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the champion of the aristocratical party, was found one morning dead in his bed. Among the various suspicions then afloat as to the cause of his death, one was that Carbo had murdered him, or at least had had a hand in the deed; and this report may not have been wholly without foundation, if we consider the character of Carbo. After his tribuneship, Carbo continued to act as the friend and supporter of the Graechi. Upon the death of C. Gracchus, L. Opimius, his Imurderer, who was consul in B. C. 121, put to death a great number of the friends of the Grecchi: but at the expiration of his consulship he was accused of high treason by the tribune Q. Decius, and Carbo, who was now raised to the consulship himself (B. C. 120), suddenly turned round, and not only undertook the defence of Opimius, but did not scruple to say, that the murder of C. Gracchus had been an act of perfect justice. This inconsistency drew upon him the contempt of both parties, so that, as Cicero says, even his return
Cu'rio 2. C. Scribonius Curio, praetor in B. C. 121, the year of C. Gracchus's death, was one of the most distinguished orators of his time. Cicero mentions one of his orations for Ser. Fulvius, who was accused of incest, and states, that when a young man he thought this oration by far the best of all extant orations; but he adds, that afterwards the speeches of Curio fell almost into oblivion. He was a contemporary of C. Julius Caesar Strabo, Cotta, and Antonius, and against the last of these he once spoke in the court of the centumviri for the brothers Cossus. (Cic. Brut. 32, de Invent. 1.43, de Orat. 2.23, 33; Schol. Bob. in Argum. Orat. in Clod. et Curion.; Pseud.-Cic. ad Herenn. 2.20; Plin. Nat. 7.41.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
send his younger son to the forum to offer the hand for reconciliation to the senatorial party. Opimius refused, and demanded that his father and Gracchus should surrender before any negotiations were commenced. Flaccus again sent his son; but Opimius, anxious to begin the fight, arrested the boy, put him into prison, and advanced against the band of Flaccus, which was soon dispersed. Flaccus and his elder son took refuge in a public bath, where they were soon discovered and put to death, B. C. 121. It cannot be said that M. Fulvius Flaccus had any bad motive in joining the party of the Gracchi, for all the charges that were brought against him at the time were not established by evidence; but he was of a bolder and more determined character than C. Gracchus. Cicero mentions him among the orators of the time, but states that he did not rise above mediocrity, although his orations were still extant in the time of Cicero. A daughter of his, Fulvia, was married to P. Lentulus, by whom s
Hi'ppius a friend of Cicero's, whom the orator represents as particularly deserving of his esteem. He therefore recommended the son of Hippius, C. Valgius Hippianus, who had been adopted by a member of the Valgian family, and had purchased a portion of the demesne of Fregellae, to the magistrates of that town. (Cic. Fam. 13.76.) This letter conveys indirectly some curious information. Fregellae, once the chief town of a considerable district, became a Roman colony in B. C. 328. (Liv. 8.22; Strab. v. p.238.) In B. C. 122-121 it was destroyed by the praetor, L. Opimius (Rhet. ad Herenn. iv. 9; Vell. 2.6; V. Max. 2.8); and in the age of Augustus it was little more than an open village (Strab. l.c.; Plin. Nat. 3.5). But Cicero's letter (l.c.) shows that it retained its demesne-land and its full complement of local magistrates. [W.B.D]
Lentulus 16. P. Cornelius Lentulus, L. F. L. N., probably son of No. 12. He was curule aedile with Scipio Nasica in B. C. 169: in their Circensian games they exhibited elephants and bears. (Liv. 44.18.) Next year he went with two others to negotiate with Perseus of Macedon, but without effect. (Liv. 45.4.) He was consul suffectus, with C. Domitius, in B. C. 162, the election of the former consuls being declared informal. (Fasti, A. U. 591; Cic. de Nat. Deor. 2.4, de Divin. 2.35; V. Max. 1.1.3.) He became princeps senatus (Cic. Brut. 28, Divin. in Caecil. 21, de Orat. 1.48); and must have lived to a good old age, since he was wounded in the contest with C. Gracchus in B. C. 121. (Cic. in Cat. 4.6, Philipp. 8.4.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Fa'bius Allobrogicus (search)
