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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CONCORDIA, AEDES, TEMPLUM (search)
le that of the later structure was 16th January (Ov. Fast. i. 637; Fast. Praen. ad xvii Kal. Feb., CIL i p. 231, 308; Fast. Verol. ap. NS 1923, 196). In 211 B.C. a statue of Victory on its roof was struck down by lightning (Liv. xxvi. 23. 4). In 121 B.C., after the death of C. Gracchus, the senate ordered this temple to be restored by L. Opimius, to the great disgust of the democracy (App. BC i. 26; Plut. C. Gracch. 17; Cic. pro Sest. 140; August. de civ. d. iii. 25). Opimius probably built his stood. The exterior of the temple was entirely covered with marble, and the building must have been one of the most beautiful in Rome. The existing remains consist of the concrete core of the podium, much of which belongs to the construction of 121 B.C., and is probably the oldest known concrete in the city (AJA 1912, 244, 245); the threshold of the main entrance, composed of two blocks of Porta Santa marble, together 7 metres long; a very few fragments of the marble pavement of the cella and t
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, M. FULVIUS FLACCUS, DOMUS (search)
M. FULVIUS FLACCUS, DOMUS near the north corner of the Palatine, destroyed after the murder of its owner in 121 B.C. The house of Catulus was erected on its site (Cic. de domo 102, 114 ; Val. Max. vi. 3. I c).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORNIX FABIANUS (search)
FORNIX FABIANUS FORNIX FABIORUM an honorary arch erected on or over the Sacra via at the east end of the forum by Q. Fabius Allobrogicus in 121 B.C. to commemorate his victory over the Allobroges (fornix: Cic. pro Plane. 17; de or. ii. 267; in Verr. i. 19; Schol. pp. 133, 393, 396; Orell.; arcus: Sen. dial. ii. I. 3; Schol. Pers. iv. 49; vit. Salonini I). This was the first arch of the kind in or near the forum, and was restored by the grandson of the builder in 56 B.C. (CIL i². 762=vi. 1303). Among the fragments discovered in 1540-46 (LS ii. 196), in 1882 (NS 1882, 222-6), and later, are the nine travertine voussoirs and the archivolt, which have hitherto been attributed to it. These really belong to the portico of the DOMUS AUREA (p. 168). It was therefore believed that the arch was single, 3.945 metres in diameter, and built of tufa and peperino with travertine facings (PAS ii. 28). Three inscriptions were also found (CIL i². p. 198 and p. 542, No. 763 =vi. 1304ab ; DE i. 649)
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORUM (ROMANUM S. MAGNUM) (search)
d the two rows of tabernae- large covered halls which provided shelter from sun and rain, in which courts of law sat, and business was transacted. For the aspect of the forum at this time, see HC 12. fig. 4, and cf. Plaut. Curc. iv. I. 15. Another epoch in its history came, when, in 145 B.C., the Comitia Tributa were transferred to the forum by the tribune C. Licinius Crassus, who, for the first time, addressed the people in the forum from the rostra, and turned his back on the comitium. In 121 B.C. the restorer of the temple of Concord, Opimius, built a basilica close to it (see BASILICA OPIMIA). The next level, which is in general 11.80 to 11.90 metres above sea, has been recently assigned to Sulla Cf. Fest. 317: Statae matris simulacrum in foro colebatur: postquam id collastravit, ne lapides igne corrumperentur, qui plurimis ibi fiebant nocturno tempore, magna pars populi in suos quisque vicos rettulerunt eius deae cultum. Most editors emend 'Cotta stravit'; but cf. Jord. i. I. 525
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, LUCUS FURRINAE (search)
he reading of the best MSS. (Wissowa in RE vii. 382).) In Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 104, the abbreviation FUR is indecisivea)/lsos )*erinu/wn , Plut. C. Gracch. 17; numfw=n *forri/nwn(Inscr. Gauckler, Sanctuaire Syrien du Janicule 18, Forinarum, CIL vi. 422; cf. 30765) [CIL vi. 10200 is a forgery; cf. Mitt. 1895, 293]): agrove on the right bank of the Tiber, on the site now partly occupied by the Villa Sciarra on the Janiculum. It was in this grove that C. Gracchus met a voluntary death in 121 B.C. at the hand of his slave Philocrates to escape his pursuers (Auct. de vir. ill. 65: P. Laetorio in ponte Sublicio persequentibus resistente, in lucum Furinae pervenit; cf. Plut. cit.). The day of the festival (Furrinalia) was 25th July; but in Varro's time it was already dying out; quoius deae honos apud antiquos. Nam ei sacra instituta annua et flamen attributus: nunc vix nomen notum paucis. The excavations of 1906-11 did not bring to light any remains belonging to the republican period, a
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SACRA VIA (search)
