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hy returned to duty. Oct. 7. One horse shot, by order of Lieut. Beck C & I 5th U. S. Art'y A. I. Officer—Glanders. Privates Knowland and Quinn sent to brigade hospital. Oct. 8. Twenty (20) horses received from Capt. Fisher. Private B. G. Pedrick returned to duty from general hospital. Oct. 10. One horse received from Capt. Fisher. Private H. N. Bemis sent to brigade hospital and Private Henry Murphy detailed to Provost Marshal, Second Corps. Oct. 11. One horse died—Stoppage. Oct. 12. Four horses turned over to Capt. Strang. Oct. 13. Fourteen (14) recruits received; James Lee, John D. White, Francis Rooney, L. E. Quint, Chas. Conners, J. P. Allen, Patrick Foley, Geo. T. Cranston, Patrick Carr, Jere. O'Connell, A. P. Follett, Michael Birmingham, Michael Farrell, G. W. Blair. Oct. 14. Two recruits received; Peter Terbriggen, Wm. Osborn. Private A. L. Gowell returned to duty from general hospital. Oct. 15. Private H. N. Bemis returned from brigade hospital; Priva
setts Battery was organized under Captain Porter. In this he decided to enlist and was mustered into service Aug. 28, 1861. This battery was largely recruited from the old Boston Light Artillery just back from three months service. All its officers except Lieut. Sleeper and all its non-commissioned officers except Lieut. Green were old members of the Boston Light Artillery. The First went to Washington Oct. 3rd and was soon sent to join Franklin's Division at Fairfax Seminary, Virginia. Oct. 12, Lieut. Green was notified that Gov. Andrew was ready to issue a commission of second lieutenant for him in the First Massachusetts Cavalry and he might be discharged to receive it. But rumors of an advance of the Confederates were rife and the commission was declined, Lieut. Green being unwilling to leave the Battery under those circumstances. He was soon detailed to the Signal Corps, remaining with it till the army went to Yorktown when he was made A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of the artil