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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 36 36 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 3 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 2 2 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Ada (*)/Ada), the daughter of Hecatomnus, king of Caria, and sister of Mausolus, Artemisia, Idrieus, and Pixodarus. She was married to her brother Idrieus, who succeeded Artemisia in B. C. 351 and died B. C. 344. On the death of her husband she succeeded to the throne of Caria, but was expelled by her brother Pixodarus in B. C. 340; and on the death of the latter in B. C. 335 his son-in-law Orontobates received the satrapy of Caria from the Persian king. When Alexander entered Caria in B. C. 334, Ada, who was in possession of the fortress of Alinda, surrendered this place to him and begged leave to adopt him as her son. After taking Halicarnassus, Alexander committed the government of Caria to her. (Arrian, Arr. Anab. 1.23; Diod. 16.42, 74; Strab. xiv. pp. 656, 657; Plut. Alex. 10
im, and had him arrested. Aeschines denounced the conduct of Demosthenes as a violation of the democratical constitution. Antiphon was sentenced to death; and although no disclosure of any kind could be extorted from him, still it seems to have been believed in many quarters that Aeschines had been his accomplice. Hence the honourable office of su/ndikos to the sanctuary in Delos, which had just been given him, was taken from him and bestowed upon Hyperides. (Demosth. De Coron. p. 271.) In B. C. 340 Aeschines was again present at Delphi as Athenian pulago/ras, and caused the second sacred war against Amphissa in Locris for having taken into cultivation some sacred lands. Philip entrusted with the supreme command by the amphictyons, marched into Locris with an army of 30,000 men, ravaged the country, and established himself in it. When in 338 he advanced southward as far as Elatea, all Greece was in consternation. Demosthenes alone persevered, and roused his countrymen to a last and de
Annia Gens plebeian, was of considerable antiquity. The first person of this name whom Livy mentions, is the Latin praetor L. Annius of Setia, a Roman colony. (B. C. 340.) [ANNIUS, No. 1.] The cognomens of this gens under the republic are: ASELLUS, BELLIENUS, CIMBER, LUSCUS, MILO. Those who have no cognomen are given under ANNIUS. According to Eckhel (v. p. 134), the genuine coins of the Annii have no cognomen upon them. The one figured below, which represents the head of a woman, and on the reverse Victory drawn by a quadriga, with the inscriptions C. ANNI. PROCOS., T. F. T. N. Ex. S. C. and L. FABI. HI, L. F. (SP). is supposed to refer to C. Annius, who fought against Sertorius in Spain. [ANNIUS, No. 7.] It is imagined that L. Fabius may have been the quaestor of Annius, but nothing is known for certain.
A'nnius 1. L. Annius, of Setia, a Roman colony, was praetor of the Latins, B. C. 340, at the time of the great Latin war. He was sent as ambassador to Rome to demand for the Latins perfect equality with the Romans. According to the Roman story, he dared to say, in the capitol, that he defied the Roman Jupiter; and as he hurried down the steps of the temple, he fell from the top to the bottom, and was taken up dead. (Liv. 8.3-6.)
Anti'genes (*)Antige/nhs). 1. A general of Alexander the Great, also served under Philip, and lost an eye at the siege of Perinthus. (B. C. 340.) After the death of Alexander he obtained the satrapy of Susiana. He was one of the commanders of the Argyraspids (Dict. of Ant. s. v.), and espoused with his troops the side of Eumenes. On the defeat of the latter in B. C. 316, Antigenes fell into the hands of his enemy Antigonus, and was burnt alive by him. (Plut. Alex. 70; Arrian, apud Phot. p. 71b. Bekk.; Diod. 18.62, 19.12, &c., 44; Plut. Eum. 13
0, Phormion became the guardian of her younger son, Pasicles. Several years later (B. C. 350), Apollodorus brought an action against Phormion, for whom Demosthenes wrote a defence, the oration for Phormion, which is still extant. In this year, Apollodorus was archon eponymus at Athens. (Diod. 16.46.) When Apollodorus afterwards attacked the witnesses who had supported Phormion, Demosthenes wrote for Apollodorius the two orations still extant kata\ *Stefa/nou. (Aeschin. de Fals. Leg. p. 50; Plut. Dem. 15.) Apollodorus had many and very important law-suits, in most of which Demosthenes wrote the speeches for him (Clinton, Fast. Hell. ii. p. 440, &100.3d. ed.) [DEMOSTHENES[; the latest of them is that against Neaera, in which Apollodorus is the pleader, and which may perhaps be referred to the year B. C. 340, when Apollodorus was fifty-four years of age. Apollodorus was a very wealthy man, and performed twice the liturgy of the trierarchy. (Dem. c. Polycl. p. 1208, c. Nicostr. p. 1247.)
Apollodo'rus 4. An ATHENIAN, commanded the Persian auxiliaries which the Athenians had solicited from the king of Persia against Philip of Macedonia in B. C. 340. Apollodorus was engaged with these troops in protecting the town of Perinthus while Philip invaded its territory. (Paus. 1.29.7 ; comp. Diod. 16.75; Arrian, Arr. Anab. 2.14.)
Apollodo'rus 16. Of GELA in Sicily, was, according to Suidas and Eudocia (p. 61), a contemporary of Menander, and accordingly lived between the years B. C. 340 and 290. Suidas and Eudocia attribute to him seven comedies, of which they give the titles. But while Suidas (s. v. *)Apollo/dwros) ascribes them to Apollodorus of Gela, he assigns one of these same comedies in another passage (s. v. spouda/zw) to the Carystian. Other writers too frequently confound the two comic poets. (Meineke, Hist. Cril. Comic. Graec. p. 459, &c.)
s, as well as his knowledge of men, was extended. The position in which he stood to Alexander occasioned and favoured several studies and literary works. In his extended researches into natural science, and particularly in his zoological investigations, he received not only from Philip, but in still larger measure from Alexander, the most liberal support, a support which stands unrivalled in the history of civilisation. (Aelian, Ael. VH 5.19; Athen. 9.398e.; Plin. Nat. 8.17.) In the year B. C. 340, Alexander, then scarcely seventeen years of age, was appointed regent by his father, who was about to make an expedition against Byzantium. From that time Aristotle's instruction of the young prince was chiefly restricted to advice and suggestion, which may very possibly have been carried on by means of epistolary correspondence. In the year B. C. 335, soon after Alexander ascended the throne, Aristotle quitted Macedonia for ever, and returned to Athens * The story that Aristotle accomp
g to Theopompus (apud Athen. xii . p. 532,) was with him a favourite residence, as supplying more opportunity for the indulgence of his profligate propensities than he could find at Athens. But in a speech of Demosthenes delivered in B. C. 341 (de Chers. p. 97) he is spoken of as possessing much influence at that time in the Atlenian councils ; and we may consider him therefore to have been one of those who authorized and defended the proceedings of Diopeithes against Philip in Thrace. In B. C. 340 he was appointed to the command of the force which was sent to aid Byzantium against Philip; but his character excited the suspicions of the Byzantians, and they refused to receive him. Against the enemy he effected nothing: his only exploits were against the allies of Athens, and these he plundered unscrupulously. He was accordingly superseded by Phocion, whose success was brilliant. (Diod. 16.74, &c.; Phil. Ep. ad Ath. ap. Dem. p. 163; Plut. Phoc. 14.) In 338 he was sent'to the aid of Am