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James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 7: (search)
ce is unavoidable that the Government deliberately intended to pursue a policy as unfriendly as it could possibly be without passing the technical bounds of a legal neutrality. After cruising as far as the Banks, the Alabama turned her head southward. Her coal was nearly exhausted, and arrangements had been made before starting for receiving a fresh supply, from vessels despatched for the purpose from England, which were to meet her at dates and places agreed upon. Arriving on the 18th of November at Fort de France, in the island of Martinique, Semmes found the Agrippina awaiting him; but he postponed taking in his coal, and as a precaution, sent her to another rendezvous. Already, in October, the San Jacinto, now commanded by Commander Ronckendorff, had been ordered to cruise in the Vest Indies, in search of the Alabama, and the latter had not been at Martinique a day before the sloop came in. She carried one Xi-inch and ten Ix-inch guns; so that in armament the Alabama was n