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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 33 33 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone 1 1 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 307 BC or search for 307 BC in all documents.

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when asked what men were in his opinion at once the boldest warriors and wisest statesmen, replied, Agathocles and Dionysius. (Plb. 15.35.) He appears also to have possessed remarkable powers of wit and repartee, to have been a most agreeable companion, and to have lived in Syracuse in a security generally unknown to the Greek tyrants, unattended in public by guards, and trusting entirely either to the popularity or terror of his name. As to the chronology of his life, his landing in Africa was in the archonship of Hieromnemon at Athens, and accompanied by an eclipse of the sun, i.e. Aug. 15, B. C. 310. (Clinton, Fast. Hell.) He quitted it at the end of B. C. 307, died B. C. 289, after a reign of 28 years, aged 72 according to Diodorus, though Lucian (Macrob. 10), gives his age 95. Wesseling and Clinton prefer the statement of Diodorus. The Italian mercenaries whom Agathocles left, were the Mamertini who after his death seized Messana, and occasioned the first Punic war. [G.E.L.C]
A'lcetas II., king of EPIRUS, was the son of Arymbas, and grandson of Alcctas I. On account of his ungovernable temper, he was banished by his father, who appointed his younger son, Aeacides, to succeed him. On the death of Aeacides, who was killed in a battle fought with Cassander B. C. 313, the Epirots recalled Alcetas. Cassander sent an army against hint under the command of Lyciscus, but soon after entered into an alliance with him (B. C. 312). The Epirots, incensed at the outrages of Alcetas, rose against him and put him to death, together with his two sons; on which Pyrrhus, the son of Aeacides, was placed upon the throne by his protector Glaucias, king of the Illyrians, B. C. 307. (Paus. 1.11.5; Diod. 19.88, 89 ; Plut. Pyrrh. 3.) [C.P.M]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'gonus the One-eyed (search)
nus. Meanwhile, however, the whole of Greece was in the power of Cassander, and Demetrius was therefore sent with a large fleet to effect a diversion in his father's favour. Demetrius met with little opposition ; he took possession of Athens in B. C. 307, where he was received with the most extravagant flattery. He also obtained possession of Megara, and would probably have become master of the whole of Greece, if he had not been recalled by his father to oppose Ptolemy, who had gained the islad unanimity always prevailed. The example of Antigonus was followed by Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and Seleucus, who are from this time designated as kings. The city of Antigoneia on the Orontes in Syria was founded by Antigonus in the preceding year (B. C. 307). Antigonus thought that the time had now come for crushing Ptolemy. He accordingly invaded Egypt with a large force, but his invasion was as unsuccessful as Cassander's had been : he was obliged to retire with great loss. (B. C. 306.) He nex
Anto'nius 2. L. Antonius, expelled from the senate by the censors in B. C. 307. (V. Max. 2.9.2.)
Arcesila'us 2. The murderer of Archagathus, the son of Agathocles, when the latter left Africa, B. C. 307. Arcesilaus had formerly been a friend of Agathocles. (Justin, 22.8; AGATHOCLES, p. 64.)
Archa'gathus (*)Arxa/gaqos). 1. The son of Agathocles, accompanied his father in his expedition into Africa, B. C. 310. While there he narrowly escaped being put to death in a tumult of the soldiers, occasioned by his having murdered Lyciscus, who reproached hism with committing incest with his step-mother Alcia. When Agathocles was summoned from Africa by the state of affairs in Sicily, he left Archagathus behind in command of the army. He met at first with some success, but was afterwards defeated three times, and obliged to take refuge in Tunis. Agathocles returned to his assistance; but a mutiny of the soldiers soon compelled him to leave Africa again, and Archagathus and his brother were put to death by the troops in revenge, B. C. 307. (Diod. 20.33, 57-61; Just. 22.8
founds by a strange mistake the picture of Ismenias with the statues of Praxiteles' sons (pi/nac and ei)ko/nes cu/linai). The marble basement of one of these statues has been discovered lately on the Acropolis, together with another pedestal dedicated by Cephisodotus and Timarchus to their uncle Theoxenides. (Ross, Kunstblatt, 1840, No. 12.) It is very likely that the artists performed their task so well, that the people, when they ordered a bronze statue to be erected to their benefactor, B. C. 307 (Psephism. apud Plut. l.c. p. 852; Paus. 1.8.2), committed it to them. The vicinity at least of the temple of Mars, where the sons of Praxiteles had wrought a statue of Enyo (Paus. l.c. § 5), supports this supposition. Another work which they executed in common was the altar of the Cadmean Dionysus at Thebes (Paus. 9.12.3 : *Bwmo/n is the genuine reading, not the vulgate ka/dmon), probably erected soon after the restoration of Thebes by Cassander, B. C. 315, in which the Athenians heartily
Crates (*Kra/ths) of THEBES, the son of Ascondus, repaired to Athens, where he became a scholar of the Cynic Diogenes, and subsequently one of the most distinguished of the Cynic philosophers. He flourished, according to Diogenes Laertius (6.87), in B. C. 328, was still living at Athens in the time of Demetrius Phalereus (Athen. 10.422c.; D. L. 6.90), and was at Thebes in B. C. 307, when Demetrius Phalereus withdrew thither. (Plut. Mor. p. 69c.) Crates was one of the most singular phaenomena of a time which abounded in all sorts of strange characters. Though heir to a large fortune, he renounced it all and bestowed it upon his native city, since a philosopher had no need of money ; or, according to another account, he placed it in the hands of a banker, with the charge, that he should deliver it to his sons, in case they were simpletons, but that, if they became philosophers, he should distribute it among the poor. Diogenes Laertius has preserved a number of curious tales about C
ular, and when the Sicyonians, hoping for an easy conquest over a woman, rose against the garrison for the purpose of establishing an independent government, she quelled the sedition, and, leaving crucified thirty of the popular leaders, held the town firmly in subjection for Cassander. [See p. 620.] In B. C. 308, however, she was induced by Ptolemy Lagi to betray Corinth and Sicyon to him, these being the only places, except Athens, yet possessed by Cassander in Greece. Cratesipolis was at Corinth at the time, and, as her troops would not have consented to the surrender, she introduced a body of Ptolemy's forces into the town, pretending that they were a reinforcement which she had sent for from Sicyon. She then withdrew to Patrae in Achaia, where she was living, when, in the following year (B. C. 307), she held with Demetrius Poliorcetes the remarkable interview to which each party was attracted by the fame of the other. (Diod. 19.67, 20.37; Polyaen. 8.58; Plut. Demetrius, 9.) [E.E]
and the Macedonian party, and took a very active part in the disputes as to whether Harpalus, who had openly deserted the cause of Alexander the Great, should be tolerated at Athens or not. The time of his greatest activity is from B. C. 317 to B. C. 307, during which time Demetrius Phalereus conducted the administration of Athens. But when in B. C. 307 Demetrius Poliorcetes advanced against Athens, and Demetrius Phalereus was obliged to take to flight, Deinarchus, who was suspected on account B. C. 307 Demetrius Poliorcetes advanced against Athens, and Demetrius Phalereus was obliged to take to flight, Deinarchus, who was suspected on account of his equivocal political conduct, and who was anxious to save his riches, fled to Chalcis in Euboea. It was not till fifteen years after, B. C. 292, that, owing to the exertions of his friend Theophrastus, he obtained permission to return to Athens, where he spent the last years of his lift, and died at an advanced age. The last event of his life of which we have any record, is a law-suit which he instituted against his faithless friend, Proxenus, who lead robbed him of his property. But in w