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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 7 7 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AUGUSTUS, DOMUS (2) (search)
f Livia. Augustus also acquired the house of Q. LUTATIUS CATULUS (q.v.), the site of which is not exactly known. We thus learn from Suet. that a part of the house of Augustus was struck by lightning and the temple of Apollo was erected on its site- in compensation for which the senate decreed that a house should be given to him out of the public funds (Cass. Dio xlix. 15. 5). The enlarged house must have been ready at more or less the same time as the temple of Apollo; for on 13th January, 27 B.C., the senate decreed that an oak crown should be placed over the door (Fast. Praen. 13 Jan.; Mon. Anc. vi. 13; Cass. Dio liii. 16. 4; Ov. Fasti, i. 509; iv. 951; for a representation cf. the Sorrento base (Mitt. 1889, pl. x.; 1894, 238 sqq.; SScR 76), and Cohen, Aug. 385=BM. Aug. 126). The authors speak of its great simplicity, and of a lofty tower chamber, into which the emperor was glad to retire (Suet. Aug. 72, 73) and of an AEDICULA ET ARA VESTAE (q.v.). The house was destroyed by fire i
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PANTHEON (search)
PANTHEON a temple which, with the thermae, Stagnum and Euripus, made up the remarkable group of buildings which Agrippa erected in the campus Martius. According to the inscription on the frieze of the pronaos (CIL vi. 896: M. Agrippa L. f. cos. tertium. Fecit The bronze letters are modern: see CIL vi. p. 3073, No. 31196. ) the temple was built in 27 B.C., but Cassius Dio states that it was finished in 25 (liii. 27:to/ te *pa/nqeion w)nomasme/non e)cete/lese: prosagoreu/etai de\ ou(/tw ta/xa me\n o(/ti pollw=n qew=n ei)ko/nas e)n toi=s a)ga/lmasi, tw=| te tou= )/*arews kai\ tw=| th=s )*afrodi/ths, e)/laben, w(s de\ e)gw\ nomi/zw, o(/ti qoloeide\s o)\n tw=| ou)ranw=| prose/oiken, h)boulh/qn me\n ou)=n o( )*agri/ppas kai\ to\n *au)/gouston e)ntau=qa I(dru=sai, th/n te tou= e)/rgou e)pi/klhsiv au)tw=| dou=nai). This passage is not altogether clear (Gilb. iii. 116), but it seems probable that the temple was built for the glorification of the gens Iulia, and that it was dedicated in p
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, POMERIUM (search)
rred to territory in Italy (Sen. de brev. vit. 13; Mommsen, Staatsrecht ii. 738), but later it was expanded to cover the ager barbaricus (Hist. Aug. Aurel. 21). Of Sulla's extension nothing is known, nor of similar action ascribed to Julius Caesar (Cass. Dio xliii. 50), Augustus (Tac. Ann. xii. 23; Cass. Dio v. 6), Nero, Trajan and Aurelian (Hist. Aug. Aurel. 21). A recent attempt has been made (BC 1919, 24-32) by Laffranchi to show that Augustus' extension of the pomerium occurred thrice, in 27, 18 and 8 B.C., from an examination of his coins. Those used as evidence are Cohen, Aug. 114, 116, 117 (not 177); Babelon, Iulia 153, 155, 156; BM. Imp. i. p. 102, Nos. 628-630; 104, Nos. 637-642; cf. p. 29. An extension by Claudius in 49 A.D. is proved by unimpeachable literary testimony (Tac. Ann. xii. 24; Gell. xiii. 14. 7) and by the discovery of inscribed terminal cippi. These rectangular cippi bear on the top the word Pomerium, on the front the inscription recording the fact of the exten
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PONS CESTIUS (search)
