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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brown, John, 1744- (search)
s rifle with the other, and issued oral commands to his men with all the composure of a general in his marquee, telling them to be firmly and sell their lives as dearly as possible. They held their citadel until Monday evening, when Col. Robert E. Lee arrived with ninety United States marines and two pieces of artillery. The doors of the engine-house were forced open. and Brown and his followers were captured. The bold leader was speedily tried for murder and treason. was found guilty (Oct. 29), and on Dec. 3, 1859, was hanged. Meanwhile the wildest tales of the raid had gone over the land. The governor of Virginia (Henry A. Wise) was almost crazy with excitement, and declared himself ready to make war on all the free-labor States; and he declared. in a letter to the President (Nov. 25), that he had authority for the belief that a conspiracy to rescue Brown existed in Ohio, Pennsylvania. New York, and other States. Attempts were made to implicate leading Republicans in a sch
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Columbus, Christopher 1435-1536 (search)
and, when they saw the sailors get into a boat and row about to find the depth of the river where they could anchor, the canoes fled. The Indians say that in this island there are gold-mines and pearls. and the Admiral saw a likely place for them and mussel-shells, which are signs of them. He understood that large ships of the Gran Can came here, and that from here to the mainland was a voyage of ten days. The Admiral called this river and harbor San Salvador. A Spanish caravel. Monday, Oct. 29. The Admiral weighed anchor from this port and sailed to the westward, to go to the city, where, as it seemed, the Indians said that there was a king. They doubled a point 6 leagues to the northwest, and then another point, then east 10 leagues. After another league he saw a river with no very large entrance, to which he gave the name of Rio de la Luna. He went on until the hour of vespers. He saw another river much larger than the others, as the Indians told him by signs, and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), De long, George Washington, 1844- (search)
g to the debility of the men. The party had separated into three branches, one commanded by De Long, the second by Lieutenant Chipp, and the third by chief engineer George W. Melville (q. v.). All of De Long's party, excepting two, perished; Chipp's boat was lost in a gale, with eight men; but Melville, with nine others, succeeded in reaching a small village on the Lena. The two survivors of the De Long party, who had been sent by that officer in search of relief, met the Melville party on Oct. 29. On hearing their report, Melville with his party started immediately on a search for De Long and his companions, and on March 23, 1882, found their remains, together with the records of the expedition and De Long's diary written up to Oct. 30 previous. The United States government had the remains of De Long and his companions brought home and they were interred with appropriate honors on Feb. 22, 1884. See The voyage of the Jeannette, by Mrs. De Long; and In the Lena Delta, by George W
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), French Creek, action at. (search)
French Creek, action at. The troops collected by Wilkinson on Grenadier Island in 1813 suffered much, for storm after storm swept over Lake Ontario, and snow fell to the depth of 10 inches. A Canadian winter was too near to allow delays on account of the weather, and on Oct. 29 General Brown, with his division, moved forward in boats, in the face of great peril, in a tempest. He landed at French Creek (now Clayton) and took post in a wood. The marine scouts from Kingston discovered Brown on the afternoon of Nov. 1, and two brigs, two schooners, and eight gunboats, filled with infantry, bore down upon him at sunset. Brown had planted a battery of three 18-pounders on a high wooded bluff on the western shore of French Creek, at its mouth, and with it the assailants were driven away. The conflict was resumed at dawn the next morning, with the same result. The British lost many men; the Americans only two killed and four wounded. Meanwhile, troops were coming down the river fro
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), George, Henry 1839- (search)
oman Catholic priest, organized the Antipoverty Society. In the same year he was an unsuccessful candidate for secretary of state. In 1889 he went to England, and in 1890 visited Australia. In the autumn of 1897 he was nominated for mayor of Greater New York, by several organizations. Later these bodies united under the name of the Democracy of Henry George Thomas Jefferson, and Mr. George accepted the nomination. He began the campaign with great energy. On the night before his death he delivered four addresses. He retired about twelve o'clock. was seized with apoplexy, and died before morning, Oct. 29. His son, Henry George, Jr., was placed at the head of the ticket, and continued the canvass. Mr. George's writings include Progress and poverty; The Irish land question; Social problems; Protection or free trade; a number of pamphlets on The condition of labor; An open letter to Pope Leo XIII.; A. Perplexed philosopher; and The Science of political Economy. See single tax.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philip, King (search)
