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urday last, has been received. There is no doubt about the result in Tennessee. Halleck received the following telegram on Friday: "Murfreesboro', Jan. 1. --A terrible battle took place yesterday. The latest report from the field, up to noon, says the rebel centre had been broken and things looked favorable. Losses reported to be enormous. Gens. Stanley, , and Palmer are wounded, and the Cheatham and Rains killed" A telegram to the press, dated near Murfreesboro", Dec. 31st, says: "Our whole line suffered terribly this morning. Four regiments of regulars lost half their men and all their commanding officers. Gen. Anderson's troops suffered severely.--We are advancing our whole line, Rosecrans personally superintending the movements. One shot killed two of his staff offices. The 15th Wisconsin lost seven Captains.". Louisville, Jan. 1. --Gen. Rosecrans captured Murfreesboro' Tuesday morning, and now occupies it, the rebels retreating to Tulla
The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Inside history of the battles around Richmond — the instructions of McDowell — his correspondence with McClellan. (search)
[Southern Association Dispatch.]additional particulars. A telegram to the Associated Press, dated Dec. 31st, says: "Our whole line suffered terribly. At 2 o'clock P. M., General Thomas had certainly broken the rebel centre, and driven him a mile or more, Gen. Rosecrans commanding in person the movements. The 15th Wisconsin regiment suffered terribly, losing nearly half the entire regiment, including eight officers." The latest from Louisville says, "Gen. Rosecrans captured Murfreesboro' on Tuesday, and now occupies it. The rebels are in full retreat to Tullahoma. Over 200 wagons following Rosecrans were captured by the rebels under Col. Wheeler, of Tennessee." The fight was renewed on the 1st with great fury. There was heavy loss on both sides. Gen McCook fell back two miles before an overwhelming column. He rallied his troops, but was again driven back. At latest accounts he was five miles this side of the ground occupied in the morning.--The battle continued un
The Daily Dispatch: January 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], An account of two very different scenes. (search)
d many distinguished officers were present. The decorations were exceedingly handsome. Among them I noticed four large "B's" constructed of evergreens: "Beauregard and Bragg, of La.;" "Buckner and Breckinridge, of Ky." Over the windows were the names, "Pensacola," "Donelson," "Shiloh," "Santa Rosa," and "Hartsville," all enwreathed with cedar. Conspicuous were numerous United States flags--Union down — trophies belonging to Gen. John H. Morgan, furnished for the occasion by his lady. New Year's eve will be celebrated by another ball, to be given by the officers of the 6th and 9th Ky. Regiments and Cobb's Battery. Truly the grim soldiers feel fond of laying aside their stern occupation for the smiles of fair ladies. I hope they may not experience another Waterloo; but instead, when begins the "sound of revelry by night, " may the beauty and chivalry enjoy themselves without inter option from the cannon's opening roar. In strong contrast with such scenes comes the announcement