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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
arched from Camp Chase to Columbus, where we took the cars. This march was brutally conducted. Several of our number were sick, and yet the whole party was made to double quick nearly the whole distance--five miles. The excuse was, that otherwise we would be too late for the train. But why not have made an earlier start? or why not have waited for the next train? We traveled all day, reached Johnson's Island in the night, worn out and hungry. I stayed at Johnson's Island from about November 20th to April 26th. During this time, in common with many others, I suffered a good deal. Prisoners who were supplied by friends in the North got along very well, but those altogether dependent upon the tender mercies of the Government were poorly off indeed. I was among the latter for sometime — not having been able to communicate with my friends until the middle of December. But the New Year brought me supplies and letters more precious than bank notes, even to a half starved, shivering
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 17: preparations about Fredericksburg. (search)
succeeded in the command by Burnside. Longstreet had previously taken position at or near Culpeper Court-House. About the 15th of November Burnside began the movement of his army towards the lower Rappahannock opposite Fredericksburg. When this movement was discovered Longstreet's corps was moved towards Fredericksburg to dispute the enemy's crossing, and orders were sent to General Jackson to move his corps across the Blue Ridge. This movement of the latter corps began about the 20th of November, and we moved up the valley to New Market and then across Massanutten Mountain, the Shenandoah and the Blue Ridge to the vicinity of Madison Court-House. The weather had now become quite cool, and our daily marches were long and rapid, and very trying to the men. On this march I saw a number of our men without shoes, and with bleeding feet wrapped with rags. We remained in the vicinity of Madison Court-House for two or three days, and it was here that General Jackson wore, for the fir
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
festival the following letter to Mrs. Lee, giving in graphic words his views on slavery, a sly slap at the Pilgrim Fathers, and his personal Christmas doings, was written: Fort Brown, Texas, December 27, 1856. The steamer has arrived from New Orleans, bringing full files of papers and general intelligence from the States. I have enjoyed the former very much, and, in the absence of particular intelligence, have perused with much interest the series of the Alexandria Gazette from the 20th of November to the 8th of December inclusive. Besides the usual good reading matter, I was interested in the relation of local affairs, and inferred, from the quiet and ordinary course of events, that all in the neighborhood was going on well. I trust it may be so, and that you and particularly all at Arlington and our friends elsewhere are well. The steamer brought the President's message to Congress, and the reports of the various heads of the departments, so that we are now assured that the G
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Condition of the Army-rebuilding the Railroad- General Burnside's situation-orders for battle-plans for the attack-hooker's position- Sherman's movements (search)
at date. But the elements were against us. It rained all the 20th and 21st. The river rose so rapidly that it was difficult to keep the pontoons in place. General Orlando B. Willcox, a division commander under Burnside, was at this time occupying a position farther up the valley than Knoxville — about Maynardville-and was still in telegraphic communication with the North. A dispatch was received from him saying that he was threatened from the east. The following was sent in reply [November 20]: If you can communicate with General Burnside, say to him that our attack on Bragg will commence in the morning. If successful, such a move will be made as I think will relieve East Tennessee, if he can hold out. Longstreet passing through our lines to Kentucky need not cause alarm. He would find the country so bare that he would lose his transportation and artillery before reaching Kentucky, and would meet such a force before he got through, that he could not return. Meantime, She
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
bjects being favored over French subjects. I sent a note concerning our interview to the Secretary; and while Monsieur Paul still sat in the office, the following reply came in from the Secretary: All you need do is to say to the French Consul, when he calls, that you obey your instructions, and have no authority to discuss with him the rights of French subjects. J. P. B. Monsieur Paul departed with a flea in his ear. But he received an invitation to dine with the Secretary to-day. November 20 I had a protracted and interesting interview to-day with a gaudily dressed and rather diminutive lieutenant, who applied for a passport to the Mississippi River, via Chattanooga, and insisted upon my giving him transportation also. This demand led to interrogatories, and it appeared that he was not going under special orders of the adjutant-general. It was unusual for officers, on leave, to apply for transportation, and my curiosity was excited. I asked to see his furlough. This wa
