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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 24: Second attack on Vicksburg, etc. (search)
s to keep down the sharpshooters, they could clear the river of torpedoes, but not otherwise, as there were rifle-pits all along the left bank of the Yazoo, and the enemy were supplied with light artillery. At Lieutenant-Commander Selfridge's request he was sent on this duty in the Cairo, with the Pittsburg, Lieut.-Commanding Hoel, and the ram Queen of the West, Colonel Charles Ellet, Jr., commanding. These officers were cautioned to be particularly careful and run no risks. On the 12th of December the vessels proceeded on the duty assigned them under a shower of bullets from the rifle-pits, which was only checked by the gun-boats dropping close into the left bank and enfilading the rifle-pits with shrapnel. This cleared the enemy out, and the boats from the vessels were enabled to drag for the infernal machines and haul them to the shore. where they were destroyed by firing volleys of musketry into them. After this work had been prosecuted for some time Lieut.-Comr. Selfridg
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 35: operations of the North Atlantic Squadron, 1863. (search)
he following gun-boats were assigned to this expedition: Delaware, Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant A. P. Foster; Shawsheen, Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant T. C. Woodward; Lockwood, Acting-Master G. W. Graves; Seymour, Acting-Master F. S. Wells, and the Army transports, Ocean Wave, Major Uliam; Allison, Gunner, E. A. McDonald, U. S. N.; Port Royal, Acting-Master G. B. Thompson, U. S. N.; Wilson. Captain Rodgers, and North State, Captain Berry. This flotilla left Newbern on the evening of the 12th of December. The Allison, Port Royal, Ocean Wave and Wilson were in the advance, under Colonel Manchester of the Marine Artillery, with orders to push ahead and reconnoitre, and in case of an attack, or the discovery of the enemy's batteries, to fall back on the heavier vessels. Colonel Manchester, in charge of the military expedition, anchored his steamers for the night and made preparations to ascend the Neuse River. At daylight next morning he got underway and with great difficulty forced h
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 52: operations about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. (search)
e it looked as if the Federals would get the worst of the encounter; but the naval contingent coming rapidly on the field, and opening a heavy fire with howitzers and musketry, the enemy finally gave way, retreating in good order. This skirmishing lasted all day through a heavy rain, the seamen and marines behaving like veteran soldiers in an experience entirely new to the greater portion of their number. The object of the expedition was effected in spite of all opposition, and on the 12th of December Rear-Admiral Dahlgren opened communication with General Sherman, who was then near Savannah. The news of Sherman's arrival in the vicinity of Savannah gave great satisfaction to the people of the North, who had begun to feel uneasy in regard to him, owing to the exaggerated reports from Confederate sources. Prompt steps were taken to place vessels-of-war at every point on the coast where the General was likely to appear, and on the 18th of December Sherman in person presented himsel