A 1923, 390 sqq.) of the Sacra via varied somewhat at different times. As it was the principal means of communication between the Palatine and the forum (Plut. Cic. 22; Tac. Hist. iii. 68; Cass. Dio lxiv. 20; lxxvii. 4), it probably began on the summit of the Velia, near the porta Mugonia and the temple of Jupiter Stator, and ran in a fairly straight line to the regia and temple of Vesta, but just at what point it approached them is not certain. After the building of the fornix Fabianus in 121 B.C. the street passed through it. We have but scanty remains of the Sacra via of the period of Sulla. A street (which is perhaps the vicus Vestae) which diverged from it at the fornix has been found under the temple of Julius Caesar and the arch of Augustus, the pavement of which lies at 11.90 metres above sea-level (JRS 1922, 12-14); and a few blocks exist of its pavement below the steps at the north-east corner of the temple of Julius at 12.50 metres above sea-level. At the 'temple of Romulus
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SENACULUM (search)
r determined by later writers as close to the Volcanal, at the edge of the Comitium and in front of the basilica Opimia and area Concordiae (Macrob. i. 8. 2:habet (i.e. templum Saturni) aram et ante senaculum; Fest. 347: unum (senaculum) ubi nunc est acdes Concordiae inter Capitolium ct Forum). The original building For a concrete podium which is attributed to it, see Mem. Am. Acad. v. 58-61; cf. also DR 320, 321. must have been removed when the temple of Concord was enlarged by Opimius in 121 B.C. (HC 6; Thedenat 104; Mitt. 1893, 87, 91) or by Tiberius in 7 B.C. (TF 49). In the passage from Festus just quoted, it is stated, on the authority of a certain Nicostratus of the second century, that there were two other senacula in Rome where the senate was wont to assemble, one ad portam Capenam, the other citra aedem Bellonae. Of these senacula there is no further mention, but the senate met during the year after the battle of Cannae ad portam Capenam (Liv. xxiii. 32), and many such meeti
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
oved to Forum, 135, 232. 144-140Q. Marcius Rex repairs Anio Vetus, 13 Aqua Appia, 21 and builds Aqua Marcia, 24. 142Temple of Hercules Victor dedicated, 256. Wooden arches of Pons Aemilius built, 397: and Janiculum fortified, 275. Ceiling of Capitoline Temple gilded, 298. 138Temple of Mars in Circus Flaminius, 328. 125Aqua Tepula built, 27. 123Vestal dedicates shrine of Bona Dea Subsaxana, 85. 121Temple of Concord restored, 138. Basilica Opimia built, 81, 232. Fornix Fabianus, 211. 117Temple of Castor restored, 103. 115of Fides restored, 209. of Mens restored, 339. 114of Venus Verticordia, 554. 111of Magna Mater burnt and rebuilt, 324, 377. 110Porticus Minucia paved, 424. 102Porticus Catuli built, 421. 101Temple of Fortuna huiusce diei vowed, 216. 100(ca.). Horrea Galbae, 261. (ca.). Arch at mouth of Cloaca Maxima, 127. (ca.). Upper room of Carcer, ioo. Marius:
Be'stia 1. L. Calpurnius Bestia, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 121, obtained in his tribuneship the recall of P. Popillius Laenas, who had been banished through the efforts of C. Gracchus in 123. (Cic. Brut. 34; comp. Veil. Pat. 2.7; Plut. C. Gracch. 4.) This made him popular with the aristocratical party, who then had the chief power in the state; and it was through their influence doubtless that he obtained the consulship in 111. The war against Jugurtha was assigned to him. He prosecuted it at first with the greatest vigour; but when Jugurtha offered him and his legate, M. Scaurus, large sums of money, he concluded a peace with the Numidian without consulting the senate, and returned to Rome to hold the comitia. His conduct excited the greatest indignation at Rome, and the aristocracy was obliged to yield to the wishes of the people, and allow an investigation into the whole matter. A bill was introduced for the purpose by C. Mamilius Limetanus, and three commissioners or judges (qu
Bitui'tus or as the name is found in in scriptions, BETULTUS, a king of the Arverni in Gaul. When the proconsul Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus undertook the war in B. C. 121 against the Allobroges, who were joined by the Arverni under Bituitus, these Gallic tribes were defeated near the town of Vindalium. After this first disaster the Allobroges and Arverni made immense preparations to renew the contest with the Romans, and Bituitus again took the field with a very numerous army. At the point where the Isara empties itself into the Rhodanus, the consul Q. Fabius Maximus, the grandson of Paullus, met the Gauls in the autumn of B. C. 121. Although the Romans were far inferior in numbers, yet they gained such a complete victory, that, according to the lowest estimate, 120,000 men of the army of Bituitus fell in the battle. After this irreparable loss, Bituitus, who had been taken prisoner in an insidious manner by Cn. Domitius, was sent to Rome. The senate, though disapproving of the conduc