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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 24 24 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 6 6 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XI (search)
for a dwelling-place, and agreeing from that time on to obey the Romans in all things. He promised to give them the land, and an agreement was nearly made to that effect when Viriathus, who had escaped the perfidy of Galba and was then among them, reminded them of the bad faith of the Romans, told them how the latter had often set upon them in violation of oaths, and how this whole army was composed of men who had escaped from the perjuries of Galba and Lucullus. If they would obey him, B.C. 148 he said, he would show them a safe retreat from this place. Excited by the new hopes with which he inspired them, they chose him as their leader. He drew them up in line of battle as though he intended to fight, but gave them orders that when he should mount his horse they should scatter in every direction and make their way by different routes to the city of Tribola and there wait for him. He chose 1000 only whom he commanded to stay with him. These arrangements having been made, they
Appian, Punic Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XVI (search)
CHAPTER XVI Rising Fame of Scipio -- Death of Masinissa -- A Talk with Phameas -- Treason of Phameas -- Arrival of the New Consul Piso -- Piso repulsed -- The Carthaginians in High Spirits Y.R. 606 Now the Senate sent commissioners to the army to B.C. 148 get particulars, before whom Manilius and the council and the remaining tribunes bore testimony in favor of Scipio; for all jealousy had been stifled by his glorious actions. The whole army did the same, and his deeds spoke for themselves, so that the messengers, on their return, reported to everybody the military skill and success of Scipio and the attachment of the soldiers to him. These things greatly pleased the Senate. On account of the many mishaps that had taken place they sent to Masinissa to secure his utmost aid against Carthage. The envoys found that he was no longer living, having succumbed to old age and disease. Having several illegitimate sons, to whom he had made large gifts, and three legitim
Appian, Mithridatic Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER I (search)
must transfer to Attalus twenty decked ships at once, and pay him 500 talents of silver within a certain time. Accordingly he gave up the ships and began to make the payments at the prescribed time. As Prusias was hated by his subjects on account of his extreme cruelty they became greatly attached to his son, Nicomedes. Thus the latter fell under the suspicion of Prusias, who sent him to live in Rome. Learning that he Y.R. 606 was much esteemed there also, Prusias directed him to B.C. 148 petition the Senate to release him from the payment of the money still due to Attalus. He sent Menas as his fellow-ambassador, and told him if he should secure a remission of the payments to spare Nicomedes, but if not, to kill him at Rome. For this purpose he sent a number of small boats with him and 2000 soldiers. As the fine imposed on Prusias was not remitted (for Andronicus, who had been sent by Attalus to argue on the other side, showed that it was less in amount than the plunder), Mena
Polybius, Histories, book 37, Attalus, Nicomedes, And Prusias (search)
ain the impetuosity of Mission to Bithynia to investigate the quarrel between Nicomedes (II.) and his Nicomedes and to prevent Attalus from going to war with Prusias. The men appointed were Marcus Licinius, who was suffering from gout, and was quite lamed by it, and with him Aulus Mancinus, who, from a tile falling on his head, had so many and such great scars on it, that it was a matter of wonder that he escaped with his life, and Lucius Malleolus who was reputed the stupidest man in Rome.father Prusias II. See supra, 32, 28, B. C. 148. As the business required speed and boldness, these men seemed the least suitable possible for the purpose that could be conceived; and accordingly they say that Marcus. Porcius Cato remarked in the Senate that "Not only would Prusias perish before they got there, but that Nicomedes would grow old in his kingdom. For how could a mission make haste, or if it did, how could it accomplish anything, when it had neither feet, head, nor intelligence?" . . .
Polybius, Histories, book 37, Depopulation of Greece (search)
considerable passage is here lost, with the exception of a few words, insufficient to ground a conjectural translation upon. . . . The inexplicable conduct of the Macedonians. They had been worsted by the Romans formerly when fighting on the side of DemetriusDemetrius II., son of Antigonus Gonatas. and again on that of Perseus; yet when engaged on the side of a man of odious character,Pseudophilippus, after cutting to pieces a Roman legion under the praetor Juventius, was conquered and captured by Q. Caecilius Metellus in B. C. 148 (Livy, Ep. 50; Eutrop. 4, 6). and in support of his claims to the throne, they displayed great courage and conquered a Roman army. These facts may well seem a puzzle to us, for it is difficult to discover their cause. And accordingly one would be inclined to say in such matters that what had happened was a heaven-sent infatuation, and that the wrath of God had fallen upon the Macedonians. And this will be rendered evident from what remains to be told. . . .
