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The Daily Dispatch: October 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia.--a Proclamation. (search)
election at any place de the same, any person may vote at any other place votes may be taken. And in the if the election cannot county of the district, any voter vote in any other county of the die may be taken. in which no election can voter of the county or district may in the Commissioners at the Court county or corporation, or to the at which he be opened for authorized to be held for he show that he is Commissioners shall cause his were in his county. is to make returns of at the conclusion of the separate polls to the Secretary . such special polls the same proceeding had, and under the regulations . returning officers may not find for the reasons aforesaid, to meet at by law, they may return the their custody to the Secretary of . under my hand as Governor, and Seal of the Commonwealth, this 11th day of October, A. D. in the eight-sixth year of the Common. John Letcher. By the Governor. Sec'y of the Commonwealth.
thorized to be held for his county, and on such poll , if he show that he is entitled to vote, the Commissioners shall cause his name to be recorded, as if it were in his country. The officers whose duty it is to make returns of elections shall forthwith, at the conclusion of the election, return such separate polls to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. In taking all such special polls the same proceedings shall be had, and under the regulations prescribed in regular elections. In all cases where returning officers may not find it practicable, for the reasons aforesaid, to meet at the places designated by law, they may return the polls taken and in their custody to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 11th day of October, A. D. 1861, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Commonwealth. John Letcher. By the Governor: Geo. W. Munford, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. oc 12--16thN
experienced engineer had charge of the engine.--Garr is better and will recover. Political prisoners. We find the following in the Louisville Journal, of the 18th: The following is a list of the names of persons who have been confined in the prison at the corner of Fifth and Green streets, in this city, for political offences, together with the time of their arrest and the date of the discharge of such as have been releases: names.age.age'd.Disch'd. W. W. Webster23Oct. 11Disch'd. T. A. McElroy25Oct. 17Disch'd. Martin Hawley23.Oct. 17Disch'd D. A. Wolfe23Oct. 26Dec. 13 Mrs. Laura Steele23Oct. 26Nov. 30 Geo. Ives23Nov. 20Nov. 30 M. J. Lewers.23Nov. 20Nov. 30 S. W. Kincheloe23Nov. 4Nov. 30 Chas. Goham23Nov. 712-04">Dec. 4 M. L. Lewis23Nov. 8Dec. 10 C. G. Duncan34Nov. 8Dec. 16 J. F. Duncan34Nov, 8Dec, 16 Jas. Duncan34Nov, 8Dec, 16 B. F. Ducan25Nov, 8Dec, 16 J. F. Jones30Nov. 8Dec, 16 Jas. Wilhite30Nov, 8Dec, 16 Joel Hamilton33Nov, 8Dec, 16 Strot
From Charleston. Charleston, Oct. 10. --The enemy's batteries on Gadberry Hill were shelling Fort Johnson steadily yesterday. --Our batteries were firing at Gregg and Wagner. The enemy has mounted a heavy Parrott gun at Cumming's Point. There was very little firing last night or this morning. Yesterday a grand review of all the infantry and artillery forces on James Island was made by Gen. Ripley. The display was a very fine one. [Second Dispatch.] Charleston, Oct. 10 P. M. --All quiet to-day. [third Dispatch.] Charleston, Oct. 11. --Our usual regular fire against the enemy has been kept up to-day, but the enemy has not replied, but continue working. They have no guns at Cummings's Point except the one mounted on Wednesday.