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XX. November, 1862 (search)
e are traitors in high places here who encourage the belief in the North and in Europe that we must soon succumb. And some few of our influential great men might be disposed to favor reconstruction of the Union on the basis of the Democratic party which has just carried the elections in the North. Everything depends upon the result of approaching military operations. If the enemy be defeated, and the Democrats of the North should call for a National Convention-but why anticipate? November 20 A letter from Brig. H. Marshall, Abingdon, Ky., in reply to one from the Secretary, says his Kentuckians are not willing to be made Confederate hog-drivers, but they will protect the commissary's men in collecting and removing the hogs. Gen. M. criticises Gen. Bragg's campaign very severely. He says the people of Kentucky looked upon their fleeting presence as a horse-show, or military pageantry, and not as indicating the stern reality of war. Hence they did not rise in arms, and hen
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
and say the city watchmen get $2300. Gens. Banks and Taylor in the West are corresponding and wrangling about the exchange of prisoners — and the cartel is to be abrogated, probably. The Governor of Mississippi (Clark) telegraphs the President that the Legislature (in session) is indignant at the military authorities for impressing slaves. The President telegraphs back that the order was to prevent them falling into the lines of the enemy, and none others were to be disturbed. November 20 We have reports of some successes to-day. Gen. Hampton, it appears, surprised and captured several companies of the enemy's cavalry, a day or two since, near Culpepper Court House. And Gen. Wheeler has captured several hundred of the enemy in East Tennessee, driving the rest into the fortifications of Knoxville. Gen. Longstreet, at last accounts, was near Knoxville with the infantry. We shall not be long kept in suspense --as Longstreet will not delay his action; and Burnside may f
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
should be removed, on enemy's approach, if possible. An officer should be sent to command everything, who knows the views, wishes, and plans of the government. I think so too! The papers think that Grant is about to try again to force his way into Richmond, as soon as the weather will permit. We had a delicious treat of persimmons to-night — a quart bought for a dollar. They were delicious, and we enjoyed them hugely. Also a quart of apples, for which we paid a dollar. Sunday, November 20 Rained all night — raining this morning. A dispatch from Gen. Wheeler, 18th, at Forsyth, Ga., says: The enemy rapidly advancing. It is said Gov. Brown has called out the men en masse. I think Sherman is in danger. Mr. Foote made what is called a compromise speech in Congress yesterday. But although there is vacillation in the government, no compromise measures will be tolerated yet — if ever. Everything still depends upon events in the field. I think the government at Wa<
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 34: Besieging Knoxville. (search)
et deep. From the fort the ground sloped in a heavy grade, from which the trees had been cut and used as abatis, and wire net-work was stretched between the stumps. General Burnside reported,-- Many citizens and persons who had been driven in by the enemy volunteered to work on the trenches and did good service, while those who were not inclined from disloyalty to volunteer were pressed into service. The negroes were particularly efficient in their labors during the siege. On the 20th of November our line was in such condition as to inspire the entire command with confidence. General Poe reported,-- The citizens of the town and all contrabands within reach were pressed into service and relieved the almost exhausted soldiers, who had no rest for more than a hundred hours. Many of the citizens were Confederates and worked with a very poor grace, which blistered hands did not tend to improve. On the 22d, General McLaws thought his advance near enough the works to warrant assa
ee rebel regiments showed themselves, and the expectation was that a general advance was imminent. Great excitement prevailed in Washington, and throughout the Federal lines. The Eighth regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, under the command of Col. Murphy, left Madison for St. Louis, Mo.--N. Y. World, October 14. A skirmish took place between a detachment of the Thirty-ninth Indiana regiment and a squadron of rebel cavalry, at a position near Upton's, fourteen miles below Camp Nevin, Kentucky. The rebels were repulsed with a loss of five killed and three wounded.--(Doc. 81.) Colonel Serrell's regiment of engineers and artisans, New York State Volunteers, otherwise the engineer officers' and soldiers' regiment, took its departure from its camp on Staten Island for Washington. Commodore G. N. Hollins, C. S. N., received from the Department of the Confederate States Navy the appointment of Flag Captain of the New Orleans naval station.--Louisville Journal, November 20.