Polybius, Histories, book 37, Death of Massanissa (search)
Death of Massanissa Massanissa, king of the Numidians in Africa, was the Death of Massanissa B. C. 148. His fortunate career and physical vigour. best man of all the kings of our time, and the most completely fortunate; for he reigned more than sixty years in the soundest health and to extreme old age,—for he was ninety when he died. He was, besides, the most powerful man physically of all his contemporaries: for instance, when it was necessary to stand, he would do so without moving a foot als made Cato take the same reckoning, perhaps from Polybius also. But it does not agree with another statement of Livy himself, who (24, 49) speaks of him as being seventeen in B. C. 213, in which case he would be in his eighty-second year in B. C. 148. It is, however, proposed to read xxvii. for xvii. in this passage of Livy. . . . A little while before his death he was seen, on the day following a great victory over the Carthaginians, sitting outside his tent eating a piece of dirty bread, and
Polybius, Histories, book 38, Rome and the Achaean League (search)
rn gave false reports,—Diaeus assuring the Achaeans that the Senate had ordered the Spartans to obey the league; Menalchidas telling the Spartans that the Romans had released them from all connexion with the league. War then again broke out (B.C. 148). Metellus, who was in Macedonia on the business of the Pseudo-Philip, sent legates to the Achaeans forbidding them to bear arms against Sparta, and announcing the speedy arrival of commissioners from Rome to settle the dispute. But the Achaean le. The Spartans were beaten with considerable loss: and on Damocritus preventing a pursuit and a capture of Sparta, the Achaeans regarded him as traitor and fined him fifty talents. He was succeeded in his office of Strategus by Diaeus (autumn B.C. 148 - B. C. 147) who promised Metellus to await the arrival of the commissioners from Rome. But the Spartans now assumed their freedom from the league and elected a Strategus of their own, Menalchidas; who provoked a renewal of the war by taking the t
umella,L. Junius Moderatus Columella. He was a native of Gades, or Cadiz, and was a contemporary of Celsus and Seneca. He is supposed to have resided at Rome, and from his works it appears that he visited Syria and Cilicia. It has been conjectured that he died at Tarentum. His great work is a systematic treatise upon Agriculture, divided into Twelve Books. Virgil,See end of B. vii. Varro,See end of B. ii. Lucilius,C. Lucilius, the first Roman satirical poet of any importance, was born B.C. 148, and died B. C. 103. From Juvenal we learn that he was born at Suessa of the Aurunci, and from Velleius Paterculus and Horace other particulars respecting him. He is supposed to have been either the maternal grand-uncle or maternal grandfather of Pompeius Magnus. If not absolutely the inventor of Roman satire, he was the first to mould it into that form which was afterwards fully developed by Horace, Juvenal, and Perseus. He is spoken of in high terms as a writer by Cicero. Horace, and Quinti
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 28 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 16 (search)
f chiefs and states as he proceeded, in order to bestow rewards according to the real worth of their services. After his departure Masinissa conferred secretly with Silanus, then crossedB.C. 206 over to Africa with a few of his countrymen, in order that in changing his policy he might count upon the obedience of his nation also. The reason for his sudden change was not so clear then as was later the evidence furnished by a loyalty unswerving down to extreme age,He lived on until 148 B.C., upwards of 90 years old, and reigned 60 years; App. Pun. 106; Pliny N.H. VII. 156. that even at that time he had not acted without a reasonable ground. Mago then reached Gades on the ships sent back by Hasdrubal. The rest, abandoned by their generals, were scattered, some by desertion, others by flight, among the neighbouring states; no force remained which was notable for its numbers or its strength. So much in general for the manner in which under the command and auspices of P
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough's Edition., section 11 (search)
mercatoribus, etc.: abl. abs. expressing cause. appellati, addressed. superbius, too haughtily. The orator is here appealing to the passions of his hearers, and his statements must be interpreted accordingly. In B.C. 148 Roman ambassadors demanded that the Achaean League give up all its recent acquisitions; at which the incensed populace insulted the ambassadors and drove them away. In the war that followed, Corinth was captured by Mummius and destroyed, while Greece was made into a province by the name of Achaia. The insult to the ambassadors was but a pretext for the war, which was, in fact, merely one act in the general Roman policy of conquest. The extinction of the "eye of Greece," too, was not from motives of vengeance, but in order to remove a powerful rival to Roman commerce. legatum, etc.: M'. Aquilius, the person referred to, had in fact forfeited all claim to the inviolability of an ambassador by actually taking command of an army against Mithridates. He was ta