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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 22 22 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 3 3 Browse Search
Isaeus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 364 BC or search for 364 BC in all documents.

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. By ancient writers he is ranked amongst the most distinguished artists, and is considered by Pausanias second only to Phidias. (Quint. Inst. 12.10.8; Dionys. De Demosth. acum. vol. vi. p. 1108, ed. Reiske; Paus. 5.10.2.) He flourished from about Ol. 84 (Plin. Nat. 34.8. s. 19) to Ol. 95 (B. C. 444-400). Pliny's date is confirmed by Pausanias, who says (8.9.1), that Praxiteles flourished in the third generation after Alcamnenes; and Praxiteles, as Pliny tells us, flourished about Ol. 104 (B. C. 364). The last works of his which we hear of, were the colossal statues of Athene and Hercules, which Thrasybulus erected in the temple of Hercules at Thebes after the expulsion of the tyrants from Athens. (B. C. 403.) The most beautiful and renowned of the works of Alcamenes was a statue of Venus, called from the place where it was set up, *(H e)n kh/pois *)Afrodi/th. (Lucian, Imagines, 4, 6; Paus. 1.19.2.) It is said that Phidias himself put the finishing touches to this work. (Plin. Nat. 36
er expedition of the Thebans under Epaminondas into Thessaly, to effect the release of Pelopidas. According to Plutarch, the tyrant did not dare to offer resistance, and was glad to purchase even a thirty days' truce by the delivery of the prisoners. (Plut. Pel. pp. 293, 294; Diod. 15.75.) During the next three years Alexander would seem to have renewed his attempts against the states of Thessaly, especially those of Magnesia and Phthiotis (Plut. Pel. p. 295a), for at the end of that time, B. C. 364, we find them again applying to Thebes for protection against him. The army appointed to march under Pelopidas is said to have been dismayed by an eclipse (June 13, 364), and Pelopidas, leaving it behind, entered Thessaly at the head of three hundred volunteer horsemen and some mercenaries. A battle ensued at Cynoscephalae, wherein Pelopidas was himself slain, but defeated Alexander (Plut. Pel. pp. 295, 296 ; Diod. 15.80); and this victory was closely followed by another of the Thebans un
Andro'machus (*)Andro/maxos). 1. Commander of the Eleans in B. C. 364, was defeated by the Arcadians and killed himself in consequence. (Xen. Hell. 7.4.19
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Licinius Calvus Stolo or Calvus Stolo (search)
trusted to a college of ten men (decemviri), half of whom should be plebeians, that no falsifications might be introduced in favour of the patricians. These rogations were passed after a most vehement opposition on the part of the patricians, and L. Sextius was the first plebeian who, in accordance with the first of them, obtained the consulship for the year B. C. 366. Licinius himself too received marks of the people's gratitude and confidence, by being elected twice to the consulship, in B. C. 364 and 361; but some years later he was accused by M. Popilius Laenas of having transgressed his own law respecting the amount of public land which a person might possess. Avarice had tempted him to violate his own salutary regulations, and in B. C. 357 he was sentenced to pay a heavy fine. (Plin. Nat. 17.1, 18.4 ; Varro, De Re Rust. 1.2; Liv. 6.35, 42, 7.1, 2, 9, 16; Florus, 1.26; Aur. Vict. De Vir. Illustr. 20 ; Plut. Camill. 39; Diod. 15.82, 95; Zonar. 7.24 ; V. Max. 8.6.3; comp. Niebuhr,
Cotys (*Ko/tus). 1. A king of Paphlagonia, seems to have been the same whom Xenophon (Xen. Anab. 5.5.12, &c.) calls Corylas. Otys also is only another form of the name. A vassal originally of the Persian throne, he had thrown off his allegiance to Artaxerxes II., and, when summoned to court, as a test probably of his loyalty, had refused obedience. He therefore listened readily to the recommendation of Spithridates to enter into alliance with Sparta, and having met Agesilaus for this purpose on his entrance into Paphlagonia, he left with him a considerable reinforcement for his army. For this service Agesilaus rewarded Spithridates by negotiating a marriage for his daughter with Cotys, B. C. 395. (Xen. Hell. iv. 50.3, &c.) The subject of the present article has been identified by some with Thyus, whom Datames conquered and carried prisoner to Artaxerxes about B. C. 364; but this conjecture does not appear to rest on any valid grounds. (See Schneider, ad Xen. Hell. l.c.) [THYUS