Ma'ximus, Fa'bius or Fa'bius Allobrogicus 9. Q. FABIUS Q. AEMILIANI F. Q. N. MAXTMUS, surnamed ALLOBROGICUS, from his victory over the Aliobroges and their ally, Bituitus, king of the Arverni (Auvergne), in Gaul, son of the preceding, was consul in B. C. 121. His campaign was brilliant, and his triumph, De Allobrogibus et Rege Aruerorum Betulto (Fasti), was rendered famous by the spectacle of the Arvernian king riding in the chariot, and wearing the silver armour he had borne in battle. [BITUITUS.] From the plunder of Auvergne Fabius erected the Fornix Fabianus crossing the Via Sacra, and near the temple of Vesta at Rome, and placed over the arch a statue of himself. (Pseud-Ascon. ad Cic. Verr. 1.7, p. 133, Orelli; Schol. Gron. pp. 393, 399; comp. Cic. de Orat. 2.66; Plin. Nat. 7.50.) Fabius was censor in B. C. 108. He was an orator and a man of letters. (Cic. Brut. 28, pro Font. 12.) On the death of Scipio Aemilianus, in B. C. 129, Fabius gave a banquet to the citizens of Rome, and
Metellus 7. Q. Caecilius Metellus Balearicus, Q. F. Q. N., eldest son of No. 5, was consul B. C. 123 with T. Quinctius Flamininus, and during this year and the following carried on war against the inhabitants of the Balearic islands, who were accused of piracy. He entirely subdued them, and founded several cities in the islands; and in consequence of his victories he obtained a triumph in B. C. 121, and received the surname of Balearicus. He was censor in B. C. 120 with L. Calpurnius Piso. (Plut. de Fort. Rom. 4; Cic. Brut. 74, pro Dom. 53; Liv. Epit. 60; Eutrop. 4.21, who erroneously calls him Lucius; Oros. 5.13; Flor. 3.8; Strab. iii. p.167.)
event the election of Opimius for the following year, and had only rendered the latter a still bitterer enemy by the affront he had put upon him. Opimnius's colleague was Q. Fabius Maximus Allobrogicus. The history of the consulship of Opimius, B. C. 121, is given at length in the life of C. Gracchus. It is only necessary to state here in general, that Opimius entered, with all the zeal of an unscrupulous partisan and the animosity of a personal enemy, into the measures which the senate adopted people. Further Information Sal. Jug. 16, 40; Veil. Pat. ii 7; Plut. C. Gracch. 18; Cic. pro Planc. 28, Brut. 34, in Pison. 39, pro Sest. 67; Schol. Bob. pro Sest. p. 311, ed. Orelli. Vinum Opimianum The year in which Opimius was consul (B. C. 121) was remarkable for the extraordinary heat of the antumn, and thus the vintage of this year was of an unprecedented quality. This wine long remained celebrated as the Vinum Opimianum, and was preserved for an almost incredible space of time. Ci
Pompo'nius 7. M. Pomponius, a Roman eques, was one of the most intimate friends of C. Gracchus, and distinguished himself by his fidelity to the latter on the day of his death, B. C. 121. When Gracchus, despairing of his life, had retired to the temple of Diana, and was going to kill himself there, Pomponius and Licinius took his sword, and induced him to fly. As they fled across the Sublician bridge, hotly pursued, Pomponius and Licinius turned round, in order to give their friend time for escape, and they allowed no one to pass till they fell pierced with wounds. This is the account of Plutarch; the details are related a little differently by other writers. (Plut. C. Gracch. 16, 17; Veil. Pat. 2.6; V. Max. 4.7.2; Aurel. Vict. de Vir. Ill. 65; comp. Cic. de Div. 2.29.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Rufus, Minu'cius 4a. M. MINUCIUS RUFUS, Q. F., tribune of the plebs, B. C. 121, brought forward a bill to repeal the laws of C. Gracchus. This bill was opposed by C. Gracchus, in a speech which was extant in later times, and is quoted by Festus, under the title of De Lege Minucia (Flor. 3.15; Aurel. Vict. de Vir. Ill. 65; Festus, s. v. Osi sunt, p. 201, ed. Müller; Meyer, Fragm. Orat. Rom. p. 244, 2nd ed.). This Marcus Rufus and his brother Quintus are mentioned as arbiters between the inhabitants of Genua and the Viturii, in a very interesting inscription, which was discovered in the year 1506, about ten miles from the modern city of Genoa. This inscription has been frequently printed. It is given by Orelli (Inscr. No. 3121), and has been also published by Rudorff, with important elucidations, under the title of "Q. et M. Minuciorum Sententia inter Genuates et Viturios dicta, ed. et illustr. A. A. F. Rudorff," Berol. 1842, 4to