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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 29 29 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 8 8 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 5 5 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Cae'pio 3. CN. SERVILIUS CN. F. CN. N. CAEPIO, son of No. 2 (Liv. 41.26) curule aedile B. C. 179, when he celebrated the Roman games over again, on account of prodigies which had occurred; and praetor B. C. 174, when he obtained the province of Further Spain. On his return to Italy, he was one of the ambassadors sent into Macedonia to renounce the Roman alliance with Perseus; and he was consul in 169 with Q. Marcius Philippus. Caepio remained in Italy; his colleague had Macedonia as his province. (Liv. 40.59, 41.26, 42.25, 43.13, 14, 17; Cic. Brut. 20, de Senect. 5.)
f whom Callicrates was one, to lay it before the Roman senate. But he grievously abused his trust, and instigated the Romans to sap the independence of his country by giving their support in every city to the Roman or antinational party. Returning home with letters from the senate, pressing the recall of the exiles, and highly commendatory of himself, he was made general of the league, and used all his influence thenceforth for the furtherance of the Roman cause. (Plb. 25.1, 2, 26.1-3.) In B. C. 174 he successfully resisted the proposal of Xenarchus, who was at that time general, for an alliance with Perseus. (Liv. 41.23, 24.) Early in B. C. 168 he opposed the motion of Lycortas and his party for sending aid to the two Ptolemies (Philometor and Physcon) against Antiochus Epiphanes, recommending instead, that they should endeavour to mediate between the contending parties; and he carried his point by introducing a letter from Q. Marcius, the Roman consul, in which the same course was u
Canuleius 3. L. Canuleius, one of the five Roman legates sent by the senate to the Aetolians, B. C. 174. (Liv. 41.25.)
C. Cicereius the secretary (scriba) of the elder Scipio Africanus, was a candidate for the praetorship in B. C. 174 along with Scipio's son, but when he saw that he was obtaining more votes than the latter, he resigned in his favour. (V. Max. 4.5.3, 3.5.2.) Cicereius was, however, elected praetor in the following year (B. C. 173), and he obtained the province of Sardinia, but was ordered by the senate to go to Corsica first, in order to conduct the war against the inhabitants of that island. After defeating the Corsicans in battle, he granted them peace on the payment of 200,000 pounds of wax, and then passed over to Sardinia. On his return to Rome next year (B. C. 172) he sued for a triumph on account of his victory in Corsica, and when this was refused by the senate, he celebrated on his own authority a triumph on the Alban mount, a practice which had now become not unfrequent. In the same year he was one of the three ambassadors sent to the Illyrian king, Gentins; and in B. C. 167
Cu'rio 1. C. Scribonius Curio, was appointed curio maximus in B. C. 174, in the place of C. Mamilius Vitulus, who had been carried off by the plague. (Liv. 41.26.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
pio, or whether he is identical with him, though the former is more probable. He was praetor in B. C. 194, and obtained southern Spain as his province. After the departure of M. Cato, several of the Spanish tribes again revolted, and Digitius had to fight many battles against them, in most of which he was so unsuccessful, that at the termination of his office his forces were reduced to half of their original number. In B. C. 190 he was appointed legate by the consul L. Corn. Scipio Asiaticus ; and, conjointly with two others, he was commissioned to collect a fleet at Brundusium from all parts of the coast. In B. C. 174 he was one of the ambassadors sent to Macedonia, and in the year following he was sent to Apulia to purchase provisions for the fleet and the army. (Liv. 35.1, 2, 37.4, 41.22, 42.27; Oros. 4.22, where he is erroneously called Publius.) The military tribune, Sex. Digitius, who is mentioned by Livy (43.11) about the same time, is probably a son of our Sex. Digitius. [L.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
. C. 180, and was elected consul for the year following, together with his brother, L. Manlius Acidinus Fulvianus (this name arose from his being adopted into the family of Manlius Acidinus). The games in honour of Jupiter were sanctioned by the senate and celebrated. He carried on a war against the Ligurians, who were defeated, and whose camp was taken. On his return to Rome, he celebrated a second triumph on the same day on which the year before he had triumphed over the Celtiberians. In B. C. 174 he was made censor, with A. Postumius Albinus. In his censorship, his own brother, Cn. Fulvius Flaccus, was ejected from the senate, and (Q. Fulvius Flaccus now set about building the temple which he had vowed in Spain, and which was to be more magnificent than any other at Rome. For this purpose he took down half the roof of the temple of Juno Lacinia, in Bruttium, in order to use the marble slabs to form the roof of his new structure. The Bruttians suffered the sacrilege from fear; but
h M. Claudius Marcellus. In B. C. 183 he was sent as ambassador to Prusias of Bithynia, who, afraid of what he had done to offend the Romans, offered to deliver up Hannibal, who had taken refuge with him. But Hannibal prevented the treachery by taking poison. The fact of Flamininus allowing himself to be made an accomplice in this attempt upon Hannibal is a stain on his character, and was severely censured by many of his contemporaries. He seems to have died either during or shortly before B. C. 174, for in that year his son celebrated funeral games in his honour. (Plutarch, Flaminius ; Liv. 31.4, 49, 32.7, &c., xxxiii., 34.22, &c., 35.23, &c., 36.31, &c., 37.58, 38.28, 39.51, 56; Plb. 17.1, &c., 18.1, &c., 22.15, 23.2, 24.3, &c.; Diod. Excerpt. de Legat. iii. p. 619; Eutrop. 4.1, &c.; Flor. 2.7 ; Paus. 7.8; Appian, Aac. 4.2, vi. vii. Syr. 2, 11; Cic. Phil. 5.17, De Senect. 1, 12, in Verr. 4.58, 1.21, pro Muren. 14, in Pison. 25, de Leg. Agr. 1.2; Schorn, Gesch. Griechenlands, p. 237,
Flamini'nus 6. T. Quintius Flamininus, a son of No. 4, exhibited, in B. C. 174, splendid gladiatorial games, and feasted the people for four days, in honour of his father, who had died shortly before. In B. C. 167, he was one of the three ambassadors who led back the Thracian hostages, which Cotys, the Thracian king, had offered to ransom. In the same year he was elected augur, in the place of C. Claudius, who had died. (Liv. 41.43, 45.42, 44.)
Gracchus 3. TIB. SEMPRONIUS GRACCHUS. probably a son of No. 2, was elected augur in B. C. 203, when he was yet very young, although it was at that time a very rare occurrence for a young man to be made a member of any of the colleges of priests. He died as augur in B. C. 174, during a plague. (Liv. 29.38, 41.26.)