Laconian galleys at Asine, and receiving two from Corinth, under the command of Pythen, he sailed for Leucas. Here a variety of rumours combined to give assurance that the circumvallation of Syracuse was already complete. With no hope for their original object, but wishing, at any rate, to save the Italian allies, he and Pythen resolved, without waiting for the further reinforcements, to cross at once. They ran over to Tarentum, and presently touched at Thurii, where Gylippus resumed the citizenship which his father had there acquired in exile, and used some vain endeavours to obtain assistance. Shortly after the ships were driven back by
from his native place, and settled at Thurii, in Italy, where he spent the remainder of his life. The fact of his settling at Thurii is attested by the unanimous statement of the ancients; but whether he went thither with the first colonists in B. C. 445, or whether he followed afterwards, is a disputed point. There is however a passage in his own work (5.77) from which we must in all probability infer, that in B. C. 431, the year of the outbreak of the Peloponnesian war, he was at Athens; for r, and others labour to maintain the credibility of the story about the Olympic recitation, but their arguments in favour of it are of no weight. There is one tradition which mentions that Herodotus read his work at the Panathenaea at Athens in B. C. 445 or 446, and that there existed at Athens a psephisma granting to the historian a reward of ten talents from the public treasury. (Plut. de Malign. Herod. 26, on whose authority it is repeated by Eusebius, Chron. p. 169.) This tradition is not o
ts pay. Plutarch, in like manner, describes him as brave and honest, and a hero in the field; but so poor, and so ill-provided, that on every fresh appointment he used to beg for money from the government to buy clothing and shoes; and this dependent position he thinks made him backward to take a part of his own, and deferential to his colleagues--Nicias, perhaps, in especial. (Plut. Nic. 16, cf. ib. 12, 13, and Alcib. 18, 20, 21.) Plato also speaks of his valour. (Lach. p. 198.) If we may trust a passage of Plutarch (Pericles, 20), Lamachus, in an expedition made by Pericles into the Euxine, was left there in charge of 13 ships, to assist the people of Sinope against their tyrant, Timesilaus; after the expulsion of whom the town received 600 Athenian colonists. The precise date of this occurrence can hardly be established : in Plutarch's narrative, it is previous to the Thirty Years' Peace of B. C. 445. He must therefore have been an old man at the time of his last command. [A.H.C]