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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 34 34 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 320 BC or search for 320 BC in all documents.

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acter. In Hesiod (Op. et Dies, 200), it has passed into the sense of a moral fable. The ai)=noi or mu)qoi of Aesop were certainly in prose :--they are called by Aristophanes lo/goi, and their author (Hdt. 2.134) is *Ai)/swpos o( logo/poios, lo/gos being the peculiar word for Prose, as e)/ph was for verse, and including both fable and history, though afterwards restricted to oratory, when that became a separate branch of composition. Following the example of Socrates, Demetrius Phalereus (B. C. 320) turned Aesop's fables into poetry, and collected them into a book : and after him an author, whose name is unknown, published them in Elegiacs, of which some fragments are preserved by Suidas. But the only Greek versifier of Aesop, of whose writings any whole fables are preserved is Babrius, an author of no mean powers, and who may well take his place amongst Fabulists with Phaedrus and La Fontaine. His version is in Choliambics, i. e. lame, halting iambics (xw=los, i)/ambos), verses whic
Alexander (*)Ale/candros), son of POLYSPERCHON, the Macedonian. The regent Antipater, on his death (B. C. 320), left the regency to Polysperchon, to the exclusion and consequent discontent of his own son, Cassander. (Diod. 18.48; Plut. Phoc. p. 755,f.) The chief men, who had been placed in authority by Antipater in the garrisoned towns of Greece, were favourable to Cassander, as their patron's son, and Polysperchon's policy, therefore, was to reverse the measures of Antipater, and restore democracy where it had been abolished by the latter. It was then, in the prosecution of this design, that his son Alexander was sent to Athens, B. C. 318, with the alleged object of delivering the city from Nicanor, who by Cassander's appointment commanded the garrison placed by Antipater in Munychia. (Plut. Phoc. 755, f. 756, e.; Diod. 18.65.) Before his arrival, Nicanor, besides strengthening himself with fresh troops in Munychia, had also treacherously seized the Peiraeeus. To occupy these two po
Andro'machus 4. The father of Achaeus [see p. 8a], and the brother of Laodice, who married Seleucus Callinicus, was detained as a prisoner by Ptolemy at Alexandria, but was liberated about B. C. 320 on the intercession of the Rhodians. (Plb. 4.51, 8.22.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'gonus the One-eyed (search)
nd gave him the commission of carrying on the war against Eumenes, who would not submit to the authority of the new regent. In this war Antigonus was completely successful; he defeated Eumenes, and compelled him to take refuge with a small body of troops in Nora, an impregnable fortress on the confines of Lycaonia and Cappadocia; and after leaving this place closely invested, he marched into Pisidia, and conquered Alcetas and Attalus, the only generals who still held out against Antipater (B. C. 320). [ALCETAS.] The death of Antipater in the following year (B. C. 319) was favourable to the ambitious views of Antigonus, and almost placed within his reach the throne of Asia. Antipater had appointed Polysperchon regent, to the exclusion of his own son Cassander, who was dissatisfied with the arrangement of his father, and claimed the regency for himself. He was supported by Antigonus, and their confederacy was soon afterwards joined by Ptolemy. But they found a formidable rival in Eume
18.23, 25, 29-33; Plut. Eum. pp. 585, 586; Just. 13.6.) On the murder of Perdiccas, the supreme regency devolved on Antipater, who, at Triparadeisus in Syria, successfully maintained his power against Eurydice, the queen. Marching into Lydia, he avoided a battle with Eumenes, and he on his side was dissuaded from attacking Antipater by Cleopatra, who wished to give the regent no cause of complaint. Towards the close of the year 321, he returned into Europe, taking with him the king and queen, and leaving Antigonus to prosecute the war with Eumenes. (Diod. 18.39, 40; Plut. Eum. p. 588a.) It was during the mortal illness of Antipater, B. C. 320, that Demades was sent to him from Athens to endeavour to obtain the removal of the garrison from Munychia, and was put to death for his treacherous correspondence with Perdiccas. Antipater left the regency to Polysperchon, to the exclusion of his own son Cassander. (Plut. Phoc. p. 755, Dem. ad fin. ; Arr. apud Phot. p. 70a.; Diod. 18.48.) [E.E]
Anti'stius 3. M. Antistius, tribune of the plebs, about B. C. 320. (Liv. 26.33, 9.12.)
other of Perdiccas, he sailed to the coast of Caria, where he became involved in a contest with the Rhodians, by whom he was completely defeated in a sea-fight. (Diod. 18.37; Arrian, apud Phot. Cod. 92, p. 72a., ed. Bekker.) After this, he joined Alcetas; but their united forces were defeated in Pisidia by Antigonus, who had the conduct of the war against the party of Perdiccas. Alcetas escaped for a time, but Attalus with many others was taken prisoner. (Diod. 18.44, 45.) This happened in B. C. 320; and he and his companions remained in captivity till B. C. 317, when they contrived on one occasion to overpower their guards, and obtain possession of the castle in which they were confined. Before they could effect their escape, the castle was surrounded with troops from the neighbourhood. They continued, however, to defend it for a year and four months; but at length were obliged to yield to superior numbers. (Diod. 19.16.) We do not hear of Attalus after this: his daughters were with
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Crassus, Papi'rius 10. L. Papirius Crassus was magister equitum to the dictator T. Manlius Torquatus, in B. C. 320. (Fast. Cap.) [L.S]
ght against the enemy. But, after having condescended to regain the good-will of the soldiers by promising them the booty which they might make, he obtained a most complete victory over the Samnites, and then allowed his men to plunder the country far and wide. The Samnites now sued for a truce, which was granted by the dictator for one year, on condition that they should clothe his whole army and give them pay for a year. Papirius thereupon returned to Rome, and celebrated a triumph. In B. C. 320, Papirius Cursor was made consul the second (or the third) time, and again undertook the command against the Samnites in Apulia. It was however uncertain, even in the days of Livy, whether the consuls of that year conducted the war with two armies, or whether it was carried on by a dictator and L. Papirius as his magister equitum. It is certain, however, that Papirius blockaded Luceria, and that his camp was reduced to such extremities by the Samnites, who cut off all supplies, that he wou
Daetondas (*Daitw/ndas), a statuary of Sicyon, made a statue of the Eleian athlete Theotimus at Olympia. (Paus. 6.17.3.) Since Moschion, the father of Theotimus, accompanied Alexander the Great into Asia, Daetondas probably flourished from B. C. 320 downwards. [P.