Cotys 2. King of Thrace from B. C. 382 to 358. (See Suid. s.v. where his reign is said to have lasted twenty-four years.) It is not, however, till towards the end of this period that we find anything recorded of him. In B. C. 364 he appears as an enemy of the Athenians, the main point of dispute being the possession of the Thracian Chersonesus, and it was at this time that he first availed himself of the aid of the adventurer Charidemus on his desertion from the Athenian service [see p. 684b.]. He also secured the valuable assistance of Iphicrates, to whom he gave one of his daughters in marriage, and who did not scruple to take part with his father-in-law against his country. (Dem. c. Aristocr. pp. 663, 669, 672; Pseudo-Aristot. Econ. 2.26; Nep. Iphicr. 3; Anaxandr. apud Athen. iv. p. 131.) In B. C. 362, Miltocythes, a powerful chief, revolted from Cotys, and engaged the Athenians on his side by promising to cede the Chersonesus to them; but Cotys sent them a letter, outbidding his
Cy'dias a celebrated painter from the island of Cythnus, B. C. 364, whose picture of the Argonauts was exhibited in a porticus by Agrippa at Rome. (Eustath. ad Dionys. Perieg. 526; Plin. Nat. 35.40.26; D. C. 53.27; Urlichs, Beschr. der Stadt. Rom. 3.3. p. 114.) [L.U]
favour of Demosthenes. (Dem. c. Aphob. i. p. 828, c. Aphob. iii. p. 861.) At length, in the third year after his coming of age, in the archonship of Timocrates, B. C. 364 (Dem. c. Onet. p. 868), Demosthenes brought his accusation against Aphobus before the archon, reserving to himself the right to bring similar charges against Demchus, p. 106, &c.; Westermann, Quaest. Demosth. iii. p. 96, &c. 26 and 27. The two orations against Aphobus The two orations against Aphobus were delivered in B. C. 364. 28. *Pro\s *)/Afobon yeudomarturiw=n *Pro\s *)/Afobon yeudomarturiw=n, is suspected of being spurious by Westermann, Quaest. Dem. iii. p. 11, &c. Comp. Schöm th=s trihrarxi/as, after B. C. 361, is suspected by Becker, Demosth. als Staatsmann und. Redner, p. 465. 51. *Pro\s *Ka/llippon *Pro\s *Ka/llippon, spoken in B. C. 364. 52. *Pro\s *Niko/straton peri\ tw=n *)Areqousi/ou a)ndrapo/dwn *Pro\s *Niko/straton peri\ tw=n *)Areqousi/ou a)ndrapo/dwn, of uncertain date, was suspected b
Eubo'tas (*Eu)bw/tas), a Cyrenaean, who gained a victory in the foot-race in Ol. XCIII. (B. C. 408), and in the chariot-race in 01. CIV. (B. C. 364). There is considerable doubt as to the name. Diodorus calls him *Eu)/batos, Xenophon *Eu)bo/tas ; nor is it quite clear whether Pausanias, where he mentions him, speaks of two victories gained at different Olympiads, or of a double victory gained on the second occasion. (Paus. 6.8.3, 4.2; Diod. 13.68; Xen. Hell. 1.2.1.) [C.P.
occurs in Etruscan sepulchral monuments, corresponds to that of Licinius, and hence it would appear that the family was of Etruscan origin. This opinion is thought to be supported by the fact, that in the consulship of C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, B. C. 364, Etruscan players took part in the public games at Rome; but as it is recorded by Livy that scenic games were established in this year to avert the anger of the gods, and that Etruscan players were accordingly sent for (Liv. 7.2), it is not necnuvium with the Licinii Murenae [MURENA]. The name would therefore seem to have been originally spread both through Etruria and Latium. The first member of this gens who obtained the consulship, was the celebrated C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, in B. C. 364; and from this period down to the later times of the empire, the Licinii constantly held some of the higher offices of the state, until eventually they obtained the imperial dignity. [See below, p. 783.] The family-names of this gens are, CAL