PONS CESTIUS the modern Ponte S. Bartolomeo, the first stone bridge from the island to the right bank of the river. It is mentioned only in Not. app. and Pol. Silv. (545), but probably was built soon after the pons Fabricius. Several Cestii of some prominence are known in this period, and the bridge was probably constructed by one of them, while curator viarum, between 62 and 27 B.C. In the fourth century the pons Cestius was replaced by what was practically a new structure, which the Emperors Valentinian I, Valens and Gratian finished in 369 (Sym. Pan. in Grat. p. 332) and dedicated in 370 as the pons Gratiani. There were two inscriptions recording this event, each in duplicate, the first cut on marble slabs placed on the parapet on each side of the bridge, the second beneath the parapet (CILvi. 1175, 1176). One of the former So also are both the latter (cf. ib. 31250, 31251). is still in situ. The pons Gratiani was 48 metres long and 8.20 wide, with one central arch, 23.65 metr
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTICUS OCTAVIAE (search)
PORTICUS OCTAVIAE * built ostensibly by Octavia, the sister of Augustus (Fest. 178; Ov. AA i. 69), but really by Augustus and dedicated in the name of Octavia (Suet. Aug. 29; Cass. Dio xlix. 43; Liv. Ep. 138) at some time after 27 B.C. (cf. Vitr. iii 2. 5), in place of the PORTICUS METELLI (q.v.; Veil. i. I ) around the temples of Jupiter Stator and Juno (Plin. NH xxxvi. 42). The statement of Cassius Dio that it was built after 33 B.C. from the spoils of the war in Dalmatia, is due to confusion with the porticus Octavia. It was burned in 80 A.D. (Cass. Dio lxvi. 24) and restored, probably by Domitian, and again after a second fire in 203 by Severus and Caracalla (CIL vi. 1034). It was adorned with foreign marble (Ov. AA i. 70), and contained many famous works of art (Plin. NH xxxiv. 31; xxxv. 114, 139; xxxvi. 15, 22, 24, 28, 34, 35; cf. Neapolis ii. 234 n.). Besides the TEMPLES (q.v.) there were within the enclosure a BIBLIOTHECA (q.v.) erected by Octavia in memory of the youthful
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VIA FLAMINIA (search)
VIA FLAMINIA * (Not. app.; Eins. 4. 10): constructed in 220 B.C. during the censorship of C. Flaminius (Liv. Epit. xx.; Strabo v. 217 wrongly ascribes it to C. Flaminius the younger) from Rome to Ariminum. Its importance led to its having a special curator as early as 65 B.C. (Cic. ad Att. i. I. 2), and it was restored by Augustus himself in 27 B.C. (Mon. Anc. iv. 19; Suet. Aug. 30; Cass. Dio liii. 22; Cohen, Aug. 229-235, 541-544=BM. Aug. 79-81, 432-436). It was a much frequented road (Strabo v. 227; Tac. Hist. i. 86; ii. 64), and the four silver cups of about the time of Trajan, found at Vicarello, on which is the itinerary by land from Rome to Gades, prove this (CIL xi. 3281-3284). Cf. Hist. Aug. Maximin. 25. 2. The road gave its name to one of the districts of Italy as early as the second century A.D. We have epigraphic testimony of the importance of the traffic on it (praef. vehiculorum a copis Aug. per viam Flaminiam CIL x. 7585; praepositus [cursualis] de via Flabinia (sic
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
altar of Victory erected in Curia, 569. Atrium Libertatis restored, 56. Chalcidicum built, in. Temple of Hercules Musarum restored, 255. Porticus Philippi, 428. 29Arch of Augustus, 34; Amphitheatre of Statilius Taurus, 11. House of M. Antonius on Palatine burnt, 156. (ca.). Augustus buys and rebuilds house of Catulus, 175. 28Temple of Apollo Palatinus dedicated, 16. Mausoleum of Augustus, 332. Temporary wooden Stadium of Augustus, 495. 27-25Pantheon of Agrippa, 382. 27House of Augustus completed, 157. Porticus of Octavia built to substitute that of Metellus, 305, 427. 26Temple of Juppiter Tonans on Capitol vowed, 305. Agrippa dedicates the Saepta, 460. (ca.). Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus restored, 300. 25Agrippa: builds Porticus Argonautarum, 420; Thermae begun, 518; builds Basilica Neptuni, 8 ; Horrea Agrippiana (?), 260; Temple of Bonus Eventus, 86; Stagnum Agrippae, 496; bridge, 398; Porticus Vipsania, 430. 23Library in t