suddenly disappeared (see Goffe, William). Over other settlements the scourge swept mercilessly. Many valiant young men, under Captain Beers, were slain in Northfield (Sept. 23), and others— the flower of Essex —under Captain Lathrop, were butchered by 1,000 Indians near Deerfield. Encouraged by these successes, Philip now determined to attack Hatfield, the chief white settlement above Springfield. The Springfield Indians joined him, and with 1,000 warriors he fell upon the settlement (Oct. 29); but the English being prepared, he was repulsed with great loss. Alarmed, he moved towards Rhode Island, where the Narragansets, in violation of their treaty, received him and joined him on the war-path. Fifteen hundred men from Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecticut marched to chastise Canonchet for his perfidy. They found the treacherous Indians with Philip, 3,000 in number, in a fort within a swamp (South Kingston, R. I.), where their win- Mount hope. ter provisions had been
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Rhode Island, (search)
23,171 inhabitants, had only four representatives. Attempts to obtain reform by the action of the legislature having failed, suffrage associations were formed in various parts of the State late in 1840 and early in 1841. They assembled in mass convention at Providence July 5, 1841, and authorized their State committee to call a convention to prepare a constitution. That convention assembled at Providence Oct. 4, and framed a constitution which was submitted to the people Dec. 27, 28, and 29, when it was claimed that a vote equal to a majority of the adult male citizens of the State was given for its adoption. It was also claimed that a majority of those entitled to vote under the charter had voted in favor of the constitution. Under this constitution State officers were chosen April 18, 1842, with Thomas W. Dorr as governor. The new government attempted to organize at Providence on May 3. They were resisted by what was called the legal State government, chosen under the cha
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steam navigation. (search)
. Route.Steamer.Line.DateD.H.M. Queenstown to New YorkLucaniaCunardOct. 21-26, 18945723 New York to QueenstownLucaniaCunardSept. 8-14, 18945838 Cherbourg to New YorkDeutschlandHamburg-AmericanAug. 26–Sept. 1, 190051229 Southampton to New YorkKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydMarch 30–April 5, 1898520 New York to SouthamptonKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydNov. 23-29, 18975178 Havre to New YorkLa TouraineFrenchJuly 16-23, 189261426 New York to HavreLa TouraineFrenchOct. 29–Nov. 5, 18926206 New York to CherbourgKaiser Wilhelm der GrosseNorth German LloydJan. 4-10, 1900516 New York to Plymouth This is equal to a record of 4 days, 22 hours, and 30 minutes between New York and Queenstown.DeutschlandHamburg-AmericanSept. 5-10, 19005738 Plymouth to New YorkDeutschlandHamburg-AmericanJuly 7-12, 190051546 Best records of other steamships. Route.Steamer.Line.Date.D.H.M. Queenstown to New YorkParisAmericanOct. 14-19, 189251424 Southampton to New YorkSt. Pau<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Trials. (search)
on; tried and hanged by the vigilance committee in San Francisco......May 20, 1856 Dred Scott case (q. v.)......1856 R. J. M. Ward ( the most extraordinary murderer named in the calendar of crime ), Cleveland, O.......1857 Emma A. Cunningham, for the murder of Dr. Burdell, in New York City, Jan. 30, 1856; acquitted......May, 1857 Daniel E. Sickles, for killing Philip Barton Key, Washington, D. C.; acquitted......April 4-26, 1859 John Brown, for insurrection in Virginia; tried Oct. 29, and executed at Charlestown, Va.......Dec. 2, 1859 Albert W. Hicks, pirate; tried at Bedloe's Island, May 18-23; convicted of triple murder on the oyster-sloop Edwin A. Johnson in New York Harbor; hanged......July 13, 1860 Officers and crew of the privateer Sa-vannah, on the charge of piracy; jury disagree......Oct. 23-31, 1861 Nathaniel Gordon, for engaging in the slave-trade, Nov. 6-8, 1861; hanged at New York......Feb. 21, 1862 Fitz-John Porter tried by military court......1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
es in state in the Buffalo city hall on Sept. 15; is taken to Washington, where it lies in state in the rotunda of the Capitol building on Sept. 17; is taken to Canton, O., where the last ceremonies are held......Sept. 19, 1901 In accordance with President Roose velt's proclamation the day is observed as a day of mourning throughout the country......Sept. 19, 1901 Czolgosz placed on trial in Buffalo......Sept. 23, 1901 [He is found guilty Sept. 24th, and is electrocuted at Auburn, Oct. 29th.] The body of President Lincoln is entombed......Sept. 26, 1901 Captain Connell and 45 officers and men massacred by bolomen at Balangiga......Sept. 28, 1901 The Cuban Constitutional Convention dissolved by General Wood......Oct. 3, 1901 Pan-American Congress opened in the City of Mexico......Oct. 22, 1901 Andrew Carnegie gives $10,000,000 to the United States for advanced study and original research......December, 1901 President Roosevelt's first message to Congress.....